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ray koziatek

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Everything posted by ray koziatek

  1. and the name "Jakeybaby" if a chick give ya a toy name it would be like" Jake Baby " Jakey kinda sounds like something ya might hear in Key West.....
  2. them key deer are fun hunting just hold out a piece of bread and punch em when they get close.... ok ok just kidding their protected this is my cell pic not a trail cam
  3. saturday (last sat of season) i found a fresh rub line..this was about a week after 300 acrs of corn was cut across the river...either the local big boy got shot and someone new took over or a displaced deer from the corn property took up residence....guess he didnt get the memo the rut was over......the latest fresh ground scrape i ever found over the years was in late feb..... In the fla keys (BIG PINE) the key deer are in full rut in jan.feb. maybe i have a pic with the date..my bad it was Jan 14th when i saw this guy from my boat marking his spot...
  4. Whew.............im golden.......................rats well my undies are..getting old and loosing control............ PS just called the white house and found the route of the problem ...yup Its Bushes Fault..
  5. wow musta been big mine was 270lbs and only 3 years ,,a friend of mine shot a 675 lbr and it was 6yrs...but the fews days i hunted didnt see any poop,tracks or bears...and i agree 1 is enuf unless it geet a chanch at a monster with my bow.... I know of one taken at the base of harris hill (chemung cty)..
  6. ut oh ,with all do respect if you think i aint gonna give musky or fisherman or sliderbite WACK im gonna quite......................till supper.
  7. HEY men have PMS TOO!! ....sometimes the Captain obvious slips out of us...
  8. oh i could tell some Rod stories.....great guy ..seems a little pluged up at times tho,just ask musky...Man our team had some of the best times fishing and having a great time on shore during the Pro Ams..and other derbys ..
  9. Thinkin Hudson everytime i see yer post......Hope your memories of Mom , Get yer family through Christmas...She would want it that way.....Sorry for yer Loss.
  10. yes pretty harmless but when you grab their tail they have plenty of power and teeth,so ya have to make shure they can get out and away from ya,same with the goliath grouper (no teeth) just a strong fish,biggest grouper i played with was close to 400 lbs .the one in the video was only in the 200 lb size.did have a 12 ft bull shark wolf down a 30 lb grouper about 10 ft from me..in about the time it takes to blink a eye..good thing im fat and ugly...this year im gonna take my camera on more dives......save yer pennies and come down...........
  11. aint got one of the turtle .......their protected,, i dislodged it from a anchor rope while diving and rode it for a few yards kinda cool tho. if he continued to struggle he would of gotten wraped deeper and drowned
  12. let me try this again....https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/U6f7-ppRx-w/mqdefault.webp
  13. keep em coming Dylan...some of us old farts enjoy your post and Thank You for sharing your adventures.....some might say im full of crap if i said i push sharks outa the way so i can get to my lobster spots ,or hand feed 200 lb fish in the wild...or have rode a sea turtle bare back....but i have ....... looking at my spot giving the shark the stink eye now for the lobster
  14. well today i decided to sit longer than normal..i was very warm but hung in there then just when i finshed peeing.. i heard it coming ...first just a gentle ffffffffffffffffffffffffffttttt then another ,and another....it was at 0830 when i dropped the BIG ONE............a beautiful 14 ...............inch turd... will post pics .............Have a Great Christmas , Hope this helps Ray K.
  15. um think the does are the ones in heat,,,,hey but nowadays who knows...I would say he is 5 yrs or older..probly last year was his best rack...wouldnt be surprised to find a arrow wound or early gun wound................hey maybe he found my bottle of viagra ,and 50 doe... even a ruting buck will eat somewhat during the mating period while the doe rest...was his belly normal or kinda shrunk and hard?
  16. that one old puppy there ....good for you...
  17. Yup and every now and then ya might get one of these...
  18. That was nice . I have a few reflections every year of those special people in my life ..Ahh the Gift of memories is golden.. Merry Christmas...
  19. at that rate it will take ya 2 hrs to fillet 50 fish.....
  20. I used to have "browns" rod and reel ,"walleye" rods and reels ,and "salmon" rods and reels.....just change to lighter leader and use yer salmon setups.20.00 in good leader or 2 to 400.00 in setups you use 1 time a year......just my suggestion...then ya got 400.00 you can spend lures,spinnys and flys....
  21. this has been a style i have used on many big bucks ..sometimes they are alone.and have seen up to 5 bucks together so ya not only have a nose too fool but maybe several sets of eyes.... will almost always face downwind trusting their nose to cover their 6.they will wind you 150 yds away and see you even further ...as that article says the three "s"'s are critical as you have to find a single rack ,or tine,or justa sliver of brown .. Ihave taken up to 1/2 hr just to move 10 to 20 yds to get into a shooting position ...in the past if i spooked one i would stay away for 4 to 7 days for them to calm down again thats 3 times in 2 to 3 weeks span...maybe i will try for the big one i saw a couple days ago tmorrow...underwater hunting season is getting close and the wife has a big honey doo list before we leave ....almost time for underwater "bow hunting" (spearfishing)........... https://i.ytimg.com/vi_webp/JcsEVNpz-oM/mqdefault.webp
  22. http://www.barebonesandbugs.com/pdf/priceList.pdf scott has done skulls for me for many years ... he has some cool stuff there
  23. arrgh crossed the river..still hunted for 4 hrs then there he was 150 yds laying down all i could see was 1 side of his rack beautiful 6pts on it right side and im sure the left matched ...closed the gap by 30 yds on a side mountian...couldnt get a chunk of lead in him if i had 20 shots just a sliver of body through the trees,then the wind carried my stink to him and 4 other deer...see ya........... it looked better than this one i got a few years back...way better...... well i knew i could find it but looks like he will grow another year..my knees are shot...15 years ago i would of tracked it till one of us droped
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