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Silver Fox

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Everything posted by Silver Fox

  1. Mike, those puppies are on their way to get wet in Quinte huh? Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  2. Wow, awesome! Congratulations! Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  3. Congrats to you both! Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  4. That must have been you that passed me like a blur. LolLake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  5. Only you would come up with this...lolLake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  6. It's a complete joke. As usual in this country, minority rules. Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  7. Lol Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  8. And you win......... NOTHING! Ty for playing Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  9. Oh yeah, the dick governor and his cronies. Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  10. Wow, I had a 10" I was selling here for around $700 and was laughed at! Sold it on eBay for over $800.lol Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  11. I just don't understand how blind the state is. At least from what I hear, Buffalo waterfront is great. "Build it, they will come". Now give me the movie title to that. Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  12. Take a look at Coburg also. That design turned 180° would be perfect for Braddock's. Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  13. That would be too much common sense buddy....Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  14. That's what I was thinking. Maybe they plan on paying for the dredging every year? Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  15. What if both my grandmas are dead? Lol Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  16. Oh yeah buddy! Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  17. Wow, what a f$+_ing joke. All that money and effort. Lol. Stupid state. Talk about ignoring the biggest economic problem in that bay! I'm just speechless now. Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  18. "Fins up, don't snag"! Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  19. Hopefully something like this can be done, but to just ignore it and except that "it is what it is ", is just bs.Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  20. Are they even building a channel? Is it just not done? I'm stunned if this is it! Why would the Danielle family purchase the marina and make a deal with the town of Greece if it's not navigable? Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  21. Will the channel be navigable? If there isn't a plan for a permanent channel then it would be a spit in the face of the boaters. If their is a plan in place with the new owners of the marina and the town, you would think their would be a channel right? Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  22. I'll take that as a compliment sir. Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  23. Lmao! Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  24. Oh I'm sure there "in need" to help there family eat.....lol. Not for nothing, but as they are slinging nests and lead in there, they just might be getting other fish than salmon too. That's ok, let ignore it...... Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
  25. They are making $ off those fish! The ghetto is right above the falls and I don't see them down there ripping away! Holy crap people, the logic that comes out of people's pie holes is amazing..... Lake Ontario salmon fishing charters
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