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About Gator

  • Birthday 08/19/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rush, NY
  • Interests
    Besides hunting and fishing? Volleyball, rod building and sci-fi/fantasy. Oh, and I do a little science on the side...
  • Home Port
    Sandy Creek
  • Boat Name
    Nothing But Net

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  1. Almost all waders will eventually leak. The question is whether you can identify where the leaks have occurred and repair them on the spot. I always carry UV-curable patches with me and they are a game changer, as they will even cure under water. I've heard that the Frogg Togg bootfoot are decent for the price, but have myself gone with Simms and Patagonia. All have required some level of repair after years and many hours wading.
  2. I just got one of these last week, and let me tell you, last night I put it to the test on a doe a buddy had shot in a field (easy recovery and great blood trail), and it worked lights-out (pun intended). It's a bit heavy, but given how well it works it will take up residence in my pack. I will mention that there are several illumination options including a very, very bright white light and three strobing red/white combos at different frequencies. I haven't evaluated how long it will last in the field, and that could impact its usefulness since there's a dedicated Li Ion battery involved. The product manual says 2.5-3 hours fully charged, depending on which mode you use. If correct, that would fit all but the longest tracks. It's USB-C rechargable, so you could potentially carry a power source too...
  3. x4! Great story over lunch, plus makes me want to get into the woods.
  4. Great job guys!!! Lots of BBD the last week.
  5. Buddy of mine hunting our property with me last night put an arrow in a nice nine. The coolest part was that we got the entire sequence on video! Anyway, we found blood but sporadic and so backed out when the buck went into the thick stuff. It proved to be a wise decision, as we found the deer dead single lung/liver this morning. In the meantime, another buddy arrowed a ten point not 150 yards from where the buck was lying. It's been a sweaty morning hauling deer around. Here's the video; I'll let others post hero pics if they want, but here's a cell pic of the second buck as well, from about two minutes prior to its being shot. 860516063738037-100-4-11082024170714-W1002860.MP4
  6. They're bumping does hard now. The bucks are ready; the doe aren't. Sounds like my life in college.
  7. Matt, if you see a shooter near my property, you have my cell lol.
  8. As per Rolmops, sh$t gets crazy when you starting throwing in endocrine disruptors. There's simply not enough data to say that they're having an effect in Lady O's salmon but we know that trans-generational effects of environment inputs are routine in nature, even disregarding endocrine disruptors. For example, parental starvation can elicit metabolic changes in progeny for several generations. Similarly, one of our recent Alzheimer's models appears to have a sterility phenotype that depends on how much toxic protein the parents expressed and how old they were when giving birth. We don't study BPA, but the idea is the same. Scary stuff. Anyway, lots of variables at play, of which this may be one. I'm still on board with the fishing this past year though! 30 lb fish seem like too much work for me now lol.
  9. Anybody remember years ago when one of our members got spun by a water spout? It ended up twisting his downrigger cables around each other, but otherwise ended safely.
  10. Much as it pains me to side with folks who are doing things I don't agree with, I suspect that in terms of angler involvement, the Pulaski sh$t show draws as many folks to Lady O as the open water fishery. Management needs to occur both to protect the resource as well as to maximize its use by the public. Tough balancing act, but IMHO you can't argue that the fishery is less than stellar for salmon. Yeah, I'd like to see some 30s in the mix. But not at the expense of alienating an entire sector of the fishing community. I do get why others may feel differently.
  11. Tell us how you really feel, after you have another drink lol
  12. First the squatty potty, now the crap strap. I prefer to launch a soaring falcon straight off the tree stand myself. It makes a heck of a cover scent.
  13. Game of inches, as Tommy always says. Any bowhunter who tells you they've never lost one is either a newbie or lying through their teeth. I'd guess it's actually much more common than most of us would like to admit. I went almost ten years without a loss, then had a couple in a row shooting a new bow (not that I should be blaming the equipment; it's a poor dancer who blames his partner). I do hope they find him, for closure at least.
  14. To co-opt a quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer - it's been a year, linoleum gets me excited.
  15. So, you're going to shoot him in the first couple days...AGAIN? Was it last year you nailed your buck early? There's nothing beats having a big guy patterned, but I just can't bring myself to pull the trigger in the first couple weeks. Every time I've done that, I've missed the excitement of the rut. And then I have to perch fish with Brian lol. We had a bachelor group of big bucks on camera since mid-August that have dispersed now, so exactly the opposite of what you're seeing. I expect that we will start to see migratory animals soon. Last week they all had velvet hanging, just prior to disappearing.
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