How do u judge 50 yards, who judges the fifty yards?? The Observer I had on my boat for one of the tournaments last year could not read or write!! Thats a fact because he couldnt do anything with the clipboard! And if 2 boats are working the same piece of water from opposite directions and we follow Rules of the road that still puts you within 50 yards who has to move??????? Now thats a rule thats uninforceable!!!
I worked the same piece of water with lots of boats last yr and 98% of the time it was fine. Now when a certain boat took my 400 copper and everything including the backing and the board, I chalked that up to the other person not understanding current fishing techniques.
Biggest Fish for Juniors is a good idea!!! I am all for that. They havent perfected the rules they have lets not add more!!!
NO COMMUNICATION!!!! Come on Spring!!!!!!!
Team Tall Tails