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get it wet

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  1. Dreamweaver king of the lake early entry is april 1 cut off $$$$ save 100$ 300$ before april 1 www.kotl.ca
  2. Yes there is room no problem And yes the capt or 2 teammates of the original team roster can carry the teams score Im with you in believing there will be more teams next yr Thx
  3. Ladies and Gents I announced the Dreamweaver King Of The Lake Series dates at the our recent banquet but want to formally set the stage for 2017. First I want to thank all the participants from 2016. It was a great yr with awesome competition. I would like to congratulate our Lake Ontario Fish USA Overall Champion and First Time Winner Team Thrillseeker with Captain Vince Pierleoni, and Our Lake Erie Champion and Three time Winner Team Get It Wet and Captain Yvan Charrois. 2017 dates and Format. $600 per team Lake Ontario Spring KOTL - St Cath - Sat April 29 and Sun 30th Spring King of Kings - Bluffers - Sat June 17 Fall King Of The Lake -St Cath - Sat sept 2 and sun the 3rd Lake Erie Bud Shootout - Port Colborne - Sat July 8 Sunset Bay Shootout - Sunset Bay - Sat July 22 Innovative outdoors Walleye - Dunkirk - Sat Aug 26 Banquet Yet to be determined but end of Sept early Oct If you have any questions please contact me @ 9056513327 or ycharrois@hotmail.com
  4. Vinny, Your're right! The weigh in will be at Bass Pro Shops Niagara 4:pm Friday April 29 and Sat April 30. This should add excitement and a crowd which in my opinions is missing in our sport. The catches will be transported there by trailer from St Catharines Marina. Please join us weather your fishing or not. All are welcomed!
  5. Gentlemen This is an update. As of April 4 we have increased our field from last by 9,5% and we are still 3 weeks away. 48 teams signed up and we are excited for this event to start. You have a couple weeks to enter if you havent yet and lets get it to 60! If you have questions call me or text 9056513327
  6. Gentlemen, Finally its here!! I have been talking about doing this for a few yrs now and we are finally ready to launch this event. I am very excited!! This is new for us in the Canadian market but was very successful in our neighbouring New York State Mark your calendars for February 27th Great Lakes Trolling University and Marketplace www.greatlakestrollingseminar.com We are so pumped with our speakers To open things up - Ron Arnold - MNR officer Capt: Shane Thombs - Fintastic Sportfishing - if you have never seen his presentation,,,, you should!! very impressive! Capt Dave Engel and Hunter Engel - Best Chance Too - Probably the biggest name in Great lakes trolling tournaments. Impressive resume and has changed the way to fish many times over the yrs. They are always willing to share info and keep us up to date on changes happening in our marketplace. Take a look at the website, posters will be up shortly. *** if anyone wants a table to sell new or used equipment, we have some opening left but space is limited call or text 9056513327 ycharrois@hotmail.com
  7. Hey guys Team get it wet is looking for an observer for upcoming pro ams. Please contact me at 9056513327 call or text
  8. You interested in something? Too many variables to put prices out. Like I said I'm open to moving this stuff quick
  9. Text or call me. We will negotiate it out I'm sure
  10. Hey guys I have the following electronics available They were all in great working order when taken out Lowrance lms 520c (5" color finder / gps combo)- 300 Lowrance Global Map 5300 c igps (5" color GPS)- 300 Raymarine RC631 ( 10 in chartplotter ) sonar separate)- 500 Raymarine RC631 plus ( 10 in chartplotter) sonar separate)- 600 Raymarine RL80c (10' Charplotter/sonar screen - repeater)- 600 Raymarine L1260 (10" Sonar ) - 600 Raymarine Raystar 120 Gps ant- 125 Raymarine Raystar 120 gps ant- 125 Raymarine DSM 250- 250 Chips Navionics - Great lakes and maritimes x2 -125 Cmap - Lake Erie-125 Cmap - LAke Ontario-125 Cmap - Lake Ontario-125 Cmap - Bahamas - Bimini-125 Cmap - Lake worht to -tortugas-125 Moor Sub Troll - Head , power cord and probe -250 Lets make a deal. Gotta go!! Call or Text only please 9056513327
  11. Gents April 1 deadline to save 100$ 275 to fish main event.
  12. We're live!!! Check out www.thekingofthelake.ca Some changes to rules and cutoff times ect.. Thanks to Greatlakestackleshop.com for reshaping the face of our website
  13. a new easy to use and interactive website will be coming thanks to GLTS and Pete Alex.
  14. Well its that time of yr again and I am really excited about the changes The King Of THE LAKE is undertaking. After studying tournaments and where they are going its almost priced a lot of teams out of the game or at least as a fact has made guys amalgamate teams and for these reasons many if not all tournaments were down last yr. We are taking a page out of the saltwater sailfish tournaments and we are lowering entry fees and adding separate divisions Take a look and see there is something for everyone. The only entry required online is the main event. Everything else is cash at the event. We will accept cheques prior to the cutoff date. Cash will be only way to pay after cutoff date. A soft cut off will be a month ahead of each event. After this date there will be a $100 penalty until one week before the tournament which will be a hard cutoff. This is a "a la carte" type tourney. You pick what division you want to compete in. The Venue: St Catharines Marina (Port Weller) where they are going to release the rates for dockage shortly. We are working on a flat fee weekend, weekly and monthly. This way you can tie in other events in order save some money. We will have plenty of parking in the complex as well as Fuel. There will be a tent with our trailer in the parking lot just like we used to do 15 yrs ago. You will be able to bring your on beverages to the tent. We will have bbq, pop and water available during weigh ins and registration to fill void if needed. ------------- Dreamweaver Main Event $275 entry (including paypal fees) top 7 pay 2 days, 5 fish per day Jackets for Team Members - Top team Plaque for Captain - Top three teams Novelty cheque - Top team -------------- Fishawk 21 and under prize top boat with boat 21 loa feet or smaller gets free entry into next kotl main event -------------- Scotty High Performance division $500 entry Pay three spots 50%-30%-20% payout 1 - Scotty 1116 electric downrigger - Top team Jackets for team members - Top team Plaque for Captain - Top three teams Novelty cheque - Top team ---------------- GLTS overall KING OF THE LAKE $500 entry Total points over the Spring and Fall KOTL main events top 3 spots paid 50%-30%-20% $2000 Gift Certificate from GLTS - Top team jackets for team members - Top Team plaque for captain - Top three teams novelty cheque - Top team --------------- Dreamweaver Big Fish Friday $50 entry biggest fish of the day 50%-30%-20% plus trophy --------------- Sat and Sun one day tournament Must be entered in main event to participate $100 each day entry 50%-30%-20$ each day --------------- text or call for info 905 651 3327
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