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Everything posted by zipnzim

  1. 1984 18 foot welcraft
  2. I was glad to see that this thread was cleaned up and we are back to giving fishing reports !!!!
  3. Troutgod welcome I fish out of Sodus PT for browns with my 18 foot wellcraft I prefer waves 2foot of less and south winds any questions give me a call when in town
  4. Zdupell 15 to 20 % is with in reason your trip is 5 t0 8 hours and only you and your partners will know how hard the mate works . just think people have no problem tipping a waitress 20%when you are out at a restaurant some places don't even give you an option they add 18% to your bill and the time of a meal runs 1.5 to 2 hours so bottom line if your mate works hard for you let him know.both CAPT and MATE along with you and your GUESTS will look forward to your next trip
  5. Sounds like you are going to have a great summer enjoy !!!!
  6. Cragif here is my wed site zipnzimsportfishing.com scroll down bottom right and click on the noaa weather link will give wave conditions 4 or 5 days in advance
  7. The staff and service is one of best on Lady O THE FUEL DOCK is second to none free pump out with purchase fuel PLEASE DONT FORGET TO tip THE ATTENDENT
  8. Thanks for the report ,hope it stays there and we all have a great season.!!!!
  9. CONGRATS TO THE TWO OF YOU BOB its good to see father and son enjoy the sport and have quality time on LADY O !!!!!!
  10. is boat still for sale ?
  11. Doug good luck with your bigger boat, but I know when you sell the penn yan it will be missed .those 24 /25 footers that can fish rough water also in tight for browns and also trailer for tournaments are the way to go for someone getting started fishing the BIG POND !!!! see u in FAIR HAVEN!!!!
  12. u could pay $10.00 and launch at Sodus Marina just pass the public launch you used last year
  13. leave a lot of 30lb braid on put about 500 feet of 20 lb mono good spoon rods for kings leader down for spring browns
  14. CONGRATS RICK & CREW nice start in 2015 and great report !!!!
  15. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet enjoy !!!! I will look for that SHIP when down there !!!!
  16. try lakeview motel WALLY or CHRIS owners they have everything you are looking for great place phone 716 791 8668 GREAT PLACE
  17. all of the above 1st class captains and sure would have a great day with anyone those charters !!!!
  18. I had good luck with uniden brand but like stated above it is all about antenna go with one like your Shakespeare /GALAXY the better antennas have a BRASS rod down the center not a coax cable I also would go with 8foot ant
  19. Jake Baby u will have good luck with your boat once you put that name on the back, I read to have good luck the name most be seven letters or more and one or more of the letters to be used twice just an old superstition!!!!
  20. x2 on Bay Bridge sportsman shop motels ? you can go to waynecountytourism.com and see all accommodations or call them 800-527-6510 and request a visitors guide to wayne county they will mail it FREE come to SODUS POINT !!!!
  21. I would stay with what you are producing now. I have a set of pan cake swingers now and they set on shelf in shed (STAY WITH A WINNER)
  22. West Marine good price on ADD-A-BATTERY 120A and free shipping
  23. CAPT Werner Stenger thanks JIM and pasted board welcome to the new officers ,I know they will work 100% for FAIR HAVEN FISHING ASSOCIATION
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