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Silver Fox

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Everything posted by Silver Fox

  1. They told me no problem and why not have them as spares. Silverfoxcharters.net
  2. A pleasure as usual Billy! Silverfoxcharters.net
  3. Soooooooo you think after getting your license their is some kind of Captain group like Alcoholic Anonymous to help you when you need it? You are very out of touch with reality. Sorry. Silverfoxcharters.net
  4. Yeah, I putt out to 25' and start setting lines. In 100' in a jiffy. Silverfoxcharters.net
  5. Thank you, I'll pass it along. Silverfoxcharters.net
  6. What are the measurements? Silverfoxcharters.net
  7. Your having a user error issue. I use 20# on my drivers with no snubber running spoons and with the zero stretch of the wire, I haven't had 1 customer break one off unless it was teeth. About 50% of them bring a fish in on wire correctly too. I know your frustrated, but if your using 20+# and breaking fish off, your in the major minority if that makes any sense...lol I'd gladly show you what I use if that would help. Silverfoxcharters.net
  8. Your all set then! Silverfoxcharters.net
  9. Nothing nothing nothing out produces cut bait. Trust me, my friends will yell you I've tried every type of fake stuff on the market so I don't have to pay for cut bait. In a pinch it will work, but you cannot replace a fresh fillet in the ole head. Silverfoxcharters.net
  10. That's the exact thing I've been seeing all spring also. Silverfoxcharters.net
  11. Put this on the LOU Lake Erie site and find other fishing /boating forums to use in Ohio. Silverfoxcharters.net
  12. I'm sure they didn't want anyone visiting Crosbys, topps or any establishments in town this summer. They must not need the business. Silverfoxcharters.net
  13. Had a bear on trail cam in Wolcott 2 seasons ago. Does that count Bill? Silverfoxcharters.net
  14. I use the same lines also. I'll be darned if I retie every trip though...lol Silverfoxcharters.net
  15. I'll be out at 8am. Late sleepers coming. Lol Silverfoxcharters.net
  16. Foster, if your not picky on the brand I'll show you some good ones that I and others at our marina uses that work well. I order and pick them up for us. Either way... Silverfoxcharters.net
  17. Sounds like fun!!. ....uggg Silverfoxcharters.net
  18. I'd recommend him too. Heard he is super coooooool. Silverfoxcharters.net
  19. If you wanna shorten your learning curve by a TON, get a couple buddies and split a charter. Silverfoxcharters.net
  20. Thank you for answering my question! Silverfoxcharters.net
  21. That's wierd. The sheriff told me the whole state was 1000' . Silverfoxcharters.net
  22. Is the the river around Clayton 5mph only? Silverfoxcharters.net
  23. That's what I use and everyone that fishes with me loves them and they never snap. Have had them for over 30 years still. God I'm getting old Silverfoxcharters.net
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