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Silver Fox

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Everything posted by Silver Fox

  1. I used to due it a bunch and did take fish on it. silverfoxcharters.net
  2. Lot #7 please..... silverfoxcharters.net
  3. The "ole" YECK frog. I'll never get rid of those puppies for the brownies. silverfoxcharters.net
  4. 50# mono is stiff off coarse, but it's not even remotely close to how stiff 50# fluorocarbon is, especially the bloodrun. That's the stiffest flouro I've ever seen. silverfoxcharters.net
  5. I'm here now, I'll check it out! silverfoxcharters.net
  6. Reading it? I got through one sentence, looks down and said, no way!silverfoxcharters.net
  7. :blink::blink::huh::huh: what did you say?????!!!!!! silverfoxcharters.net
  8. Lol. May bad! She's yours then...... silverfoxcharters.net
  9. Yup, I got rid of my leadcore on my 45 and put on 200' bloodrun copper and love it. Been catching more fish on it too. silverfoxcharters.net
  10. A HOT collage girl! silverfoxcharters.net
  11. What the heck happened to you!? I smoked some Lakers and couldn't believe the diff in taste to the salmon. Puke!Finger lakes Lakers are good though. silverfoxcharters.net
  12. Yes Matt, you can put them on the core. Its such a long attachment their is no pinching the core. I'm a dive bomb pro since they came out. Hence, why I don't own a copper over 350. Lolsilverfoxcharters.net
  13. Yes you can put them on the copper. Its not gonna hurt a thing. silverfoxcharters.net
  14. Don't forget how much of a delicacy they are!silverfoxcharters.net
  15. I'm kind of mystified that people actually want to know where they are?!?!?! silverfoxcharters.net
  16. Also before pulling your meat, make sure its been soaking in oil...... silverfoxcharters.net
  17. We are still 7 weeks away. Well have a meeting after the oak Tourny in a couple weeks and get thing ironed out silverfoxcharters.net
  18. That's the prices for this year too.silverfoxcharters.net
  19. SOLD
  20. Perko side lights. Brand new. I bought them on Ebay for $100 and fixed the old ones that are currently on my boat. I can't return them. $60/BO
  21. Lot 1.........$15 lot 2..........$30 SOLD lot 3............$15 lot 4............$25
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