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ray koziatek

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Everything posted by ray koziatek

  1. Jesus is that you?
  2. Sounds like a good airboarding project then well know!!
  3. need that recording to bring in the boat cabin
  4. would you take less for it??
  5. The dec came up with many excuses as to the smelt demise but last year as i suspected right along they agreed the treatment for lamphry,s ......MAY have had a impact on the smelt smolts treatment for the lamps started in middle to late 80,s the same time the smelt pop took a major downturn... but for years i was given excuses from phospate detergents ban in 86 to booming lake trout reproduction ate all the smelt .. the zebras do eat the photoplankton which the fresh water shrimp thrived on ,and they were popular forage for the smelt but ,,,,im pretty shure the poisen used for the lamphrys was the major factor
  6. CC25 mono as in monofiliment , monel is solid wire as you speek of sorta a leftover from the 50
  7. cant see it very good ,do you have one (pic) without the fish..
  8. 15 to 17 lb mono is good
  9. open the door richard open the door rick open the door richard but dont let the door slam on me Dick !!!
  10. Ill bring the coffeeeeeeeeeee.
  11. steelie or steelhead is a name we refer L.O. rainbows as ..a true steelhead is a ocean goining rainbow of sorts do a google search...in the past seneca rainbows a 10 lbr was common place and 15 lbrs were not unheard of ,that was back in the day of smelt and lots of forrage fish AND 1000000000 FEWER lake trout and lifting (snatching) was unheard of by the stream fishermen,now the bows can hardly reproduce (due to stream conditions,lifters,andbedstompers crossing in the shallows where the eggs are layed),are not stocked,and have to work hard to feed due to the compatation of lakers and agressive landlocks. so a 7 lb rainbow in seneca is 6 or 7 years old a 6 or 7 yearold rainbow in L.O. is more in the 10 to 17 lb fish...
  12. looking for a good deep boat to rooftop on my van for my camping ventures so i dont have to sit on shore with a bobber
  13. great report those surface temps are amazing fri morning the near shore were 38.3 to 39.6 and 36.5 out to 8 miles by the end of a sunny day the offshore was the same but only 4 tenths change inside but a n/e wind was keeping the waves working that musta piled a bunch of warm water near shore ,so dont hope for too much wind ,west of port there was green water all the way to johnsons from shore out to 80 fow but i couldnt hardly buy a bite,a week or two of sun i said SUN,hello we need a little SUN down here ,and those fishies will be shaking the fog outa there head and put the feed bag on.
  14. Well no secrets here arrived oak thurs.afternoon launched east side (the black northside) asked permission to park boat at there dock till i pulled my trailer out and was recomended that i not do that by the barmaid ,with only 2 boats in sight (mine and micks) i felt a little put out as i usually have 20 to 30 meals a summer there and a few beverages on other visits and tip very well whenever i stop in there .Needless to say i enjoyed a great meal at the Village Inn resturant on 104 10 miles away.After launching i did some temp seaking and its still too cold for any hot action droped riggers to bottom and scraped up a big laker then headed in ... went out all day friday ran the shore to johnsons creek and only did 2 small browns and 1 release,turned north and got 1 small steelie 3 miles out in 36deg. water spun on the spot and notta nother hit .talked to capt ron of the Buc-a-roo and he thought its still about 3 degrees to cold to wake any kings up i ran the edge of the green water 37.2 deg back to the oak with no hits,friday good day for some sunning till the n/e wind got a little nippy tucked my tail and came home.got 2 fish sandwitches at Mc Donolds on the way home.sooooooo no docks just a tad cold and 20 to 30 mph winds predicted for the weekend my advice is to go to Wegmans and buy some fish for another week....
  15. ahh the good ole days !or were they? happy b day G.
  16. after 12 bottles of this i saw this great babe beer goggles material..
  17. opps space shuttle
  18. no luck with photos
  19. just twist the line in the roamer release like a blacks and no more pinching in the pads
  20. i tried to post but was deleated again after typing my entire vacation for the last 20 min so i wont be posting much here anymore,sorry guys guess im too radical ...............................
  21. Chris ,you were lucky indeed for your 2nd DAD.The tuff part is he is gone (2 rods),the great part is he will be in your memory forever............Ray K.
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