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ray koziatek

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Everything posted by ray koziatek

  1. Well me hats off to anyone who helps another boater in need...GREAT JOB ON THE RESCUE !!
  2. Sorry forgot to mention Congrats to Trout on there Little salmon derby finish... now you got it figured out how to catch fish give the pro ams a try again next year ,just dont be shy asking questions about the rules ,and if you dont feel confy asking in front on everyone just grab the officials after the meeting and they will explain any questions you have ...There all a good bunch of guys and are there to help us all learn the old rules and the changes that may be made year to year ...Hope this helps Ray K.
  3. alldoorsman, I am not comfortable with your comment as the observer being the one at fault ..I dont know you or trout one but it is clear you or him has never participated in a pro am before, and its a learning curve that can come back to haunt you if you dont pay attention at the Capt. /observer meetings.All rules are not gone over line by line at these meetings due to length of time but it has been repeated at all meetings that all information on the fish log sheet must be accurate Before CAPT, puts his initials after EACH fish then review all information before signing final line. The only reason i comment on this post is to assure all people (observers) that you do not have to be a GPS reader, or a expert at any of the needed information for the observer position but only to LOG in the information given to him or her by the capt of the team . then the captian must review information before signing . The observers are very important to these derbys and they cannot be run without them.. it is TRULEY UNFAIR TO LAY THIS BLAME ON THE OBSERVER..THANK YOU to all the observers who help make these derbys possable....and to the new guys and girls on the fence who would like to observe for the PRO/AMs Im shure you will be welcomed with open arms ....THANK YOU ..Ray Koziatek
  4. I got a few cell phone pics, the last steelie was cool tho one of them jumpers, it fun when the steelies are high in the colum usually hitting the surface before the rods move if you want to target them most were on the sliders so i had to wait 2 or 3 sec after rod trip before they come up to play.
  5. why when your fishing ALL ALONE (you know) 5 miles off shore the only boat on plane is so close you can read the I.D. numbers 3" size .....""""""...""""""WITH MY GLASSES OFF """"""""".......""""""" THERE WAS THE WORDS --"""""'''"BAG LADY""""""""--- on the side of the boat but i didnt see the boat name...oh wait maybe i did!
  6. why do people say the grass is greener on the other side of the fence i cant even see over the fence.
  7. dont know about albion but a tornado search in buffalo ny area has some good footage of the wind damage i pulled when i saw the skys around olcott turned black and despite a gentle s/e wind i knew the 2 fronts were gonna dance pretty good.there was a gentle 30mph breeze plussssssssss,till dansville on the way home,i put up and took down my boat top 3 times on the way home when i saw another band (white out)of rain ahead. i knew there musta been some good stuff going on in spotted areas around me.
  8. 5 to 7 ft for lakers on seneca
  9. PSSSSTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! choo- choo ,Ive known Musky around 3 years and he ant never been 100% normal.
  10. yea use the moterhome ,much better for limo than a old bus,plus there is a bed in the back if anyone needs a little rest.
  11. bob i should have pics soon,,,,my new job BUS MONITER!!!!!! P.S. left 20 lb bag of ice in van after driving out 5 miles setting up and getting 3 fish i got a coho 8lbr and decided to keep when i opened the empty cooler i realized where the ice was not wanting to explane the 3 gal wet spot in the van to the wife i pulled and ran in to get the ice,glad the fish were hitting early and one was a eater.
  12. green flasher with green fly 5 ft off ball 2 mph in there face (just off bottem) should work as good as any cowbells ..then the big fight will be ON!!!!! after that excitement you should be targeting sunfish soon.
  13. well i wet fishing for your birthday present if it gets there today open and clean,fillet,and eat if it dont get there for 2 weeks carefully put the box in the garbage or your neighbors yard
  14. well you can see what happens when you dont use hook as guide "0" chaffing
  15. chowdy the cable jumps because the cable going to the spool is off center,builds up on one side of the spoon till it slips off hump then jumps due to slack in spool on retrive ,then putting down it does the same due to slack ...that little ball hook thingy is also a line guide that helps a little in keeping the line centered on spool.... I aught to start a fishing service where ill come to your boat (boatcalls) and troubleshoot and fine tune peoples fishing programs....this also can help cause chaffing of coating ...bout the only thing you can due is manually guide wire on (not safe),slow down when retriving that one rigger (you might be surprised to what can happen at 2mph speeds and below),or do as cbish does (buy a fishawk)
  16. got up at 4:15 hit alarm and was reawoke(slept on boat) with 1 ft wake and boat slaming into dock at 6:15 (thank you "LUCKY" p.s. no wake zone in the river i was at the public launch) hit the lake to find 49 deg water 1 ft down after a call to CBIS( thank you),had to go 5 miles off shore to find good water and decent 1 ft swells to keep the spread alive, without all the boring details i fished from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm went 21 for 27-- 8 kings,1 -atlantic 19" and the rest steelies with a couple over 10 lbs. due to the goofy temps all i can say is fish the temps which were 25 to 50 ft down about the 25 line and out. Saturday the temps were into the 24 line but spent most time near 26. 5 kings and you know the rest steelies every where packed it in at 2:30 . down speed 2.2 to 2.4 but did have a dypsy go off at 1.5mph down speed during fighting the other wire giving me a double dypsy fight for the 2 nd time this year.The fish are spread out all over so a consitent kingbite was tuff to find for me...over all 2 good days
  17. musky could i have the names who voted for me
  18. Hey buddy got any more riggers or stuff for sale?
  19. Look out belowFAWOOOM the Musky has landed!!!
  20. hello (smallmoulth) if you want to enjoy this site you MUST keep us up to date on the Walleye fishing on lake erie..Then and only then may you proceed to absorb info,enjoy the humor,and particapate in the fun and games of the L.O.U....So welcome, jump in ,and get yer feets wet..
  21. Just got off the phone with MUSKY,,,... The docter told him 2 more weeks of stay but the nurses station took a vote and threw him from the 3rd floor window, the last thing he remembers is one of the nurses shouting "PINCH THIS"..Then he woke up on the sidewalk and Jackie came to pick him up. Much to the horror of the people below his gown opened up like a great parachute and he drifted saftley to the ground. The citys hazmatt crew was called in due to the large number of people who passed out at such a site. So as we spoke he was home visiting with family and friends 7pm. looking forward to seeing the Green monster .>>>>>>>>>>>>>> back on site . Our prayers were answered even the long needle one ,,,ok who asked for that ..wasnt me.. Thank You RAY K. and God Bless us all.
  22. speed up on the turns oh say about 20mph should keep the lines straight.
  23. I!!!!!!!!!!!!! see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why he post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!under the name TURKEY todd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. huh? i ant touching that formula..but 110 down with 120 ft cable out is in the ballpark if you have a down temp then check temp at a standstill,check rigger depth (ball on graph) and you know about where you are .then get up to trolling speed and start letting out cable till you show same temp on down temp ....this will get you in the approx ft per depth zone ..course down or mid currents will come into play so ya gotta learn to take that into account ..ive been 100 ft down with little blowback due to down currents and ive been down 100ft with major blowback.. the downspeed and temps are your best tools with varing conditions (currents) thats why so many people say there down probe is the most important tool for catching fish....but we all have put many fish in the boat before implemting that tool ,so ya ant gotta have one but it will be a nice addition when you use it.
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