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Everything posted by A-TOM-MIK

  1. A little over 7oz. off (: I should be a bookie Oh I am, lol Laws of average is all, they prevailed but with no kicker like many expected Maybe next year ????? As far as 40's I predicted we would in fact see one on Lady O and we did, also heard of a few more, just a single 1 for sure however I'll let you know when a few of the drift boat guides are done in May and we see just how many mature Kings are still rejuvenating to fight another day Also we have a proven percentage of 2 year olds in that 16 to 22-24 lbs already swimmin' the depths and pounding down bait, who knows just how many, out of my 60+ days on the water so far this year I would say I have noticed a fair percentage of prospects that could as Vince says become a "Freak Show" for us all to enjoy in 2011 !!!! Tom
  2. He He He Billy Funny thing is I have to get on my buddies to do them up for me each time I go fishing
  3. It's looking like the Oswego area has no ground on the Wilson and Port ItDalhousie weather gods after the 2010 season. All in all 10 Tourney KOTL Scotty days and we got only 5 in, 2 of which consisted of Oswego days Team Vision Quest took second largest King for Dreamweaver Big Fish Friday at 33.29 lbs. 1st place was 33.88 Eddie Squaretail 3rd place was 33.25 Team Free Spirit We also took 2nd Place over-all KOTL Champions Congrats to Karl and team, they were the team to chase as the season wound down. Nice finish Top 3 money spots 1) Two Fish 723.36 2) Vision Quest 653.06 3) Get It Wet 638.27 Saddest part of the whole trip was this On our way home as weather batted last There were a few "special" moments that were firsts for our team, getting caught in some extreme conditions and having the most kings on at once Our program consisted of staying out of the ice with our rigs and staying on the fish. The border area was smokin' inside 150 fow. 175 wire divers were as hot as they could possibly get. 100% Attractor flies did the damage Pre-fish/Big fish friday, one great day Tom
  4. Ray you reminded me of one, hunters use to shoot clay pigeons down behind the house One occasion we went down like we always would to collect the empty shells One day we found one that wasn't empty About 50 times my buddy and I took turns throwing it at point blank range as hard as we could at a big rock, trying to get it to go off (Thank god it didn't) So after repeated failed attempts I loaded up my favorite 22 ca. pellet gun, set it between 2 rocks (I guess we weren't too afraid of a ricochet) my buddy and I anxiously anticipated a big blast, we even put one of my moms favorite 1/2 gal glass canning jars about 24 inches in front of where we thought it was going off. After about 2 or 3 misses we got it right................SUCCESS !!! EXPLOSION !!!! We were picking little pieces of lead out of our arms, and face for the rest of the day, we didn't share that story with too many. Sure am glad my mom talked to the good Lord daily back then. Tom
  5. Agree Agree Agree Dieselhp Had me shaking my head in an affirmative action about 10 times. I recall shooting a window out of a moving vehicle with my pellet-gun, I was about 12, the driver stopped, got out, grabbed me by my shirt-cuff and said, "Boy, your going to pay for that window !!!" My parents were notified and I had to split chunks of Piss-Elm by hand with a sledge and a mall, all summer long at .10 a log. Until I made the $50 it cost to pay for the window. (Later in life my mom said some insurance policy actually covered the cost of the window) but lesson learned, I never did it again. Was throwing rocks over a cliff one day, my buddy was in front of me, he stood up and took one in the head, blood splattered all over the place. After leaving the hospital that night I asked if we could keep it a secret from "Jerry's" mom. Instead I had to apologize to his mom and back to splitting Piss-Elm logs. Never did that again either. Worked on the muck for below minimum wage, 60+ hours a week, brought home about $140/week Never failed a grade from Elementary through High School A new 10/22 at 16 Got my dads 1978 Chevy Scottsdale at age of 17 (I was on top of the earth) Had Curfew's Getting spanked sucked Always remember the stories of how my dad had to get his own switch and had .05 candy bars Fished a lot Camped a lot Cut down our own Christmas Trees and dragged em home behind the snowmobile Feared the law Did not swear in the house, drugs were bad, ALWAYS picked up after myself and most of all always loved my parents even till this day and had all the respect in the world and wanted to grow up just like them !!! My kids now days even though we love them to death, give us a cross look if we ask them to pick up their empty glass, but we still cut down our own Christmas Tree every year !!!! (: lol, life Tom
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjqlUHm17qM
  7. Just wanted to extend a Thank You to a respectable angler from Mass. who received his order twice. It was a sizable order and was returned to me with a note. Very nice gesture to say the least, with all the stolen goods we hear of it is nice to know there are still honest people around. The gentleman did not want his name recognized and did not want a small care package as a thank you, only his shipping fee refunded. I hope there are a few anglers on here from Mass. who read this, as this angler gives his home state a great name !!!!! Thank You again !!! Tom
  8. Only way to find out is to cut it open and count the Pelora Seka (?) He He He One of few claimed Coho's over 30 lbs. (that looked extremely like this fish pictured) that was offered to Dan Bishop for study of a potential Coho record (mix King/Coho) had the inners tested and the Pelora Seka (I forget the correct spelling) counted for one of the only ways to differentiate. A true Coho has like 70 to 95 (?) and a "full blooded Chinook" has like 95 to 130, so if the counts were in that 90 to 100 mark it was a hybrid Redline Charters had one a few seasons back that weighed 34 lbs and was a potential record, but the count was in that "inbetween" area. Back around the year 2000 Fran Verdoliva and Dan Bishop conducted a study to have a better idea of the differences. The current world record taken by a local to Oswego Charter Captain Mike Stilin did not have this verification, again that fish was spotted like this fish and also had very few spots on the tail. Tom
  9. I'm getting closer 39.999 LBS http://www.loc.org/derby/leaderboard/currentadult.asp (: Tom
  10. 1) Land Shark..........................192.65 6 2) Sea Devil/Big Fin..................191.05 6 3) Team A-TOM-MIK.................166.30 6 4) Hot wires.............................131.35 4 5) Popeye...............................107.00 5 6) Beginners Luck/Big Weenie..104.30 4 7) Seaducktion........................103.15 4 8 ) 5 More Minutes/Sunchaser...95.85 4 9) Liquid Plumber.....................93.75 4 10) Finders Keepers.................88.60 3 11) Trouble Shooter.................77.50 3 12) Chasin Tail........................67.60 3 13) Screamer/A-TOM-MK..........66.05 2 14) Flash Five..........................62.15 2 15) Buexpress.........................50.65 2 16) Coyotee............................49.65 3 17) Doolin Fish.........................48.50 3 18) Trophy Nuts.......................43.05 3 19) Cruz Con-Troll...................39.90 2 20) Black Cloud.......................35.65 2 21) Goin Deep IV.....................19.20 1 22) Fish Hawk..........................17.90 1 65 Teams in total
  11. A few images for you Complete standings coming as soon as I get them in: Great Event !!!! Well ran !!! Great job by Werner, Screwy Louie's and and crew !!!! Winners: 1st Place Team Land Shark (6 fish box/limit) 2nd Place Team Big Fin Sea Devil (6 fish box/limit) (No Image) 3rd Place Team A-TOM-MIK (6 fish box/limit) Shane Zimmerman Big Fish Award, just over 30 lbs. Team Trouble Shooters Team Fish Hawk w/a Big Brown This little girls smile say's it all, she could not wait to hold up her trophy of the day !!! Money Shot Top 3 Teams Fair Haven Challenge 2010 Over-all Champs A-TOM-MK Triple Crown Team Screamer/A-TOM-MIK Was a tough day !!! Many teams with only several fish, I think it is just great for the teams that fought hard all day to take only a few then go through the motions to come to weigh-in. These events are held to weigh in fish, we all can't win, thanks to all who showed.......... 3 teams with a box, all boxes came from east of Oswego. Great job to the Screamer guys for pulling off the over-all and up-setting Team Sea Devil/Big Fin. Gene did not go out without a fight. They even made up their own shirts as a reminder to not show up at weigh-in with extra fish in your cooler !!!! More results later, great job to the top 10, and to the rest that weighed some fish Tom
  12. 1) Screamer/A-TOM-MIK.............355.35 (3 Events) 2) Sea Devil/Big Fin....................303.85 (3 Events) 3) Hot Wires.............................. 299.00 (3 Events) 4) Seaducktion............................291.70 (3 Events) 5) Flash Five................................272.05 (3 Events) 6) Hat Trick.................................246.65 (2 Events) 7) Team A-TOM-MIK....................237.60 (2 Events) 8 ) Lucky Enuff/Big Weenie...........231.30 (2 Events) 9) Spankmayer...........................227.20 (2 Events) 10) Good Times Sportfishing .......220.20 (2 Events) 11) Tall Tails................................207.30 (2 Events) 12) Dixie Dandy..........................206.65 (2 Events) 2011 We are pretty sure will have an entry fee for fishing all 3, please stay tuned Great job by all teams it was a fun season !!! Tom
  13. I know that place well, lol I never saw that fish, wow, I bet David Chilson would know Hey Dave ????? Impressive if the case Tom
  14. I just confirmed the Ontario, Canada record so it must be true: There are several varieties in Lake Ontario when you are out for a day of Toronto salmon fishing. When you take a Toronto Salmon Fishing Charter in the fall, you are likely to catch Chinook salmon. You won’t want to miss Toronto salmon fishing when the amazing fall salmon spawning runs at the Credit River in Port Credit, Mississauga. If you’re lucky enough to hook into a trophy size Chinook while Toronto salmon fishing, hang on tight because you’re in for a great fight. The Toronto salmon fishing Lake Ontario record is 46.38 lbs. They are 24 - 44" long, have spots on both the upper & lower portions of the caudal fin (tail) & a totally black mouth.
  15. About 5 years ago Roy Aldous from Rac Spoons in Ontario, Canada sent me a newspaper article with a picture claiming to be a 46 lb. King Salmon taken on a black/purple Rac spoon off Lake Ontario. Not sure if true or not but I think the weight was 46 lbs. and an Ontario record. In 1999 a 42.11 lb. King was taken out of Oswego, NY by a 17 year old student that won the LOC that year and I believe to be the largest King ever weighed in the LOC Derby. All I know Tom
  16. Get em in anglers The end is approaching http://www.atommiktrollingflies.com/photo_contest.htm Tom
  17. http://www.atommiktrollingflies.com/photo_contest.htm Winners have been chosen, sorry for the delay After pinning my daughter down and making her sit for 10 minutes she came to her conclusion Ironically enough my son chose the exact same photo.......... I could not believe it !!! May I never catch another King in my life if this is not the absolute truth !!! They each chose several photo's, each of their choices after 1st were placed with a toss of a coin, 2nd and 3rd place were each of their second choices. I am choosing to add a new rule/prize as an after-thought....... There will be no losers !!!!! If you are a 6th place finisher you will be awarded a $25 Shopping Spree and I will pay to ship Just think to place at least 6th out of 21st is not that bad, I would settle with that in most tourneys I fish !!!! We reserve the right to decide on shipping charges and (sales tax is a must for NY shipments) for placements 1st - 5th, dependant upon each prize paid out 1st) Team Reel Trouble..... $500 Shopping Spree 2nd) Evelyn Trumble..... $200 Shopping Spree 3rd) Gray Reid Jr. ..... $100 Shopping Spree 4th) Tim Bromund..... $75 Shopping Spree 5th) Tracy F..... $50 Shopping Spree 6th) Chris Vanrooy..... $25 Shopping Spree 6th) Larry Mordue..... $25 Shopping Spree 6th) Matt Doherty..... $25 Shopping Spree 6th) Steve Knights..... $25 Shopping Spree 6th) Brian Gambell..... $25 Shopping Spree 6th) Mark Prior..... $25 Shopping Spree 6th) Ted Lingle..... $25 Shopping Spree 6th) Jeremy Botting..... $25 Shopping Spree 6th) Shawn Burr..... $25 Shopping Spree 6th) Big D..... $25 Shopping Spree 6th) Team Live Wire..... $25 Shopping Spree As far as a prize we noted would go to the 1000th shirt sold, we had an entity order 72 shirts for their retail sale, it just so happened to come within the 1000th shirt........ Sooooo...we escaped that prize. In the last few weeks we have had a few requests to keep our contest going, for anyone who may have a photo out there that fits our criteria listed please send it in, we will choose a winner within them photos...... Also please be patient for shipment of prizes, we are extremely swamped at present building our goods for the river fisheries. There is no deadline for opting your prize, however we reserve the right as to price changes for out of stock items that ship after the new pricing year. A special thanks to all who took the time to snap a photo and send it in, also Thank You Very Much for all who sported our colors and tried to get an image to us Note: Additional prizes added for 6th place were chosen only for those within the rules On the water shots only eliminated some photos as we had quite a few who E mailed us and noted they were not sending photos in d/t not understanding this rule until it was too late, we are very sorry to those anglers ): Please look for our 2011 Photo contest A-TOM-MIK LOVES their followers................ Tom
  18. Yes so true, and has been the case for the 20+ years I've been in the business, the girls have been doing quite well ever since I remember !!!! As far as tying on a good fly......... Through the years with help from a great team of Pro Staffers we are blessed with some very popular patterns that just keep producing. Ok, I have held off long enough, He He He In 2011 we will introduce a new fly and of course a few close patterns that Captain Werner requested to be tied prior to the Oswego event, as with the TG Fly (Tommy Germain), Hammer Fly, Big Fin (B) Fly, Pro/Am Fly, Sweet Pea Fly, Crazy B*tch Fly, Songin's 42nd Fly and the Screamer Fly along with many others. 2011 will bring out the fly that aided in the Team Crazy B*tch/Popeye 2010 Oswego Scotty win. Be sure to look that one up next year as there were many Oswego Kings that did not fall for much in Oswego this past weekend, but the girls and crew made it happen with their choices !!! Oh man this can be a fun little business and these special times will be remembered forever......... The fly that helped the girls make history I tinted the colors a bit as to conceal the exact pattern and this is the color water it works in Tom
  19. Just for the record..... For all of those who have commented, mostly personally to us men about Steph and the girls "beating us up over all of this" (kiddingly of course) All the girls including Steph have been great, they love the attention (as us men do) and have accepted well and have been very gracious, honestly they have accepted better than any team I ever remember in such an era, Werner as well, a class act !!! Even to the point of Steph continually saying' "I don't believe this, we don't deserve it" You girls definitely deserve this, you played our game and beat us within the rules, is all it's about !!!!!! One thing I will never forget as the text's were going beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep all day long..... Steph say's "We got one, we got one" !!!!, "We got another" and another..... Then I find out the girls were hanging thongs off the rocket launchers each time they caught a fish So the text's continued, 4, now 5, 6, upgrade, upgrade !!!!! Then the realization sank in upon the final and last text (more than an hour before the whistle on day one) ............. beep........."Tom, we are out of thongs" .................. it was like a double take as I was reading the text, I am like Dam, I am sitting here in strokeville and the women are crushing them lol Good stuff !!!!! Tom
  20. Very sorry to have lost several images off my camera, if anyone has one of Team Fish Hawk please send it to my E Mail and I will be sure to post it [email protected] Just an FYI, I also lost an image of a team that just purchased a half dozen new A-TOM-MIK Team jackets and is a pro A-TOM-MIK team, and also happened to be wearing them: Team WhiteCap Charters, again if there is an image floating around please send it to me as I lost several that did not load Creating a new account just to be critical............. LMAO Very sorry you are perfect "Jack" Tom
  21. non-official 1) Two Fish 713.36 YYYY 2) Vision Quest 643.06 YYYY 3) Get It Wet 628.27 YYYY 4) Striker 608.64.64 YYYY 5) Pandemonium 575.01 YYYY 6) Pacific Time 542.78 YYYY 7) Royal Flush 536.39 YYYY 8 ) Thrillseeker 530.07 YYYY 9) North Shore Sportfishing 457.68 YYYY 10) Rockets 443.71 YYYY 11) Hot Rod 440.62 YNYN 12) Mid River 352.45 YYYN 13) Screamer/A-TOM-MIK 327.50 YYNY 14) Wave Tamer 316.62 YYYN 15) Team Last Minute 312.35 16) Big Water Challenge 275.78 YYYY 17) Fastlane Fishing 244.32 YYYN 18) Reel Hooked Up 72.96 YYYN Teams who fish 4 or 5 events are still allowed to drop lower showings, thus only using their best 3 placements Hypothetically the over-all winner will come from top placements from teams that fished Whitby, Oswego and Dalhousie, if weather does not become a factor that is: That match up looks like this: All these teams have fished all 4 events so far in 2010, and are allotted 10 additional bonus points: again please note non -official 1) Two Fish 639.21 2) Get it Wet 577.06 3) Vision Quest 535.19 4) Thrillseeker 530.07 5) Pandemonium 527.38 6) Striker 517.11 7) Pacific Time 508.10 8 ) Royal Flush 488.92 9) North Shore Sport Fishing 440.78 Good luck to all Tom
  22. http://palltimes.com/articles/2010/08/2 ... 997363.txt Team Crazy B*tch 1st Place Money Shot (Look at these Kings anglers, it's all about the women) 2nd Place (Image) Team FishHawk 3rd Place Liquid Plumber 4th Place Trouble Shooter 5th Place Team Two Fish 6th Place Finsanity 7th Place Hideout 8th Place Sea Devil-Big Fin 9th Place Team Praying Mantis (Image) 10th Place Team Screamer-A-TOM-MIK Big Fish Fiday 1st Place Team Two Fish 35.7 2nd Place Whitecap Charters 3rd Place Team Vision Quest Team Crazy **** Day 1 (9th place) How about that anglers ? ? ? A group of ladies who are all fishermen's better-halves put it together to kick-ass and beat up on some of the highest ranked Pro's Lake Ontario has to offer !!! That's right 1st Place !!!! These women had a great time, took it seriously and braved Oswego's hardest conditions. Big Fish Friday brought Lake Ontario Swells pushing the 4' to 6' mark, a few near weather buoys had waves at 4.5 ft. Rough conditions throughout the 2010 Oswego KOTL (go figure Oswego ehy?) and 1" of rain to boot on Sunday with nasty "breezy" conditions........... 3 to 4 hours of sleep per night and some of the girls driving near an hour each way for 3 days straight. Oh, forgot about prefish as well, thats right, they fit the entire regime into the week and weekend. Talk about being able to relate to what some of us do quite often. No gimmes either, every fish was handled by the girls, fighting Kings on wire divers that got hung into their coppers, and missed fish by net jobs, typical of everyday angling, the whole 9 yards !!! Stories were flying, and gears were turning, full tournament mode was the agenda for the 2010 Oswego Scotty. Hair spray, nail jobs, and a "woman's way" was forced down the throats of the Almighty Lake Ontario Chinook !!! 35 Teams with one intention, to take the rest of the field "out" Only 12 teams would see a full box on day one, and only 2 final teams after 2 days would see their limit, Team Crazy B*tch and Team Trouble Shooter. Vince is a great angler with as much experience as any, he has beat everyone at one time or another. Team Striker for twin years KOTL over-all Champion with Kevin D on board, Sea Devil Brian and Screamer Dave, Duo years as South Shore Lake Champions Team Cold Steel even. No team an even match for Team Crazy **** on this weekend !!! Congrat's to Werner Stenger and the Popeye Tiara, Werner has an attitude tough to match, as I walked up to Werner after taking notice of many boxes during final weigh-in I asked him if he felt he had a box that was going to win, at that time I knew he was top 3, his reply was, "Tom, it does not matter" we had a blast, and that's all that matters !!!! Great job Ladies, you have created a place in time on Lake Ontario that no other team can ever repeat. The 1st woman's team that took down a prestigious win in one of the most prestigious events on the lake, the Scotty's. Other notable mentions: Liquid Plumber, a team that has ranked on top for a number of years but has been snake bitten in 2010, they recovered back to where we are normally use to seeing them. Team Trouble Shooter, most of you have seen Greg on the tourney trail for many years, he deserved to do well, he puts in his time, great job Greg. Team Two Fish I guess we expect to do well but to pull a 35 lber out of his cap is impressive, the 2 young guys are exactly no push-overs as well, they are very serious and when they talk you can tell they will be our future's of the sport. Great event, O-Town is a tough place, it takes a tough breed to hold the attitude "Bring It On", to all who had the _ _ lls to come I say Congrats, Lady O does not discriminate and Oswego will not be easy on you !!!! Enjoy a part of the win as the girls did........ Tom
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