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Everything posted by A-TOM-MIK

  1. 1) Team Rockets 5 174.30 2) Sea Devil/Big Fin 5 171.77 3) Cannonball Runner 5 153.40 4) Team A-TOM-MIK 5 149.53 5) Praying Mantis 5 148.13 6) Oh-Baby 5 147.50 7) Sun Chaser 5 144.49 8 ) Hideout 5 137.57 9) Team Crazy B*tch 5 137.17 10) FishHawk 4 131.44 Team Two Fish Biggest King 35.7 Team Crazy B*tch Great job by some of the Canadians and some of the Oswego boys, also all the rest of the top 10 teams, and a great job by the girls aboard the Popeye!!!!! Tom
  2. All shops up here carry them all, some are out of lots though, will need to shop around Try Fat Nancy' or Screwy Louie's or The Salmon Shop in Oswego first, closest or call ahead and have them saved Oswego #'s http://www.atommiktrollingflies.com/dealers.htm
  3. For any team that registered through me or did not receive this info: Here ya go: ****Check in is between 4:30pm and 6:00pm. (as soon as we get set up after weigh in. This will take place at Steamers in the Econo Lodge) ****Captain's meeting is at 6:00pm (this is also at Steamers in the Econo Lodge) Attendance will be taken, Captains only and must attend! If you fail to make the check in time or if the captain is not at the captains meeting you will be assessed a penalty. The penalty will be the following morning you will not receive your puck to allow to weigh in for one hour after the initial shot gun start. Again, we thank you and look forward to seeing you at the marina. Sincerely, Robyn Charrois Administrator
  4. Why of course the "L.O.C. Fly" Greg The stock #41 Green Glow and the original hammers #102 or #119 will due there damage as always !~! You have a PM Tom
  5. Through the years I've taken my share of yellow perch with the same "inside of mouth" and "throughout the gill" coloration I've chased perch on dozens of inland lakes and various lake oriented inlets and the only area I ever took these blueish fish were in Henderson Harbor where I was told fish remains were dumped from lake fish (Salmonoids) Just a thought maybe this fish was eating fish remains, if in fact it is true, that is why the perch I use to catch were colored up Tom
  6. Best of luck to you Greg !!! See you there !! Tom
  7. Were there last year too, I saw them being tended to one day in October last year also. Tom
  8. Another very smart angler, a friend of mine, and a guy I look up to and respect very much is Pat Comerford, when I saw him at a seminar a while back then observing for our big boys event, I had even more respect. I been out every day off Oswego for almost a week, Steph say's you got a few days to catch up and your tournament isn't till next weekend, why are you fishing every day? I said, "To learn" .............. Vince I could not agree more with your quote When you stop learning in this business, you're all done Not perpetuating at all !!! If untrue Vince here is my cell 315-402-9055, please call me around 11 am on the 21st so we can chat about what's going on in The Legend's mind !!!! or better yet let Nick or Dex open their minds to me around the same time He He He (: Tom
  9. I actually caught just one thing from a camera guy from last season, and this season I do not believe he allowed camera guys on his vessel lol
  10. Awesome opportunity especially since you will be placed on the elite boats of the field on day 2 Great way to watch "up close and personal" guys like Kevin Davis, Tom Burke and Cold Steel and of course the man THRILLSEEKER Vince, hell if I knew I could be placed on the THRILLSEEKER boat I'd forfeit my seat in the tourney !!!! These are the top 10 teams in the running for the Over-all championship title of KING OF THE LAKE 1) Striker 476.62 YYY 2) Vision Quest 452.01 YYY 3) Rockets 443.71 YYY 4) Hot Rod 440.62 YNY 5) Two Fish 439 YYY 6) Pandemonium 411.22 YYY 7) Get It Wet 410.17 YYY 8 ) Royal Flush 388.35 YYY 9) North Shore Sportfishing 383.42 YYY 10) Thrillseeker 383.41 YYY I believe at least 8 of these top 10 teams will be in Oswego Think about it anglers, to be afforded an edge on the learning curve of taking Salmon only on Lady O, can be one of the stickiest traits there is to learn !!! These guys know their stuff !! Tom
  11. Next year if we get a rouge I feel we would have a better chance at a super hog !!!! But you never know !!! I hope your right motoman !!! Tom
  12. Here are a few more numbers for ya Greg relating to the eastern basin (Oswego to be exact) -Throughout the summer so far: A very limited King take at best, but the same wide year class throughout, skippers, teenagers and adults ranging from 25 to 37, but mostly low to mid 30 lb. fish -Several weeks ago up till before last week, again 34 lb. and 35 lb. Kings taken along with skippers and teenagers, very few but high quality -Starting mid week last week: Several charters taking only a single coincidental per trip, but weighing in at 30 to 36 lbs. -Starting Saturday the 7th, Kings filtering in, in fair numbers for some, still no blood bath but a wide range of year class, skippers, teenagers and heavy adults from 28 to mid 30's. -All in all very limited amounts of fishermen, I went out this past Monday evening out of Oswego, I believe after 3pm I could of been one of maybe 2 total boats out. Fishing was very good, wide range of classes and took 4 adults to 27 lbs. -No doubt numbers of Kings are down, way down, but numbers of fishermen down even more, why? Fishing has sucked here !!! But what happens when the LOC starts and we start seeing an honest amount of anglers around? For the quality of fish that have been taken in comparison to the least amount of pressure I may have ever seen. I predict the bottom of the LOC 20th place to be in the 34 to 36 lb. range !!! and the top???????? 40 should be an easy number, unless one thing happens, and I quote Dan Bishop "Mother Nature bats last" if weather and conditions screw us we may not be able to have at it. It's going to be a good year Greg, get down here and enjoy it with me, and prey for stable conditions. Tom
  13. I don't believe it was a 5 year old fish Greg, there have been way too many mid to upper 30 range fish for them all to be 5 year olds. The perception of many anglers due to the fact the Kings taken already (the few of them) have been so large, is that there are certainly some hogs around I guessed 39.99, but I wouldn't bet a penny against it C'mon Greg don't be so pessimistic, not sure why you are having a hard time believing we truly do have exceptionally large kings all over the place right now, I mean Kings in the 32 to 37 lb range are being taken every day Big Kings this year and a big LOC average is on its way, watch and see, you never thought we would see a 40 again and we did !!!! (:~~~ and that fish was followed up by a 39.9 (: (: Tom
  14. Hey Todd Maybe they are just "tired", you can only catch so many thousand Kings over the course of several years and still expect them to operate flawlessly, heck I'm tired and I'm only in my early 20's (: Tom
  15. Oswego is good right now Kings have been taken for about 4 to 5 days Areas being worked are from the shorter BT waters (90 to 120 fow) (This which started off with incidentals being taken by Tommy Germain and a few others) To areas of 200 to 400 fow Some boats have ran almost as far as Fair Haven to the West of Oswego and as far as off the plant to the East of Oswego Favorable temps. have ranged from 90 to 130 down over the last few days, depending on depth of water targeted Attractor fly presentations have been best, some meat also working, a new meat from Erie Derie available at Fat Nancy's Its time anglers, from Port Bay to off the Salmon River has all had catches of Kings Let's hope they are here to stay Last night Tom
  16. This could possibly be how Oswego is setting up for the 2010 Oswego Scotty Tom
  17. Seems to be quite a bit of interest around for the Scotty this year in Oswego and also more incidental Kings being taken daily by the BT guys, first it was one here, one there, from just a single boat. Now its more than one boat and more than one King, maybe they are finally showing up in parts of the eastern basin. Yesterday heard there was a 36+ and a 29 taken out of O-Town Tom
  18. Oswego based DEC Sergeant (Region 7) was out with a road trap enforcing speeding laws and handing out speeding tickets a few weeks back? My A-TOM-MIK business pays out approx. $25,000 in FET taxes (a fishing manufacturers tax) annually. Monies that go into the system, to maintain fishing access sites, etc (so they say) who knows where else? DEC dealings etc. It wasn't a great feeling knowing the DEC was hitting speeders !!! Tom
  19. (: Andy even has some psychedelic Valium rigs on E chips, if there are any left that is
  20. its listed as captain valium http://www.atommiktrollingflies.com/combos.htm scroll down
  21. Both should be there the 17.99 price is the combo 11.99 for just the spinnie
  22. Were big on dots (: http://www.atommiktrollingflies.com/Cap ... Valium.JPG http://www.atommiktrollingflies.com/combos.htm Tom
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