Bill, wher ya from or near now? as far as clubs you should find one near est you in a much shorter time than it took to type your post with a google search.hit the library for some good books and maybe some videos. there are 4 basic classes of beagles 1.field champ that is so intense it dont even know you exist ,just gives you that look and gets to buisness.2.a good hunting companion that sits 360 days in a cage thankful that you took it hunting the other 5 days.3.a loving pet that has its own bed in the house rides around in the car and is happy to see you ,hunt with you,or go for walks and is always looking your way anticapating your next move.4.(mine)a good pet that likes his belly rubbed whimpers with excitment every day you come home,loves rabbit (broiled please)chicken (deep fried),turkey(with mayo)and anything else thats etable and lands in his zone and it gets it before you can blink a eye .usually has the ability to swallow a entire platefull of food (mine) in less than 5 sec. and weighs 4 times its recomended weight.If you got a good hunter you should know it by now but a little proper training could spark that inner drive that is there but the two of you didnt see yet. as with all pets ,Enjoy,treat nicly,welcome it to the "family"and give it a good life ,and it will repay you with a friend till the end.