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Silver Fox

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Everything posted by Silver Fox

  1. We have a 1990 24'ht. It's a heavy boat that does great it rough water. It gets out of the hole good w/ atop end in the low to mid 30's. We usually cruise at about 24-27 area. Youl get 1 hour per gallon trolling and 1-1.5 miles per gallon running. It is deep. Once you get used to rigging you'll be flying around without thinking twice about it. No stringer or gel coat problems yet that I know of. If it has a sink I would yank it and put your cooler in it's place. It will then seat 5 people comforatably. Maybe if Rob (legacy) can chime in on his view of it also. He's fished w/ us a bunch of times. If I remember anything else Ill report back.
  2. Yankee is right. No snubber and as long a lead you can handle. The longer the lead the wider the spinny will turn. Experiment w/ the back holes. When I find a s.d./fly set up that has been hot I will use a marker and write (v.g.) on the spinny meaning "very good" and that set up will NEVER be separated.
  3. Red line doesn't disappear after 15' underwater. It probobly turns black but won't disappear. That's one of the biggest hoax's out there. I won a bulk spool of 14# cajun in the pro-am and used it as cheater line and 4 rigger rods. Didn't have a problem w/ the rigger rods but I had 2 cheaters break. Who knows.
  4. I'll make a couple calls to try to get rid of your riggers.
  5. Try this guy. I've had very good work done by him. He will get very busy shortly. http://www.stevescustomcanvas.com/index.shtml
  6. Maybe the flies weren't darting a lot because the leader length could have been long. I would like to know how long it was? Rob, can you find out for us?
  7. I use a rubberband when connecting the leadcore to the in-line board. Also I've only broke 1 core in 4 years running it at any color off the back of the boat. I'm either lucky or because I don't pinch the core on any release, I have no pre-existing bad spots to wear down.
  8. The next time I set and drift will be setting at the test table and then drifting far away from it!
  9. Shouldn't you be studying?
  10. That's great Joe. Brand freaking new! Them trophy's are sure getting popular. Good luck
  11. c.c., They are talking about the l.o.c. derby.
  12. What kind of boat did you get Joe? You must be a happy camper.
  13. (2) Penn330gti reels fully loaded w/ 10 colors of lead, backing and leader. They are ready to be put on poles and fish. The reels are about 3-4 years old and are $100 a piece brand new. They include a parts list and proof of "new" purchase price. The only reason for getting rid of them is I'm switching to the Diawa57lc. $80.00 each or $150.00 for both.
  14. I think it makes me more NUTS than you cheap.
  15. Or you can buy a spin doctor for every fly. Wind the fly around the spinny and then put them in the spin doctor storage containers. :shock: Does this sound like someone you know Rob?
  16. Hey gator, If you want info on the perch tourny april 12th, pm me. Paul and I donate every year to that. We'll fish 1 or 2 weekends before the tourny also.
  17. thanx seasquirrel. Run the plastics about 1-2" of the mainline. 2 of them. It sounds like I know something but I still stink too much on that lake. I need more time on it.
  18. Legacy was one of the 2 freinds I mentioned. Rob, I was replyony the same time as you. I also see we BOTH are off work today. Was gonna fish tomorrow but have to work now.
  19. On the other end of the spectrum I've heard very good things about f.f. line and I spooled 5 reels up already for the summer. 2 freinds told me that what negative's you heard about the line were not true and they liked it. But then their's billyv's story. I guess I hope I made the right move. I was sick of putting diff. line on come July. I'll still have 6 rods w/ 14# till then. Yankee troller really like his 25# mean green year round and I guess he doesn't have much of a flea problem at all.
  20. Seasquirell, I have a buddy w/ a cottage just north of lodi and watches the guys catch fish there. Where do you put your weight on and how far behind the mainline is your teardrop? Also try dragging 2" plastics above a heavy sinker. I know a couple guys that do well w/ that.
  21. Ditto to what legacy said. I've never had a problem and their's no screwing w/ a rubber band when a fish comes in on the main line. I don't stack alot, but when I do, that's what I use.
  22. Jerry, I think in a few years your daughter will be answering these questions and not you. From what my dad said, she kicked your arse fishing perch a couple of weeks ago!
  23. Blk/slvr evil eye and a fishlander dark purple w/ chart. on 1 outside edge.
  24. Most of the time it's in the middle of my spread.
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