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Tall Tails

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Everything posted by Tall Tails

  1. Thank you for keeping this tourney going Penny!!
  2. There was no real consideration for wind again. The docks they are proposing for Charter row will get hammered on any west/north wind. I was hoping to see a new break wall somewhere to help with that. Also by moving the launch to the other side of Breitbeck park are they putting in a second cleaning station for that? There concepts need some work. I forwarded all my comments yesterday and a few other guys reached out to me yesterday and are responding accordingly. There are some good concepts but no improvements to helping with surge and wave action. It is what the south shore of the lake needs however.
  3. Exactly the same problem for me. I like the lead ones but the coppers were awful. I lost to many deer before I got smart.
  4. Take those powerbelts and throw them in the trash. TC Shockwaves or the Barnes. Powerbelts have horrible performance when they hit the deer as well as not flying well. I use triple seven powder as well. Good Luck
  5. I was thinking about this on the way home. They use the 2yr olds for this. In mother natures world those fish typically would lose the battle and don't get to fertilize eggs. In the manipulated world they are being used. Makes you wonder if it affects size or running as a Jack.
  6. We had our club meeting there last night and Tom gave us the up to the minute numbers. 3,045,000 Chinook eggs to date, day off today and back at it tomorrow as Jerry said for there "late" eggs. They used the squeeze bottle technique for the first 1.5 million or so eggs then went back to the traditional 2 to 1 mix in a bowl technique. With the way the females were coming to the hatchery this was the technique of choice for this yr. They will use a Vinegar test in a few weeks to try and gauge how well eye up will happen. If you soak the eggs in Vinegar it magnifies the embryo under a microscope and gives them an idea of viability. They were ready to take Black River Chinooks if needed but it was not necessary. 260,000 Coho eggs have been taken so far. As Jerry stated the Coho's just are not ready. The uptick in water was perfect to get the remaining fish to the hatchery. This was a very good move on the DEC's part. They also attribute the low initial female count to the River snipers picking off the larger female fish in the river. "Snipers" is my word...
  7. It is not a Put and Take Fishery anymore.
  8. He is a Hillary supporter that's all it takes.
  9. ELOSTA meeting is tomorrow night at 7 pm at the Salmon River Hatchery. Region 7 Biologists will be on hand for various topic discussions. We also will be having our yearly elections. See you all then.
  10. Tall Tails

    for sale: can Boat 4sale

    Bobby needs one! Nice boat surprised it is still for sale
  11. As much as I would appreciate you knocking a few out, I would hate to see you get pinched.. Browns are an option. The shore line their can be productive.
  12. Lake Trout Season ended on Sept 30. It opens again January 1st.
  13. I don't care for the Great Lakes stuff either. It is rugged and over built just not sexy and stream lined. For a guy who needs to move there rod holders it is a good design. And from the sounds of it there customer service sounds good. More then I can say about traxstech...I ordered a rod storage rack in early April that I haven't received. I have given up calling at least I hadn't paid for it. To bad too, as I really wanted all matching gear on my boat but I was warned about Traxstech and it looks like there customer service blows as I was told. It was one excuse after another.
  14. I maybe interested in something similar as well KilliansRed. My boat is in Olcott in April and May.
  15. We have already been told this is the case. From the sounds of things if a pen site wants to increase there pen numbers for every 1 pen fish they add they will deduct 2 from the direct stock at that site. Jerry please correct me if I am wrong but I believe that is what was said on our last call. For the record I am in favor of this cut as long as it is analyzed every year and increased when it is needed.
  16. It should still be decent as this blow will put up a wall of warm water. I don't think a lot of fish will hit the river. If it was a hard east wind instead of west then it might be questionable. Good Luck!
  17. We pay $12 an acre for our 240 acre lease. It is mostly hardwoods and the land owner has it to use as an income property using the logs. We have planted a few kill plots on the logging roads. Yea we will lose them when they log but the roads need to planted anyway for proper erosion control so it works for both of us.
  18. Call Tim at Krenzer Marine. He has a 33 in the yard they are parting out. He maybe able to help you.
  19. I heard Great things about this event. Marlene enjoyed it thoroughly as part of the Fish n Chicks team! I know she cant wait for next year all ready.
  20. Slippery Sinker in Olcott usually has it on his shelf.
  21. Explanation as to why a cut maybe coming. It is a very good power point presentation. There will be more public meetings after they have determined a course of action.
  22. Paul, Have you read the Lake Ontario Management Plan? They are required to manage the lake for King Salmon. Do you REALLY think anybody wants to cut salmon stocking?? Nobody said we were looking at this years fish. They are trying to think ahead to 2019. Whether you want to believe it or not there are 2 year classes of bait missing. No one is going to argue with you about the amount of bait were seeing. The 3 to 7yr old alewives look great. But as you know an Alewife does not contribute that much to the spawn after they are 5yrs of age. So what s the plan in 2yrs?? If we do nothing we are looking at a scenario like Huron and now Michigan. How about being a little pro active. Don't get me wrong I still have not decided if I personally agree with all the data yet or not however having a scientific back round and being in the professional world were we use this kind of data sets everyday with our Clients it is hard to argue. To me we need closer monitoring of the DEC activities and FOR SURE HOLD THEM ACOUNTABLE! If we get this TEMPORARY CUT they cant miss on the BT or Steelhead stocking targets and we should be asking for more. Although there have been papers written on how destructive Steelhead are on young of the year Alewives... From what we are told another part of plan is to decrease laker stocking as well. But since the entire plan has not been made public lets all do our part to not spread rumors especially on public forums were we spout off without having all the pieces of the puzzle.
  23. I don't have an exact number as of yet but it is going to be very small. Maybe 200 to 300k. Doesn't amount to much. The negative impact with publicity will hurt more then that amount of kings..... The Lake Ontario management plans require them to manage the Lake for kings. This is more then likely a temporary measure. A big year with Natural spawn and it easily makes up for that number. You want to be pro active stay out of the upper fly zone of the salmon river and let those kings do there thing!
  24. That is what you should be asking for!! And domestic rainbows. Both are homebodies....
  25. So if they stock more salmon in Mexico there will be more salmon to catch in Mexico? Is that your theory? You do know Salmon River stocked fish spend there summer on the North Shore off Toronto.. It has been proven. A king salmon can swim 60 miles in a 24hr period if they so desire.. It has nothing to do with stocking levels and everything to do with the water they want to live in....
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