YankMe................... LMAO, sorry bud but that was funny!!
Had a buddy fish'n with another guy back in the ESLO in the late 80's, he won the ESLO and also the Classic that year and pocketed a cool 30 grand or so as well as a new 22' Grady. My buddy received $9000.00, his father purchased the ticket for him and took 8 grand and left my buddy with $1000.00.................Ouch, good idea to work out the specifics before hand.
I am like you Stix, faithfully fish the derby type events but even when we seem to place we end up with 25 or 75 bucks, lol. It's all about the fun or none of us would do it, just the thought of winning while fighting a screaming King and thinking "This is the one", "This is really the one" only to bring another 19 lber to the net........... lol, Can't wait here as well, it's all about the rush !!!