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Silver Fox

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Everything posted by Silver Fox

  1. Good job today Keith. It was awefully tempting to come join you guys in the party but we came out this morning to find a big laker. We were off rosie's when you called. The screen looked real good down east but we stayed w/ the laker thing. :shock:
  2. 30fow from the can to lighthouse. 4 browns, 1 sheephead and a 18" smallmouth. The browns weren't in there like they were sat. morning. Then we went and caught a bunch of lakers in about 95fow and we put a few on the board for the orleans derby. Not sure if any will hang on. Maybe one will. See ya next weekend. Good luck!
  3. Hey guys, 20-35fow- 8 browns 1 king and lost a good king w/chart slammers. 2 browns were about 13# Then we did the laker thing and the biggest was 9.9#. Good luck Sunday.
  4. Awesome fish guys! Our lone fish was 31.5lb's LESS than yours.
  5. It looks like an apex w/ an e-chip on it.
  6. I was able to get my wife to marry me right on Sandy Creek 3 years ago!
  7. We apparently picked the wrong direction sat. morning. We did 2 rainbows at 440'. Pretty much no change in temp and didn't mark a thing until about 420'. After hearing Joe's report I'm kicking my own a@& for not checking out the far inside w/ the water being so cold. Usualy that doesn't happen. See ya folks this weekend! Orleans derby starts Sat. I will check and see if I can have a daily leader board sent to me as in previous years. Give me a shout on the radio and I'll give ya what you need to know. Good luck.
  8. 20# from now till fall.
  9. I am silverfox and robinhood is not the guy I was thinking of. My bad.
  10. 4 Kings and a couple of lakers. 85-120fow. Mag dipseys 160' w/ gr glo sd and gr glo atommik fly. 70' down on the riggers w/ black and wh 28's. A friend of mines 11 yr old kid caught his first king and was pretty darn happy.It seems like about 75% of our kings this year are being taken in 60-67degree water.
  11. Fishinman, I think I know who you talked to and if it was, they were using magnum dipseys. We were also and 160' out was the number.
  12. Same as Gambler, Sandy Creek!
  13. I know what you mean. Computer talk sometimes sounds worse than it is. I'm just busting your chops. A Lot of us guys have been fishing at sandy for well over 20 years. We know each other pretty well. See ya on the lake.
  14. Use 36" on the spoons.
  15. We stunk the lake up that morning while some others were doing well. We had a horrible and humbling morning. See ya guys next weekend. If your smart, you won't get to close to our boat, that black cloud will suck you in also!
  16. Keith, our leads were anywhere from 10-40' back. I should probobly learn to try going longer sometimes. We should of put the dipsy out on the starboard side when trolling east. I'm trying to get out sat. I'm tied up till 6:00pm all week.
  17. Fleas will be worse on braided line. Do 30#. We run 14# all season and when the fleas show up I will blood knot 40# on the end of it and then put about a 12' leader of 20# on the end of the 40#. Last year I started getting some fleas on the 30#, so I switched to the 40#. No more fleas. Overall I think you'll be fine w/ the 30# line.
  18. Took 4 brown a bow and lost a couple others. 80-110fow and about 65-90 down on purple/ silver fishlanders. 4 of the 5 fish hit 65 down. One brown was 12#. We were fishing around the park area. It was a tough day w/ the wind. See ya next weekend.
  19. Great day Keith. We just couldn't get it going. We only used 3 riggers. I thought that keeping it simple on a windy day like Sunday would help us, not hurt us. Apparently it did.
  20. "knot at the water" is the tenth color of lead connected to the mono backing on the reel. All 10 colors are in the water. Which means that depending on your speed the lure is about 40-50' down. Each color let out is approx. 5 more feet of depth. If you don't have a leadcore rod, I highly recommend them. They will increase the # of fish you catch.
  21. Worked between the nose and pump house in 70-100fow. We were 8-13 w/ four kings over 16# (one was 23#), three browns and a rainbow. Riggers at 60-70', leadcore knot at the water and dipseys 140-200 back. Best lures were the frog fishlander on the lead, spinnies@fly on dipseys and copper crippled alwifes on the riggers. The fish seemed to spook out of the rigger spread today. We only had 4 hits on the riggers. We'll be out tomarrow, good luck!
  22. Sorry so late. Fished 630-noon and hooked up about 20 or so fish and only boating about half of them. (rob's disease?) Like rob said, everything was working, riggers 30-60'down,wire dipseys 90-140 out and leadcore 8 colors out. White bellied 28's w/ black backs were the best. All kings past 80' Browns, rainbows and a couple big kings that were within 50' of the net were lost in the 40-60fow range. It's good to see everyone got fish wednesday. See ya out there sat. morning. BTW: Rob, you have three lures on the seat of your boat. Enjoy. Gander had slim pickins of those today.
  23. We'll be there in the a.m. also. Some big fish out there to be had! Good luck ya'll.
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