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Everything posted by spoonfed-1

  1. I stated my opinion based on reality and fact. Don't know (or care) why you want to make it political.
  2. Both environmental damages to the world as well as economical damages to our country are the dirty little secrets that the people who are pushing the "green new deal" and their media don't seem to want to talk about. As demand for the minerals required to process these electric vehicles rises so does the environmental damage. Many of these mines are located in China as well as other countries where environmental standards are nonexistent. While I'm all for green energy we are not ready as far as technology goes and without the cooperation from the worlds biggest polluters, the measures we are being forced to take will have very little impact in the overall environmental picture.
  3. To all our vets. Hope you have a great day and thanks for your service !!!
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  4. I've always found the owners manual for your particular motor has the information you need.
  5. Great point. My first response to this was defensive and I had to edit it after I read it this morning. I'm glad I did for those exact reasons.
  6. Now there is a great response. Feel free to explain why the price of fuel is so high since I'm just a fool. Here you go, they called it back in January. and it all turned out to be accurate. https://jeffduncan.house.gov/media/press-releases/heat-members-denounce-president-bidens-continued-assault-american-energy
  7. Wrong. I have put considerable time into researching the reasons for the gas price increase, My livelihood depends on it both on and off the water. A couple of the things you mention are without a doubt contributing factors but not the main cause. The main reason is our loss of energy independence due to federal policy. Two months of signing executive orders and undoing the accomplishments of the previous administration are to blame. Same reason our southern border is now unsecured. Or is that "facebook misinformation" fault as well?
  8. Ya right. Now what does this BS have to do with rising gas prices?
  9. Yes sir !! I am getting the same information.
  10. That explains a lot.
  11. Wrong. CNN talking points. The price of energy was low for 2 1/2 yrs before the pandemic hit unlike the 8 yrs prior to 2016.
  12. You win!!! Energy independence. And now we are begging opec to increase production.
  13. I've read and listened to an awful lot of reasons (excuses) regarding the drastic rise in the price of gas. Fact of the matter is from mid 2016 until January of 2020 the price was low. And the reason for the low prices during that time frame was?
  14. The price of fuel is and will have a huge affect on my fishing both professionally and this time of year recreational fishing. The reason for the increases are of a political nature so in order to remain inside the rules of the site I won't get into specifics but I can give a good example of the reason. Lets go Brandon!!!
  15. My first pair of riggers were Scotty manuals with extendable boom and swivel base. The ext boom and base gave me a lot more options as far as installation placement went as well as a lot more versatility when it came to running different rod configurations. I went with the Scottys because of the 2 ft retrieve per turn which sure was nice when fishing deep and the clutch system for dropping the weight. Turns out they were pretty much bullet proof and I was glad I went with the Scottys. As happy as I was with them I sure was a lot happier when I upgraded to the electrics. LOL Good luck with your decision.
  16. No set area or size. At times the schools are small and tightly packed and they will look like a fish mark on your graph and I've seen miles of bait non stop. Not seeing your jig could potentially be your transducer angle is tilted to far off to the back or your gain is set to low.
  17. The "fuzz looks like bait to me. Thinner school on the top picture and a more dense school on the bottom picture.
  18. I see. My dual outboard boat had the connection in front of the motors and it worked really nice. 200 yamaha 15 hp honda. Everything was above the cables so no interference and I could easily disconnect the main, trim up the kicker and lock it in place to a third ball fitting located in the splashwell for running. Good luck with your decision.
  19. Is it still 20 bucks shipping for two?
  20. Did you happen to use the ramp to the far left looking from the water? Other than that the area inside the break wall is pretty clear. Shallow to the right side of the river coming in.
  21. Best way to proceed at this point.
  22. You have a pm.
  23. https://www.amazon.com/Slimy-Grimy-Granular-lb-Vessel/dp/B0000AXNLW I've been using it for years.
  24. Slimy grimy. Safe on the environment (and you) works well if spray it on and you have a pressure washer.
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