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Everything posted by barnacle

  1. Here is the big boy from Sunday : ), won the pay everyday .
  2. Not much I can add to this report except their right on. A huge Thank You to Mavrick,Yankee and Hideout for an unbelieveable trip. My clients were in shock. At one point, as Rob said, all 7 rods were out of the water because we could not get them back in. The wires out 225 and 250 were on fire. Mixed bag, Kings, Cohos and 1 Atlantic and the fish were even hitting the paddles. A great time was had by all and everyone was throughly impressed. Had a rookie that reeled one in on the 600' copper and to give him a chair to finish the fight. Congrats to Maverick for the big boy of the trip at 24lbs. I think we had a few on that might have come close LOL. We had one client from Oregon that fished the Northwest coast and could not believe the fishery we have. Looks like we are going to make this an annual event, I'm sure we will have more people next year. Looking forward to Sodus and good luck in Oswego! The picture below says it all!! Barnacle
  3. Looking for an observer for the Orleans county Pro Am. We will supply everything, please call me if interested 585-261-0741. Thanks Kevin
  4. That's not Polito is it? Nice fish Rob.
  5. Nice Work Dad! He will be hooked for life.
  6. Any update on the leader board?
  7. WW IV no we were on Sodus Bay, and the the 2 blue's were bleeding to bad to release so we kept em'. PY 88, alright let's call them 12. You should have come, it was a good time. Next time right buddy?
  8. First attempt a posting pictures hope this works, just wanted to share. Big one was 13.5", great day to be out.
  9. I have fished out of this boat many times and she is a fishing machine. This boat has everything you need to fish the Big O, who ever gets her will be very happy.
  10. Sounds like what we had. I was out there to, just east of port no bait no marks. We managed 1 king 22lbs and as we were fighting that one the other rigger took a rip but missed it. Riggers were down 80ft over 150 -160. Took the King on a whit abd blue spinny with a white atomik. Only spot we actually marked anything.
  11. Hey Guys, Just wanted to piggy back on this topic. My friends and I are doing the Sodus pro-am (am divsion) this year and after reading some of the posts I still had 1 question. My buddy docks out of Port Bay, can we pick our spotter up and drop ours off and leave from Port Bay at the designated start time? Or do we have to leave from Sodus? I imagine leaving from Sodus would be easier but we wanted to understand this correctly, before we made a decision.
  12. Almost forgot largest fish was a touch under 21lbs. All the rest mid-high teens.
  13. Well we went even though the weather was terrrible. 2-3 footers. Set up just west of the red can, as soon as we hit 180ft the fun began, went 10-16 all kings but 1 coho. Riggers down 90-120 ft. Spook and anything purple did the trick in the 28 size.The first one we had would have placed but do to a minor problem with the net(hole in it). We trolled from 180 - 250 best depth 215' were we doubled up. Great day to be out if you like cold wind and big waves, fishing was great we were out for 4 hours with only a 2 rod spread. Nothing on the dipsey's today. Back in Rochester for the summer derby. Good Luck
  14. Bob will do , H&*^ S&^% 100' , I'll give you a call tommorrow. Woody good luck tomorrow, Barnacle
  15. Going down to the bar just for the day tomorrow, will be there early 22ft Penn Yann. Give me a shout on ch 68 if your out, call me Barnacle or Westside I'll answer to either. Good Luck this weekend I will post how we do.
  16. email sent please send pics to whitby@frontiernet.net
  17. I guess I am going to sound like a broken record but thought I would share. 5/4 - Fished aroung Olcott Wilson area, nothing but lakers and coho's had a steady pick though. 5/5 - Ran to the bar and caught , you guessed it Lakers better water temps a great picture just could not get the Kings to go 5/6- late start drowned my sorrows the night before Not much this day 5/7 - Back to the bar, great picture again, alot of lakers a bonus steelhead and more coho's. As we were trolling back East something hammered the spin doc fly on the bottom, looked like a King. Instead it was a huge Laker that would have easily placed that deided to spit the hook at the boat. We had a great trip, still better than working. Hopefully the Kings show soon. Good Luck to all in the derby
  18. Thanks for the replys guys looking at one right now, looks like a great reel.
  19. Just sold the boat so I am back on the peir. Managed 4 browns in less than an hour on the lake side right around dusk. No real size 4-6LBS. Caught them all on black and silver sticks.
  20. Ok guys me and my partner are in need of new wire reel. Just wanted to get your opinons. I am looking at the Okuma blue diamond reels. Any suggestions are much appreciated. Any suggestions on wire line as far as LB test would be helpfull as well. Thanks Barnacle
  21. Gambler, What is your email address interested in the SG47LC. Thanks
  22. For sale: 17'.5 2001 Crestliner Superhawk, 2001 shorlander trailer, 115 Johnson w/ spare prop, full hightop with side curtains, bow cover and back curtain. Also custom travel/mooring cover. Also included lowrance m56 F/F GPS combo, New VHS w/ antenna, 2 cannon unitroll downriggers w/ wieghts, minn kota bow mount,all safety equipment., 2 livewells, rod storage. All on a 01' Shorlander trailer. Comes with transferable warranty. If you ever have been in one you know why these boats are rated as one of the top aluminum boats out there. I bought the boat new in the middle of 01' , and always garage kept in winter. Please email me for pics if interested whitby@frontiernet.net Asking 13,500 obo
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