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goin deep

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Everything posted by goin deep

  1. One thing I feel is just as important as caliber selection is the quality of your optics. Out of the 2 calibers you mentioned, I would be more inclined to make my decision based upon which gun had the best scope. Brian
  2. I agree w/ Gator. I do a lot of deer hunting (Pa, Iowa, Kansas, Ohio) and in my opinion a carbon suit alone will not help much with scent control. I am a fanatic when it comes to scent control and I personally do not use a carbon suit. I wash ALL of my clothes in unscented laundry detergent including my underware, hat, socks, gloves, backpack etc. I also keep my outer hunting clothes outside or in a scent proof container if they go inside. Knee high rubber boots are a must. Before I take to the field, I take a shower w/ scent free soap followed up with scent free deoderant. I put my outer hunting clothes on when I get to my hunting spot not before. I then spray myself down with a scent killing spray. One very important thing to remember is to play the wind when chosing your hunting spot each time you go hunting. I don't think you can eliminate scent but you can minimize it. Brian
  3. Sorry Frank, sold it.
  4. Yeah, it's the moon. That pic was taken with the same camera that took pic # 2.
  5. Here are some pics of some bucks on one of my hunting properties. No shooters but I still thought they were worth posting. Please don't pay attention to the dates as some of my cameras were not set with the correct date and time. Brian
  6. Nice Frank!
  7. Use ONLY quality Ball bearing swivels!!! Brian
  8. I put a drop of dish soap on the knot before pulling it tight and then wash the soap off when finished. It makes it a lot easier! I also use a fly tying vise to hold the hook. Brian
  9. I run the 15lb A-Tom-Mik torpedos and don't have any problems marking them over 100ft down. What weight torpedos are you running? Brian
  10. Nice report Bill. Let's hope those bugs are gone for next weekend! Brian
  11. Keep in mind when choosing a kicker motor that you will probably want a charging system on it to keep your electronics from killing your battery. Also, the 6HP and smaller is only a single cylinder motor and although I've never used one I would think the 2 cylinder (8HP and up) would run smoother and quieter. Brian
  12. What port?
  13. We caught and released this steelie a few weeks ago. Does anyone have any idea why this fish is deformed? Brian
  14. You wil love the Swarovski scope! They are expensive but when you start using a Swarovski, you will quickly realize they are worth it. When I go out west hunting, almost all the outfitters have Swarovski binoculars and spotting scopes. Brian
  15. Use a small Spro swivel between the copper and the backing and then another between the copper and leader.
  16. I put a 10ft section of mono between the copper and the power pro backing and hook the board onto the mono. The only time my backing goes into the water is when a fish is taking drag. When you first start fishing copper, don't open your bail to let line out. Use your drag to put the copper out until you get the "feel" for letting it out. Freespooling copper WILL make a big mess. Trust me on that one! Brian
  17. Yep, not a problem.
  18. Here's the Warrior Lure Miami Dolphin. http://warriorlures.com/FishingSpoons.aspx?t=1&PG=3#
  19. Hey Tag, I live in SE PA also and I have Verizon FIOS as my provider and get the Sportsmans Channel. Brian
  20. Happy B-day Frank!!! Brian
  21. Tim, I have the same FF and have the same problem. The shallower I had a riggers the more it would happen. I would adjust the sensitivity and turn it off and on to get it to reset itself but even that didn't always work. Very frustrating to say the least! Brian
  22. Nice yote. Wack a few dozen more!!! Brian
  23. I was told that a buck that doesn't shed it's velvet could be the result of him damaging his reproductive organs. Brian
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