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Everything posted by A-TOM-MIK

  1. Great topic !! I've been attempting to occupy the little minds since in the womb if you can believe that, had the ex wife out while 9 months pregnant and its been a worth while chore and very rewarding ever since A few things to keep in mind and also just to accept the fact that trolling isn't for all, heck after all even adults can love it or hate it One thing I have learned the hard way is not to burn them out too early, make sure the first trips only last a few hours if that Also be sure to opt the right times, high sun mid day when its "nice" isnt always the best time, pick times when their biting or like mentioned targeting species that increase the odds of hook-ups For my son we can kill ours from day break to sunset while chasing perch, but even when the Kings are biting after he has landed a few he is ready to go (now age 13), for my daughter its a different story, she has just ridden along during a few tournaments for 8 hours in very rough seas and loves it ! Funny thing is and most would not believe it but she was the one in the womb on dozens of trips (now age 15). Letting them drive, help with setting lines, making decisions, taking pictures and videos, letting fish go (for my son) or keeping them (for my daugher) will all help. I've even offered them a dollar for each rod that goes off just to peak interest. But still for my son its a couple hours or he does not want to go next time. Do not burn them out or you will ruin it before it can become enjoyable. For some of my relatives children its just a matter of giving it no more than a couple hours Best of luck, you can make some enjoyable times, but it may take some patience Tom
  2. Andy, Let me explain further, very good question about inclement weather The tournament’s intent is to fish one day. Hours of competition will be 5:00 A.M. to 1 P.M. on Saturday June 25th, unless altered by the tournament committee for inclement weather. What we mean by "altered" is if it's looking like it could possibly be bad we may delay the start time It is crucially important to have a team representative at the captains meeting, if there is any chance at all of possible bad weather we will make an announcement there with instructions. The dinner will be served at 4:00P.M. on the same day, with an awards ceremony to follow. In the event of inclement weather and a cancel, a raffle will be held with the same prizes and placements structure discussed at the meeting. For example: Dependant upon number of entries dictates numbers of placements paid. Say we're paying down 10, we will put all entries into a hat and pick out 10 names, first name picked will take 10th place, next name 9th etc. Same to be done with those team names entered for the big fish. For my A-TOM-MIK Triple Crown no points will be collected for placements won from drawing, only the additional 10 points for entry into The A-TOM-MIK Challenge will be awarded Let me get back to you on the deadline issue. Tom
  3. I feel I have come to realize there is more to the No Communication/Open Communication story than meets the eye, as with all events across the lake its the head honchos running each that make up the rules from input and ultimately call the shots or in the Pro/Am's case dictate the rules, I disagree however that it's the County's decision concerning their particular "choice of which rules" cannot be enforced within any degree of reliability as you claim. I believe it to be "accepted" by the County, but rather due to "input", after all why is it no cull when that is not an "enforceable rule" ........... Out of all the events across the lake there have never been concerns from the particular County about any rule structure that I have ever heard of ? Or back when I started the "said Campaign" and before, I sure never recall it being an issue with the county then? LMAO I've also come to realize a key statement from Andy, the fact that the Pro/Am's are simply a different format, obviously we will never satisfy all, I think over time I have heard every current rule in the book in question, I just happen to agree with the majority so I easily hopped on the communication band wagon. It's sad however that beating the same old horse gets nowhere when talking an overwhelming majority of those who make up the game. Even including practically if not all of past committee members, most of which have stepped away due to the feeling of their opinion meaning nothing. I will admit all of what you have said to be true Paul, and agree for the most part with you, except I feel we are on a different page with the actual/real reason why the Pro/Am's are now Open Communication. There are many ways to outline negative scenarios as you have done and actions by the Michigan boys have proved yet another way to cheat. It just so happens the head honcho of the Pro/Am's wants communication lines open, pretty simple, so be it. As far as the Gents agreement I did make a few calls last time we spoke on this issue and after the first 3 Captains I spoke with said the same thing I halted my attempts at that. They all wanted it a rule from the Pro/Am written in stone so that all had no choice to "opt in" or "opt out", there were no questions or worries about anyone I contacted having issues with others following the "set in stone" rules, as we all know we would, as the many past events and even the first 2 this year have proven yet again. I think I'm about done even worrying about it as I love No Communication as a win means much more and leaves our friends out of the viciousness of the games played within. I guess if the head honcho has no worries about how "people feel about his event" than why should I anymore? Tom
  4. With the typical "glass half empty" attitude you can walk around your entire life wondering if you have been treated fairly in anything you do. After the mess the Michigan tourney boys got themselves into with "observes on board" could leave for much thought on any of the possible "shady dealings" within any rule structure. I am not so sure why there is ALWAYS so much question out there concerning No Communication, I love how during the Tightline's Shootout (a 60 boat sell-out field) when the rules are read about it being a No Communication event it is openly accepted and never questioned !!! It runs flawlessly year after year, no questions, no implications, no what if's, ITS ACCEPTED and each team trusts that your competitor teams will abide by the rules. Just like most all major fishing events outside Ontario and just like the Oswego Pro/Am for 10 years The various ruling structures are pretty easy to accept once the general pessimism is lost Tom
  5. or sign up in person at Fat Nancy's in Oswego in the days ahead Tom
  6. Now live registration http://www.atommikchallenge.com Please be sure to print off your receipt when using your credit card or Pay Pal for your meal tickets and proof of registration, I will keep a book as well but would still like everyone to print off their receipt Tom
  7. You won't see me there !! As far as teams representing A-TOM-MIK, if it was up to the Pro/Am I do belive it would be that way, as that was the way it sure seemed before my sponsorship and involvement departure. I had to read between the lines after repeated lame excuses from the main mule himself and also from yes-man #2 in Oswego, about how teams can no longer use sponsor names in coordination and in conjunction to team names, it was refered to me that the A-TOM-MIK name had become too intimidating and may possibly been warding off future potential sponsorship interest. Sort of in comparison to one of the many lame excuse that were originally used for the reasons not allowing closed communication, they (ccordination) claimed how can we hope for a future communications sponsor if we can not communicate, well we been communicating for years and I never saw them sponsorship companies? did any of you? I am sure you will see my business promoted in situations where coordination can not stop it, but if you look on the cover of the 2011 Pro/Am magazine you will see Thrillseeker Vince and his lovely bride wearing A-TOM-MIK visors with my name taken off by the Pro/Am!!! I am sure there are excuses to follow as to why this took place, but one year I spent quite a few bucks outfitting as many as 7 teams who wore my colors with sublimated shirts, spent boo-coo bucks that only made these events look better. Again no nod given in return, and this was after I heard a remark of a winning Pro/Am team wearing non matching apparel up on stage. Absolutely no credit given to me as I shelled out hard earned coin to counter that statement. Funny how "those" who are willing to let you "help them grow" will not do the same when the shoe is on the other foot. It will all circulate around, watch and see, there are already numerous events that have been -spawned- from "axes that needed grinding" to the Pro/Am's. I even hear it often from names that once were within involvement of coordination. Tom
  8. Great job done by John and crew, it was a very trying day with dense fog, as good as the BT fishing has been the conditions made for a fun event to get your 6 tournament size legal keepers. Many very good BT guys could not get their legal fish due to conditions and boat traffic 45 Teams entered Top 5 1st On The Lam 107.10 2nd Team Snagger 102.35 3rd Team Sea Devil 95.80 4th Team A-TOM-MIK 95.65 5th Thinking Big 94.90 Calcutta Big Fish 1st On The Lam 12.20 2nd 5 More Minutes 10.66 3rd Team Sea Devil 10.66 Youth 1st Horsin' Around 10.34 2nd Trout One 9.24 3rd Thinking Big 7.36 I would also like to thank John for taking time and consideration for the Oswego Net Pen project donation of $220, that will go a long way next time we need something as we always do. The cash will be stored in the ELOSTA Net Pen account Once again great job John for a well run event, we all look forward to next years Brown Trout competition, I wish there were more of these events: Congrats too all teams, I think I got them all 6) Trout One 93.21 7) Team Turtle 88.60 8.) Good Times/Big Weenie 88.28 9) Reel Silver 88.24 10) Blue Eyed Lady 87.38 11) Praying Mantis 86.80 12) 5 More Minutes 79.08 13) Eddies Adventures 77.16 14) Fish Magnet 73.42 15) Fin-Addict 65.34 16) Almost Heaven 63.74 17) In The Box 60.56 18) Empty Hook 59.46 19) Amateur Hour 58.32 20) Ontario Fishermen 52.30 21) Puttz 46.46 22) Dapper Dan 46.08 23) Fish Tank 43.72 24) Small Craft Warning 34.02 25) Horsin' Around 20.34 26) - 45) in no certain order Liquid Plumber Gottum Ant Time Mixed Nuts CHE Fish-On Full House D/C Salmon Tracker Bandit ColdSteel Hole In One Wrenchman Miss Conduct Hammers Down All Out D/A Yukon Rip & Strip Great job all !!!! Tom
  9. It doesnt really matter the original intention of pretty much any post.... When years of experience are on the line and passion draws response, the many truths that are agreed upon will always find themselves the center of attention I would have to dis-agree with one coment, maybe some choose not to watch as closely as I have and just maybe some do not have the amount of input that I receive on a daily basis over the course of a season, but when you watch a certain event (The Oswego Pro/Am for example) increase in participation for 10 solid years and yes through diverse times, problematic fisheries and certain rule implemantations) and then watch them decrease in interest for another 5 straight years. That would pretty much sum up the non-likelyhood of future team counts "willing to play under that current coordination" and would pretty much opt out that theory. As fas as the usual Pro/Am coordinations' poor economic impact excuses, what do they have to say about the WHI 70+ teams? in its first season no less....... or the "Tightliner" event that gets its expected amount of teams "year after year" The comment I was refering to: The WHI proved that theory/opinion wrong 10 times over............ A few simple rule changes and giving the feeling to the players that "their opinion matters", will over-ride economics and gas prices and create an enthusiasm like a Pro/Am hasnt had in many years. I may agree its too late for a Pro/Am to create that depth of interest as the "many" teams that have left or have lost interest would probaby rather find something new and invest a new interest into an event that they know thier decision and or preference actually matters. As far as just wanting to see the enthusiasm return I honestly feel a change of current coordination would have to happen to re-gain that trust once again. As far as those teams who are willing to "play a part anyway" and keep competing they are pretty much willing to accept anything dished out to them. Tom
  10. Matt, it was great competing against you, Rod and Team Oh Baby !!! Job well done my friend I first observed for the Pro/Am's out of Oswego in the later 90's, the Pro/Ams were a rush for me, I learned to respect teams like "Bandito", "The Bad Guys", "Primetime" and my hero Team "Thrillseeker". It baffled me how these teams were so consistent. I was first asked to play a role as "Team member" in 2001 when Tom Burke and Andy Bliss needed a 4th man for Team Cold Steel. I was consumed, hook line and sinker !!! My blood would boil just thinking about it and I would puke on game day each am, could not control my emotions, even shed a tear on many occasion while on stage, whether finishing 1st or 10th. A now very good friend of mine Mike Lis handed me his 3rd place trophy in July 2005 out of Oswego he said, "Here Tom, you deserve this". It took me a while to understand why he did it, he enjoyed my devotion. When the Pro/Am's opened up communication it never hit me right away, but after a season or two it started to sink in how something was much different than in the past. I kept it inside as I felt it was only me that felt that way, but upon conversing with fellow fishermen in my line of a great lakes business, I came to know many would feel the same way. I sort of took it upon myself to start a poll once I gained confidence in the fact I was sitting within a majority. The results were staggering, 90+ % against open communication. The nay-sayers I like to call yes-men have enlightened every "excuse in the book" as to why it "wouldn't work", or "how it can't". Excuses never meant a tiny iota to me, I knew what the competitors wanted, as I felt their passion first hand as one team here and there, then another, and yet another would simply and quietly walk away from the tourney scene. The tourney scene that they not only cherished, but one that many actually "ruled". When I say ruled I mean teams that were top 5, top 3 and event winners in some cases repeatedly. I could rant forever, but I would agree with a majority, a win means more doing it yourself, than it could ever mean with the heavy net-working skills that many have learned to use. To each is own some will say, and if the brilliant net-workers who have mastered that art wish to trade what most of us feel in a win then who are we (except for a majority) to say otherwise. To me it is watching a minion hone the stone vs. honing it myself. A win "within the rules" is still a win and will always achieve a certain amount of respect, but I am not sure who would actually admit there is no difference. Our Oswego Pro/Am has taken the most crucial punch in my eyes from unified rules, I watched my hero's walk away quietly while I sat on the bench, wishing it could go back to the way it was, so that someday I could rate my teams skills against those who peaked my interest and created my draw back in the beginning. As our Team VQ competed in the 2011 Dalhousie KOTL and we watched Yvan's 36 Tiara pick and run from one end of the world to what seemed like the other, it sure did feel good knowing he wasn't being called in on some active Kings from his buddies. I'll always preach NO COMMUNICATION when talking high dollar events where blood is on the line, and from an avid angler who lives the game and has been fortunate enough to play a part on a winning team from both angles, I can sincerely say it feels differently. NO COMMUNICATION !!!!! The Pro/Am's may have to hit rock bottom before they fess up and give something back to those teams who make it a Pro/Am in the first place. If not sooner or later it will only be those teams left who, "Want to fish closed communication, but will fish it anyway" or those teams who are willing to "do what it takes to win within the rules" and master their net-working skills instead of mastering the right choices it takes to win a highly prestigious event or lastly those 1 or 2 or possibly 3 total teams that actually prefer open communication. Prolly what that would resort to would be a couple dozen teams fighting it out dockside, on the water, on the phones or in their text wars with everyone playing each other, lying to their friends, betraying long time partners, steering each other in circles to aid themselves in placements, all while not even needing to attend weigh-ins cause everyone already knows what everyone has.... Sounds fun huh !!! Pretty much a viscous cycle of wrath... LMAO NOT !! After 2 events that ran pretty darn smooth under "No Communication" so far in 2011, rest assured the same nay-sayers will search out a rebuttal. "PROOF IN THE PUDDING" WILL HURT THOSE WHO WISH TO MAKE A FEDERAL CASE OUT OF NON-JUSTIFIED PROPHYLACTIC LIABILITIES Wonder how long the big-man can hold out ??? Is it too late even, was the wait too long ??? Are there new directions on the horizon ??? Tom
  11. Nope Tommy is headed for more Walleye and Perch fishing and is ready to let his love of many years on the big pond be carried out by all his friends Tom
  12. With No Communication at the Helm there are no limits to the boundaries of a prestigious event, just as ALL No Communication events in the past, they only grown with interest, it's what we want, to play a fair game on a fair field !!! You da man Kev-0 !!, you believed in it and it paid you off in return with much respect !! Congrats Tom
  13. Can be anybodys game Rod, we know that all too well dont we Tom
  14. Did these on my phone from forum threads on my way home from Wilson This is super non-official, if any corrections are known of drop me a pm After 2 events 1st) 397.60 Royal Flush 2nd) 353.82 Lord Of the Kings 3rd) 293.38 Silver Junkies 4th) 280.58 Vision Quest 5th) 253.09 We Pound Em 6th) 251.45 Get It Wet 7th) 249.38 Oh Baby 8th) 233.33 Striker 9th) 218.09 Last Minute 10th) 217.07 Net Profit 11th) 172.69 Pandemonium 12th) 165.95 Rockets 13th) 152.68 Fastlane Fishing 14th) 151.83 Thrillseeker ? Rock n Troll ? Split Decision ? Pacific Time ? Wavetamer ? Team Twofish ? Madriver Marina ? Fishdance
  15. Last I heard Rod it was still 22 Here are the non-official standings I pulled off another site, the spring Dalhousie points may not matter but these are still the standings, and last year they played (: 1st) 267.74 Royal Flush 2nd) 243.09 We Pound Em 3rd) 234.34 Lord Of the Kings 4th) 223.33 Striker 5th) 241.45 Get It Wet 6th) 207.07 Net Profit 7th) 184.23 Vision Quest 8th) Last Minute 9th) Pandemonium 10th) Rockets
  16. OUCH Is all I have to say for Oswego river flow.... 25,000+ cfs for ever it seems, close to busting records it has to be Chocolate milk and lots of it presently Tom
  17. Hey Mike, boat is looking great, I drive by it every day !!! As for the Walleye guy comment ??? Shallow water, deep divers, hmmmm might be something there ya might think ehy? Tom
  18. A-TOM-MIK Challenge Rules Meeting: There will be a rules review meeting held Friday June 24th at 6:00 P.M.. A team representative should be present. The tournament’s intent is to fish one day. Hours of competition will be 5:00 A.M. to 1 P.M. on Saturday June 25th, unless altered by the tournament committee for inclement weather. The dinner will be served at 4:00P.M., with an awards ceremony to follow. In the event of inclement weather, a raffle will be held with the same prizes and placements structure discussed at the meeting. The raffle will take place at the dinner party. The teams need not be present to win the raffle. -Teams may enter and exit from any port in Oswego or Cayuga County. -Team Structure: Teams are not limited to a maximum number of anglers. Allowable max number of rods will be based on 4 anglers (8 rods). If you fish fewer than four anglers you may only run the number of rods allowed by law (2 per angler). - Tournament fishing is limited to US waters. -Fishing in tributaries is prohibited. For the purpose of the tournament all harbors and rivers will be considered tributaries. -Radio Use: All participating boats must be equipped with an operational VHF radio. -Open communication will be in effect throughout the tournament. - Start and End Times: Teams will be allowed to leave their ports at 5:00 A.M. and may start fishing immediately. End time is 1:00 P.M. All fish entered at weigh-in must be landed before 1:00 pm. -Weigh-in: -Upon returning to port the cooler containing the day’s catch must be immediately transported to the weigh-in site, Oswego Marina. Weigh-in starts at 12:00 P.M.. A team representative must be in line for weigh-in no later than 3:00 P.M. with catch. - At least one team member must remain with the days catch until surrendered to the Weigh-in committee. - All coolers must be marked with the team name. - All coolers will be considered sealed at the end of the day’s fishing and handling of fish by anyone other than a tournament official is prohibited. - Coolers must arrive at the Pre-Check Station free of loose ice or water. Ice in cooler has to be bagged. The tournament committee strongly suggests opening the drain plug on the cooler prior to pre-check. - Weighed in fish will be identified by hole punch in tail, after weight has been recorded. -Scoring: (based on a 2 person limit) -Tournament limit shall be 6 fish, no Lake trout or Atlantic salmon allowed. -Minimum size for trout and salmon is 18 inches, except steelhead is 21 1/2. Certified measuring boards will be used at the weigh in site. Each fish will score 10 points. One point will be scored per pound of fish weighed. -If any fish submitted for weigh-in is found to be smaller than the minimum size established by the tournament, the undersized fish will be disallowed. In addition, 10 points plus 1 point per pound of the undersized fish will be deducted from the team’s score. -Liability: Every reasonable precaution will be taken by the Tournament Committee to protect persons and property during the contest. However, the Committee, its judges, sponsors, officers, directors or employees of the same will not be held responsible for the safety of persons or property participating in the tournament. All participants further understand and agree to hold harmless members of the aforementioned groups from any liability or claim of damages. -All tournament boats should carry liability insurance. -Each boat owner or a representative will be required to sign a liability disclaimer at review meeting.
  19. Yes Ray Up to the 1st 100 boats only (per event) & A maximum amount of 100 gallons per day Sorry about the stipulations my friend Tom
  20. In Sampo brand: 80# to 90# for divers and attractor/flies we use X4A 40# to 50# for spoons, 28 size (or standard) & magnum X3A 20# to 30# very light applications (under 10# test) X2A I like a round bend cross-lock for the connection in a stainless, like a Sampo or Rosco Tom
  21. Shoot, Sorry bud !! June 25, 2011 A-TOM-MIK Challenge July 23, 2011 Little Salmon River Challenge August 27, 2011 Fair Haven Challenge Tom
  22. Never thought about it Dave I would of mentioned it when you were over. I actually do not think Gene/Brian and crew even know After last season I received some input on possible entree fees and also on a new format For those who chimed in and also sent E Mails I took the majority vote In 2009 we had just 5 teams fish all 3 2010 we had 6 teams plus one that broke down ( he he he) For 3 events that range in team numbers from 60 to over 100 teams (per event) to only have 5 fish them all makes it tough to get entrants into the A-TOM-MIK Triple Crown So lets see what happens this year, I am hoping for quite a few Tom
  23. Sharing useless info LMAO, almost fell out of my chair LOVE IT and so true, talking to Vince through the years does in fact shed very little light usually Pete on the other hand gives up that sh*t eating grin as he looks into the sky for a quick answer lol Can't wait Tom
  24. Our series of 3 Challenges in Oswego County allow you to use any name your desire Would love to have you (: Tom
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