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Everything posted by spoonfed-1

  1. Gota love those Landlaocks. Nice fish. Glen
  2. Ok Thanks Scott. Reason I asked is I have a couple $200.00 certificates I won in the proams I was going to give you guys if they were run by USCT. Good luck all. Glen
  3. Are these classes run by US Captains Training by any chance? Glen
  4. Heres how I got mine Back 45 years ago or so, when I started venturing out on my own (without dad) my most productive lure for trout on the local rivers and streams was a spoon. When I finally got my drivers license at 17 I was fishing the Barton River in northern Vermont. I came across an old timer that was camped out with his live bait on the bottom of a really nice pool. Started talking to him about the fishing and he told me he's been there for awhile and hadn't caught anything. He was a nice old guy. I asked if he minded if I took a cast in the pool and he said "go right ahead young man" I shot my spoon across the pool and as it was washing down into the deep hole a big old Brown come up and smashed it. Turned out to be about 3 1/2 lbs and thats a nice fish for that river. The old guy got all excited and called out "What the hell are you feeding those fish?" "spoons" I told him and he shook his head and looking at the Brown with the spoon stuck in his mouth he said spoon fed trout and laughed. That memory stuck with me my whole life as he was truly amazed a piece of bent metal could catch a fish. I been fishing spoons my entire life therefore "Spoonfed" for my boat name was at the top of the list. Never met Heaven Bound but I hope he's fishing that big trout pond in the sky. Glen
  5. Thanks to all that have served and all that are serving this great nation. Glen
  6. Nice BIG fish DF. Congrats. Glen
  7. This is NOT new technology or a new idea. This had been around for awhile. My father gave me an auto retrieve fly reel in 1965. As you stripped line it would compress a narrow spring coil located on the the left side and inside of the reel body. Hit a lever and it would retreive the loose line and tighten up on the fish faster than you could reel by hand. I could be wrong as it was quite a few years ag0 but I believe it was a Heddon. The idea never really caught on and it sure didn't produce any more fish than a conventional reel. Glen
  8. Very true Bob. Glen
  9. Could run alot of rods off of that baby but I wouldn't want to paint the bottom. Glen
  10. At least MOST of the rest of the country were smart enough to send a message so I believe as a nation we will be better off. Glen
  11. Looks like business as usual, or worse, for the states of NY and Ma. Thats just friggin great. Must be the majority of people in these two states are pretty happy with the way things are going. Glen
  12. Happy Birthday Big Dave. Hope the cake is a BIG ONE. Glen
  13. If your unit is working fine for an hour or two then starts going wacky it sounds like you might be getting water in the probe. When this starts happening pull the cap off and look for any moisture in there. A battery should last most of the season in a subtroll. Glen
  14. Happy birthday Clarke Glen
  15. Looks like fun. Nice fish. Glen
  16. That really sucks Pike. Sorry to hear it. Glen
  17. YUP Time to send a message. I been trying for years. Sent one from Mass. a couple months ago I'm proud to say. Amazed but proud. Glen
  18. Can't help you with that area but thanks for your service. Glen
  19. How do those white ones taste Rodney? Glen
  20. Even if it wasn't blowing it still would have blew. Have a great winter Randy and see you in the spring. Give me a shout if your into going out for any cold water Brown trout this spring. Soon as the ice melts on the river. Glen
  21. Don't know if I can pass up a deal like that. Have a good winter Ray. I'll keep the driveway shoveled so I can get to WORK while you bask in the sun and fish. Glen
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