Jason and myself hit so end at odarkthirty other guy overslept . we had to clear the ramp, and off to the fishes .First was a 17 in landlock top line off the small board ,then we were taking smallarms fire from all directions (duck season).We sorta stirred up the ducks and that was good for the hunters but not the ducks.couple hours in good water then a 15 mph wind from the north kept us under cover and hands on the wheel till we quit. (3:oo) .not a super day but a good normal winter fishing trip looked for the good surface bite for 3or4 hrs then went into the laker mode.did maybe a dozen landlocks only 2 keeper size,and around 30 lakers fron 3lb to my big whopper of almost 8 lbs many 4to 5 lbers.ill post a couple pics after i cook some fish..............[/ur