What else. Build an ice fishing sled.
I had the barrel in the cellar, and all the wood and hardware were just hanging around. The runners are 1 old lawn chair repurposed, and are lighter than conduit, but the sled was able to haul both of my kids in different turns when they got of the bus today. It pulled easily on the snow we had left in the yard, and i can lift it up myself easily. The SLED actually turs into a wind break when turned on end, which was my main goal in the beggining of the project.
So for free I now have a cool ice fishing sled/windbreak I'm still contemplating about adding a flip over cover to be warm with the heater on the colder days, and will definately add some rod holders in the near future. I had to make it even more redneck since I live in Lyntucky with an old power cord as my pull/drag line.(with plug still attached ). I'm sure Ray would be proud.
Hopefully I'll get it out by Sunday. _