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Everything posted by A-TOM-MIK

  1. Blood vs. water type deal? Leave it to me tryin' otherwise, fighting another losing battle....... Ok the Oak it is !!!! The Oak is great, lets all go to the Oak Been hucklebucked before, whats once more.... Tom
  2. Here we go again I had to look up Homer Goober and now STUGOTS............
  3. Maybe coordination could open all "inland waters" jason for the Orleans Pro/Am ????? So I could help my team take a few fish while visiting the Oak !!! Tom
  4. Yes Sir Mr. B One self proclaimed, all for 1, Spot Burning redneck from OZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!! But at least I like you though Tim, use to like Paulie too ................ but ahh geesh.. not so much anymore !! Tom
  5. True Paul and I would agree with you (maybe the 1st) I do rally here and I am sure the City and County will appreciate it !!!! Too bad I get a kick in my pearly whites for my efforts Tom
  6. Just wanted to say great Idea Mike, great thought, whatever port takes er down will get my final vote: I sort of have to play caution here as I have freinds who would kill me for spilling the beans on some of the fishery that is available here !! The amount of Steelhead and Walleye here would rattle the calmest sole, I got one buddy who catchs and releases Walleye from the opener til about the 3rd week in June, many pushing that 11 to 13# mark and for 1 guy literal hundreds a season. Our winter steelhed fishery since the pens gets silly "at times" some clientele have quit drift boast trips early as they had enough once into the 30's and 40's fought. Quality as well !!!! It can really be a "Trophy of a lifetime" type place, I've had about 10 fish put on the wall through the years including Palamino Steelhead, Huge eye's, Gargantua BT, big ole Bow's and Skamania. The list goes on..... 12" Yellow Perch and Callies to 16", not a fan of Hijackers Smallies but during a walleye derby once we took smallies from 15 to 20" so frequently they were a pain in the azz..... (: Tom
  7. I agree Tim, just the way I started my responses for Oswego, will live and die here, and hope for the best here !!! Tom
  8. I'm not a partier and only follow suit to watch the good times, so its about fishing to me !! For sheer numbers and variety of fish (over a given time frame) it is definately Oswego !!! I recall about 10 solid years of approx. 100 to 200 trips/years by every captain in Oswego taking 25 lakers/day for months on end, with a new LT program in place its possibly on its way back The numbers of BT's is non-measurable and simply unreal until you have experienced it, still to date the captains who run trips for clientele wanting to box out, at times are back to the dock before 9 am with 5 limits/boat The Kings like I mentioned were best ever for us from 2003 to 2007 for numbers concerning Oswego, and fish spread throughout the entire season, but we have always had banner fall runs of Kings, even topping the LOC board from the past some years with 17 out of the top 20 all coming from Fair Haven and to east of Oswego, all in all for quality if you were to tally all LOC numbers from al years I think you would find the eastern basin leading the ranks with Oswego the Nucleous Maybe Oswego is taking a back seat as of the last few years to the Oak, but who knows what 2011 will bring, like I said our potential IMO is the best, we have seen it all, had it all and are rip roaring ready for another season Tom
  9. Did a quick google search on "Homer", thought I might have been out of the loop? Results: Homer embodies several American working class stereotypes: Crude, overweight, incompetent, clumsy, lazy and ignorant ?????
  10. We'll have them odd years here, but BT's have won many a tournament, and will again !!! BT fishing is pretty much a given for those who are out on a regular basis, just about year round 2003 to 2007 we had ample King fishing from the get right straight through with only a few blunders of weather, this following our first mature run of penned fish in 03 The last 3 years have been super tough right into Sept. here, weather probably the biggest culprit But the Oak (from what little I know and from what little I have fished it) has nothing on Oswego during that time frame namely, or quite frankly at all IMO I even referenced that Oswego has potential ~~ huge potential, most know what we have here, and on a year round basis, almost always someting to fish for, will always be a few who can't take it here due to weather or our tough fishing, somewhat d/t the return for the fall run and fish are a bit tougher to catch as they have circled the lake !! (:~~ Oswego is only running a tad behind in votes currently and I haven't even rallied the troops.... (: Tom
  11. Looking forward to it, Nothing like Dalhousie Kings !!! See everyone there I been praying all winter for a better year of weather, last year only got to fish 5 of 10 KOTL days This year lets shoot for them all !! Tom
  12. Its' all good Dave, you guys could pull a box of 25# Kings from Huron I bet Lets see what happens around mid June at a certain time this year down at the Oak? Some may just not want to burn a grand in fuel each day to "find em" Tom
  13. I voted Oswego cause I love it here and I am happy getting out on the water whenever I can in my own home town, would always want to frequent the home waters first during any chance to compete for anything!!! But I like many ports as they can all have their time !!!! In the last few years I have visited and fished over 10 ports on both shores What little I know about the Oak is the night life at the Black North !!! The Orleans County Pro/Am from my experience has the toughest fishing, or at least in the past few years, a few years back we had like 10 bites over 2 days and that was good for 10th place.... OUCH So maybe you guys like the Oak for different times of the year but it would be the first Pro/Am venue I would be happy to miss (: after the poor fishing during that time frame Oswego had the A-TOM-MIK Challenge grow to 71 teams last year and that means potential but outside of that the tourney scene here has sucked and has gone downhill year after year so Oswego may not be the best choice unless there was adequate promotion of some sort. I think our potential is huge under a different agenda. Great thought Mike !!! Tom
  14. Sorry to all who have contacted us looking for new goodies, it's been a very busy/productive winter. Just swamped and running around with my tail between my legs trying to keep up !!! Our new DW spinnies will be on my site anyday As for our new series of flies, I will try to get to it as soon as possible Mention this thread and I will throw in a "New for 2011" free tourney rigged fly of my choice, as I have a few I do belive will be winners (: New 2011 long sleeve T's will be on site any day as well Thank you for the mention Tom
  15. I watched an experienced pro who has won multiple events, and major ones also, sign up to observe a few years back at an event, I thought for a moment... hmmmm, is this odd? But, NOPE not at all, his Team name is Sandman and Pat is one very smart sole who knows what it takes to beat other top dogs. I have watched him do it time and time again !!! Too many "up and coming" anglers, experienced and not, do not take advantage of observing. Woe on them as it is a daunting learning curve !! Smart move..... Tom
  16. Eric if you do not get hooked up let me know and I will get you Kevins number if someone does not contact you, your services will be much appreciated and your experiences will be great ones !!! Tom
  17. Getting them in Oswego too right now as we speak (or type)
  18. Shade: The experience is truly worth every single dollar, its a huge part of the reason many of us continue to be involved !! Here is a reminder for you, I am sure you are well aware, but this can and will be anybody's game, from this type level format !!! Team Crazy B*tch fought hard at O-Town last year in the Oswego Scotty, girls who chose to lay it on the line and give it their all !!!!!!!! Girls who took what they were doing seriously, girls who lived it with the men, who pre-fished, put in the hours, talked the talk and fought their way to the top. Some of the roughest conditions the Eastern Basin can haunt us with is what they endured !!! It was not pretty on any of us, many men were puking and a few teams packed it in early. Now that's an accomplishment some teams have never been able to do !!! Yes they were led by an experienced Captain in Werner Stenger but trust me when I say these girls fought every fish and handled every rod !!! There will always be a Team Thrillseeker that naturally adds to the intimidation factor, or a Team Screamer to be a high hopeful, in this case some Canadian players who have already won it all abroad like the Pressman and TwoFish boys. But never count yourself out, and enjoy the ride while you play !!! In memory of what it can be like when you give it all you got............ Part 1 Part 2 There weren't only Lady's shedding tears either Would also like to add something that means a lot to me and to the sport we choose to love, as I watched these videos once again I noticed something. It was Vince right there ready anxiously to shake a few hands. Back in the summer of 2001 and again in 2004 during some of our first ever Team Cold Steel wins at Oswego Pro/Am's (under No Communication) who would you bet was the first to meet us as we stepped off the stage, if you guessed Vince you would be correct. Maybe that's why I look up to this man more than anyone in the sport, whoever takes the WHI win I would also rest assured Vince and team will be right there ready to send a congratulations, if it happens to be him it would be nice if each and every team was there to return the same. Just a note I find worthy of the sport and just so happens to find itself a bit more prevalent when fishing evenly amongst competition. (: Tom
  19. Oh Dear D, your barking right up the Screamer Tree with that phrase don't forget the likes of the once pronouonced "King Hucklebucker" to ever float on Lady O will be in the house !!!!!!!!!!!! and to think poor GOOD MAN Steve hasn't got a clue as to what your setting him up for come time to duo with the Screamers of the pack. LMAO !!! (:These boys don't mind to send you pack'n after treadin space with some slippery Americans, you boy's have much proven worth no doubt, but when you hear the name Screamer best bet is to STAY AWAY !!! or better yet RUNNNNNN He He He Tom
  20. Jarrett, Nothing beats the simplicity of a line winder on a level-wind However I know of a few anglers who do use the non-line winder type level-winds One friend of mine has this special bobbin type rubber thingy he puts on his thumb, he has mastered the art and does quite well I know of two other incidents which were brought up to me through the years where anglers lost fish - One customer of ours said he used this type reel and had good luck for an entire season until one day when he had the fish close to the boat (during the heat of the battle) and forgot to continue the process of using his thumb and the leader dug down into the copper (something I rarely hear of with line winder models), the line bound up and the fish took one last run and away it went as the leader snapped - Another incident was during a LOC event when again in the heat of the moment the angler wasn't evenly spooling the copper and the reel loaded up on one side and jammed at the swivel to the leader, thus resulting in a possible lost placing LOC fish as he claimed the fish was large (typical, but hey you never know) So, chances are you could be fine, but with the limited time many anglers get to spend on the big water and also the slender chances of taking that fish of a life-time (what copper will yield from time to time) why take the chance? If you have many days to put in and don't mind the added burden then you'll be fine, to each is own HIH Tom
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