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Everything posted by A-TOM-MIK

  1. Screamer rises from the depths !!!!!!!!! A new legend in the mix Welcome aboard my friend Tom
  2. Wow Good Stuff "Tom" and "Mik" are each almost 13 and 15, it certainly seems like yesterday I was wondering if naming a business after my kids was a good idea at the ages of 4 and 6, lol man !!! Now the kids think its the best thing on earth to have half the Oswego Middle School wearing A-TOM-MIK T-shirts lol Great shot Brain, thanks for Sharing Tom
  3. http://www.gloutdoors.com/terminaltackle.aspx or http://www.greatlakestackleshop.com/products.php?cat=52 There may possibly be 2 different sizing charts as I first received these swivels a few years back when Shane was first starting to carry them I see a discrepancy in size between these 2 sites I listed My own experience is with the numbers below: Size 3 for spoons Size 4 for divers Size 6 for attractors Note: Size 6 is not heavier than size 4 for reference Tom
  4. http://www.atommiktrollingflies.com/lee.htm 20 lb and 30 lb camo and brite
  5. 6 fish or 9 fish 18" or 23" Lakers or no Lakers 1 Atlantic etc etc Kings or BT's Strategy yes !!!! Do you all recall the 2008 Niagara Pro/Am when most boats were done fishing well short of the allotted time frame with their limit, out of 2 tourney days I recall around 20 pro limits/day in the Pro's alone>? Threads ensued for months after most anglers wanted the size limit increased The following Spring not the case Some boats adapted or learned after the fact, that targeting larger fish was the way to go, this vs. complaining about implementing new rules to suit individual cases The current rules set in place seem to be good ones concerning no cull, time frames to fish in, amount of fish and sizes, we all can dicker all day long about personal wishes and gain no ground at all. One great thing is we have several types of tourney's to fish on LO, if your willing to cross borders you can possibly fish over a dozen tourney's a season, this with as many as a half dozen types of events with different formats. The rules that need "a good hard look" with an open mind are the ones where it seems "almost everyone" wants them. Simple food for thought, if you don't like the rules in one event try another one, as there are actually quite a lot to try Tom
  6. Nick You got me !! Good one, I don't feel I get cornered too often, but your right it is their tournament, and the bad taste I currently hold often seeps through as it did with my comment I've never been one afraid of admitting when I was wrong, but you could be right I guess God I hate that term "At the end of the day" hmm wonder why.......... Tom
  7. Agree Agree Agree Nick, a simple majority vote is certainly not enough, 66% plus or even 75% should suffice !!!!!! (We'll never see it but at least we can agree) As far as all other rules I have zero opinion, other than that of a questionnaire of sort to decide, that if there are enough interested current players worthy of a vote. This would sort out a lot of heated battles and future wasted turmoil, instead of the current "It's my way or the highway" approach !!! At times I honestly feel the commitment to these events from the players is taken so advantage of, that the loss of gratitude for "playing" is all that is left. Tom
  8. Nick, A vote box would be great, it has been mentioned and requested in the past Could work as simple as this: What would your team prefer? -Open Communication -Closed Communication -Does not matter Then if there was any doubt that Closed Communication was not wanted it would certainly shut a guy like me up !!! I would have to personally see the results however to believe them, as I find it hard to believe the past polls and votes to be polluted as claimed by coordination I honestly doubt the deserving participants will ever see a vote box though !!!! Tom
  9. Monday August 9th at noon If you have a problem with pay pal and sending in your entry please drop me an e mail [email protected] or call 315-207-0391 You may need to try several times to get me, e mail is best Tom
  10. Jerry I would guess close to none stuck to it to be honest, I really do not know, Vince obviously comes to mind This particular poll was Oswego based as that was my targeted area of reason at that time, concerning only teams that have fished or still fish Oswego. Then again were back to the, "we will communicate if we can" train of thought I have never shaded the weight of those who would love a Closed Communication event, especially in Oswego. But also these same teams in great numbers still say, "Its what I want but I will fish them anyway" While I took this particular poll I feel a few teams felt threatened as most do not like to openly speak out, so as they gave me their vote it was often followed by, "But hey, were fishing anyway" Tom
  11. If I had to run just one it would be a white 8" spinnie w/double crush glow (or w/green dots) and a #102 Hammer Fly or in sun a Chrome Valium rig with #134 Sweet Pea Tom
  12. You may be surprised what a wire diver off each side of your 14 footer can accomplish, keep an eye on weather. That 70 to 120 fow mark can be very rewarding at times with a few attractor/fly set-ups Check out " Open Seats / Trade-A-Trip " Rod from Lucky Enuff was looking for a part time LOC partner, would also be a great way to jump in on the learning curve associated with Lady O, as he is experienced. Tom
  13. Nick, I have often said if there were more teams that actually spoke out and said "Hey, I happen to like Open Communication" then I would have never dragged my own name through the mud trying to satisfy the majority Your vote certainly does count if you are a team that plays its part and gets involved in these events I have taken several votes and polls through the years and the percentage has always been well over 90% in favor of Closed Communication, this was for all teams in all events. Concerning Oswego I even went as far as only allowing a single vote per a single team and also you could not vote unless you participated in a past Oswego Pro/Am and I had over 30 votes "for" and just 1 against (as always well over 90% talking percentages) However you are correct in your statement concerning this particular thread, for the most part the overwhelming majority is burned out from refusal and sick of stating their cases as they know it falls upon deaf ears I even went as far as leaving the one single vote that wanted "open" as to not center them out. I was always trying to prove the case for the majority as coordination has always shaded the truth Nick, I commend you for voting your choice, it is to be respected !! It just does not favor anything close to a majority vote. The poll taken on United .com was staggering as well a few years back. Half way through my personal poll earlier this year I backed off as I was shut down without even a glance of option from coordination One vote taken earlier this year Pro Side Thrillseeker Shirley B Bandito 3 Team Buffa Vision Quest Team Tall Tails Team Sea Devil Team Hideout East Coast Boys Team TK Salmon Bound Lucky Dutchman High Voltage Team Cannonball Runner The Bad Guys The Eye Guy/Mau Jim Landing Zone Kingfisher Team Proteus Team Lightning Maverick Dixie Dandy Cold Steel Billy V Sportfishing Team Primetime (PLahosky) Top Gun Am Side Liquid Plumber Team Lucky Enuff Fishfull Thinking Hook N Up Still No Sponsor Oh Baby Team Sparks L.O.U.S.E.R.S. Dodger Spoonfed Trouble Shooter
  14. Who knows what's in store for our Eastern Basin, we sure don't, can only hope for the best But there already has been an official 40 lber. and a 39.9 taken, that same class of fish is somewhere in Lady O right now so don't count your mud hens !!! Tom
  15. Nice Job Eddie Prime Time Pete stopped by last night and told me you got a big guy Saweeeet Great work bud Tom
  16. Paul ???? As a spokes personnel to coordination please answer the following question Tom
  17. Great job Al, very impressive work Was great seeing you as always Tom
  18. You guys are making me sick Make it a rule !!!! Closed Communication PERIOD !!!! Maybe many of you never fished the Oswego Pro/Am for the 10 years while it was Closed Communication and worked just fine Maybe most of you stay away from the Canadian Tightlines because it is Closed Communication and you know it works flawlessly Give me a break If its a rule you follow it, if its want a majority wants you endorse it !!! If not: Watch our once-loved Pro/Am's go down the tubes all in time !!!!!!!! Hmmm? Oswego Pro/Am increased in size for 10 str8 years to 78 teams under Closed Communication, ever since for the last 5 years we are losing a few teams each year, every year, EVERY YEAR !!!! There's your rocket science !!! Ha Tom
  19. Jerry, LMAO The 150+ mile ride from Oswego to Olcott to Bluffers was even more special, 9 total hours 2 to 3 footers at least from Oswego to Olcott, stale downpour through a few electric cells crashing down all around us and finished up the trip in the dark. Thanks to Maverick via text messages for the moral support, "You'll be alright" he say's !!!! lol The Screamer boys took over for the 3 hour drive through the dark from Olcott to Bluffers to arrive around 3:30 am All for 3 mature bites and a couple Coho's on game day, and of course the 150 mile trek back to O-town Team Screamer/A-TOM-MIK/Big Fin/Zip n Zim ..... DEDICATION pure DEDICATION Thanks to Tommy TK, Maverick, and Hammer for the added help to make it all happen Wish I was doing it all again this weekend !!! Tom
  20. Thanks Vince, you were on our minds.............. The Screamer and Big Fin boys are fun to watch in action !!!!! I am glad to hear event coordinator Johnny Strumos was listening to you when you had something to say for the ultimate betterment of his praised tourney, it say's something about the quality and future growth of his event !!! 24 teams not weighing in, if only your generated shots did not come un-glued ?????? Was a great time, we're already booked for the 2011 Tightline's event !!! Tom
  21. Congrats to the only 5 teams that took their tourney limit A tourney limit field of 60 boats fishing for King or Coho Salmon only Rank...Team Name...# of fish...Final Score...Big fish weight 1) Lord of the Kings 5 169.56 29.90 2) Salmon Express 6 165.88 X 3) Prankster 6 163.54 26.42 4) Rockets 6 145.00 30.14 5) Reel Wild 6 144.74 29.20 6) Reel Affair 6 140.68 X 7) A-TOM-MIK 5 136.84 X 8.) Jigs n Reels 4 131.50 X 9) Hook n Release 5 130.86 25.24 10) Metro East 4 130.20 X 11) Hurricane 4 129.66 24.82 12) Magna 5 127.72 X 13) Pandemonium 5 127.20 X 14) Orange Peel 4 122.86 27.76 15) Fishing Edge 4 119.56 24.20 16) Sure Thing 4 114.56 32.06 17) Bronte Boys 4 104.22 X 18) Pressman 3 102.60 26.34 19) Team 2 Fish 3 98.98 30.38 20) Al's Adventure 3 96.96 27.64 21) Red Rocket 3 86.78 X 22) A-Team 4 85.18 X 23) C' Lady 4 82.06 X 24) Hot Reels 3 80.82 25.94 25) Head Shaker 3 79.16 X 26) Salmon Tracker 4 78.80 X 27) Happy Juice 3 77.14 X 28) Sandman 3 76.22 X 29) Open Season 2 67.60 X 30) Rock n Troll 3 65.32 22.16 31) Square Tails 2 53.44 X 32) 1 to Fish 2 43.66 X 33) Money Maker 2 42.84 X 34) K-9 1 33.64 23.64 26 teams did not weigh in, very tough fishing for almost all teams Tom
  22. You are required to slip your boat Oswego has several Marina's Wright's Landing (315) 343-8430 West side Oswego International Marina (315) 342-0436 West side Oswego Marina (315) 343-1967 East side All were eligible for the 2009 Oswego Scotty as of last year Tom
  23. Sweet perch http://www.atommiktrollingflies.com/photo_contest.htm get your photos in anglers
  24. 2010 Tightlines Shootout took place yesterday This was a Closed Communication event, with the highest amount of interest over any event on the lake, 60 team limit, one class of anglers, mandatory observer (who also can not communicate) and a 6 rod rule, salmon only, 6 fish limit and cull allowed To any individual or entity who believes in the "Can no be enforced EXCUSE" please add your team to the waiting list and experience this event first hand You may not get called the first year to fish the event but sooner or later you will get invited as it is invite only. During the captains meeting the rules are gone over, everyone abides as simple as that BEST EVENT ON THE LAKE, in a high entry dollar event. $800/entry for 2011 with teams waiting in line, hmmm...... wonder why that is ????????????? BTW Congrats to "Lord of The Kings" Vito Dittomo for the win yesterday in the roughest of bites I have witnessed in a long time I took the Screamer and Big Fin boys over to the event yesterday after a 2 year wait to get in, we finished 7th, we only had 3 king bites all day Dave said, "Tom, wow, that was the best event I ever fished" I think sooner or later you could possibly see an event like this in our South Shore, watch and see HINT HINT (: Tom
  25. All participation is greatly appreciated Thanks to all !!! We have received about a dozen requests for there to be some sort of an entry fee into our 2011 Over-all Tripe Crown and also a few opposed Please do not get discouraged if we do not respond right away to individual messages to us All input will be considered after we hear from all who are interested or from any team that has something to say Again thanks to all Tom
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