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Everything posted by jimski2

  1. http://www.greatlakesscuttlebutt.com/ne ... ors-piers/ Save the home page for a lot of info.
  2. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dl ... 29242/1010
  3. http://www.adn.com/2012/10/27/2673295/e ... ating.html
  4. http://www.adn.com/2012/10/25/2672252/d ... ni_popular#wgt=pop
  5. http://www.adn.com/2012/10/25/2663296/r ... =rcntmulti
  6. If you have the boat numbers and file an information with a DEC Officer, these things will be straightened out qickly.
  7. Due to low flow rates this year, salt water has intruded up the Mississippi River eighty nine miles causing the shut down of Water Treatment plants. They will want to suck up more of our Great Lakes water next.
  8. jimski2

    Walleye story

    Charteuse glow beads work well for me on worm harnesses and charteuse hooks work well on my icefishing tipdowns.
  9. jimski2

    Walleye story

    http://www.boatus.com/trailerclub/magaz ... alleye.asp
  10. Washington will announce how we will deal with the corn crop shortage after election day. The most likely scenario is the price of oil will rise dramatically and we will pay more for our gasoline. Watch th video, http://www.adn.com/2012/10/17/2664461/t ... -over.html
  11. Colorado River water? Las Vegas.
  12. Caledonia is now used to raise two year old bown trout that are stocked statewide and have greatly enhanced the trout stream stocking program with its success.
  13. The average evaporation rate for Lake Erie is 36 inches of water a year. The Detroit River has a greater water flow than the Niagara River. 10% of Lake Erie's water flows down the Welland Canal where it also is used for power generation. Niagara Falls, Ontario is now completing a huge tunnel under the city to use more water for power generation. Waste water and industrial users increase the water temperatures every day that increase the evaporation rates. Stop taking showers and you will have more water for your boat.
  14. The water levels have returned to normal. Several thousand of years ago the ice over your home was two thousand feet thick, before Al Gore's warming up BS, and the Great Lakes emptied in to the Mississsippi. Get used to it, things change. At least we have water, that is the blessing. Now we will have to deal to the Texans and others from out west who will migrrate here.
  15. High SW winds on Lake Erie caused low water in the western end of the lake and the Ferry with thirty three persons on board is waiting for high waters to return. Be aware this could happen to you in shallow harbor areas.
  16. Reportedly our newest aircraft carrier being built will have this propulsion system with electric drives. Russian icebreakers are having these types of systems also. Maybe the outboard engine manufacturers will come up with a system using their engines in a well inside the hull of our boats.
  17. http://www.volvopenta.com/VOLVOPENTA/NA ... a_IPS.aspx
  18. Search out "taylor" canopys for parts.
  19. Ohio was citing hydraulic actuated brakes and wanted electric brakes for boat trailers used by out of staters. I thnk there is a weight limit requiring brakes on trailers.
  20. The herring we used for trolling in Alaskan waters were simply Roe stripped herring that were frozen in meat display plastic trays and plastic wrapped. They use no salt or dyes, just kept frozen and cold till use.
  21. Do gooders getting regulations to stop young fishermen from fishing any where near them. [ Post made via Android ]
  22. "The old men with flyrod" do gooders passed regulations in New York about using bait from trout streams. They did not want kids catching their trout.
  23. My 9.9 Honda Power tilt long shaft four blade prop pushes my 18 foot Crestliner at 7.5 MPH on the GPS. That is good enough for a main engine for me. Idle speed is 1MPH, good for walleyes.
  24. There is a good reason to purchase light weight canvas tops and this is one of them. I have to lower my Bimini top when traveling over 25 MPH after I learned what happens when you trailer the boat at 55 MPH. It is just not waves that cause damage but the wind at highway speeds.
  25. A billion dollar electric barrier and still this happens. http://www.cleveland.com/outdoors/index ... ty_to.html
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