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Everything posted by Grady95
I restore boats as well, usually center console Boston Whalers. I recently picked up a 17' Lund Fisherman that is my winter project. It's fishable now but it looks like bachelor pad! My two main concerns are replacing the carpet and paint. So what was your paint regimen? And your flooring looks terrific. The Lund has a solid floor and carpeted areas on the sidewalls and in the walk through bow area. The carpet is stained beyond any hope of shampooing so it just needs to be replaced. The old Starcrafts had similar carpet schemes as this one but you chose to go all EVA. Was that decision based on cost, ease of cleaning of what? Also, I don't see how the floor drains to the scuppers. How did you channel water out of the boat? You did a beautiful job here!
If you can figure out how to make them run true. They go offline really easily and they don't seem to be able to be tuned very well. I will tell you when I do get them running right, they are deadly! I've had some very productive days on Seneca Lake fishing Northerns with firetiger reef runners so I won't say they aren't good lures. To me though, there are just too many good choices of others to have to spend time fidgeting around with these.
Walleye parasite
Grady95 replied to Kevin J Legg's topic in St. Lawrence River Fishing Reports - 1000 Islands Fishing
Fort Cormorant
Grady95 replied to BP Swing's topic in St. Lawrence River Fishing Reports - 1000 Islands Fishing
If you are ever up here near Morristown/Brockville area of The River, have a look at The Three Sisters islands. One of them is basically free of cormorants, that island having a residence on it. The other two look like an Alfred Hitchcock movie. They are devoid of vegetation, their color is now various shades of white bird poop and depending on where you are in relation to the breeze, you either don't smell them or you are literally gagging. I applaud every effort being made by our DEC and their Canadian counterparts. We all know there are laws protecting certain wildlife and we do our best to abide by them. At some point, I would hope that the authorities come to recognize that this problem has completely outsized their efforts at a solution and begin to enlist the help of the citizens that hold this precious resource we call The River so dear. We've lost control of zebra mussels, we've lost control of gobies, we're soon to lose control of snakeheads. There's not much we as fishermen and outdoorsmen can do about those but we could conceivably help control the scourge of cormorants. I hope they recognize that someday soon. -
can't get enough
Grady95 replied to carpcatcher's topic in St. Lawrence River Fishing Reports - 1000 Islands Fishing
Had a Musky smash my plug when I was trolling for eyes same time last year. Was able to coax him close enough to the boat to see him. Problem was, he saw me too. Looked at me for a second, gave one giant shake of his head and snapped me off like a toothpick. They definitely seem to turn on around this time of year. You don't have the fish but you'll always have this story to tell which is just as good! Grady -
Have to agree about the number of smaller bass. I generally do not target them either but what I have noticed is those bass I pick up in the areas where I am trolling sticks for walleyes have been so big it's almost comical. I can't get my hands around some of these fish. They seem healthy enough, just gigantic.
1) Be on the water to see the sunrise 2) Bring some way to run lures away from the boat. In-Line planers work really well if you don't have a mast and big boards 3) Be willing to run in tight to shore early in the day. Some of my best luck comes from running in-lines up in just a couple feet of water depth 4) Try flatlining behind the boat about 125-150 back 5) Run at 2.0-2.5 MPH 6) Sticks are great. Yo-Zuri, Rapalas, Long-A, Thundersticks. You get the idea. Red, white silver, blue, purple 7) Move out as the day gets on. Fish the outer edges of any mud bonnets you see outflowing from streams Hope this helps. Don't be surprised if you hit some small kings.
NLT Derby transcient dock Seneca lake resorts...{sampson]
Grady95 replied to Fishstix's topic in Finger Lakes Discussion
As a group of fishermen, we camped there a few years ago. We had three sights all next to each other and spent a week from hell there. I hope they fired this clown that was working there because we were harassed endlessly by this cop wannabe. On our first day, this guy rolled up, got out of his truck and said "Oh, there's definitely something wrong here." We were doing nothing but finalizing our setups. He took out a notepad and walked around writing down everyone's license plate numbers, for what, I have no idea. We were not being loud or rude to anyone. For the week, he continuously hovered around us, making us move vehicles that were parked just like everyone else's as well as numerous other unnecessary and very invasive things. As a group, we have done this trip for over 20 years. We have always gone up to The River and stayed at Wellesley Island but the guys wanted to try someplace different for trout and salmon. No one has ever complained about us, hassled us or badgered us like this guy did. In fact, several of the employees of the park up there enjoy joining us for dinner! We are a pretty tame bunch and absolutely did not deserve to be treated like this. I don't know what kind of little "community" this campground has evolved into, but it's clear that they consider this place a private enclave, outsiders definitely not welcome. I have camped for all of my 65 years. I'm no rookie! I'll never set foot in this place again. -
Sage advice to be sure. You can add my favorite one: "Never munch on a hunch!" Mushrooms have been around a lot longer than grocery stores. Are they safe? Yes. Are they dangerous? Yes. Should we be crippled by a fear of them? Absolutely not. Knowledge is power. And mushrooms aren't the only thing. There's lots of food out there if you know what to look for.
My point exactly. We would never have known what a futile effort this was unless it was at least attempted. OK, so, they tried this and it failed completely. Meanwhile, as you point out, these birds are carrying fish off in unsustainable numbers and absolutely deforesting the island trees on The River. Cormorants have the ability to dive a full 30 feet down (1 atmosphere for you divers) and decimate fish populations. When's the last time you found perch on The River like we always have in the past? These birds are more than just destructive. They are an unchecked menace to the ecosystem. They have no known predators, yet they feed with complete abandon. I grew up on this river. We have survived poachers, gill netters, viral hemorrhagic disease, mirex, PCBs, zebra mussels, "pro"bass fishermen and now gobies, but there is no check or balance for cormorants. And as I mentioned before, they are advancing into new territories. I have seen them at the golf course I play at, as well as at ponds around where I live. This is a serious problem and it needs a serious solution before the balance becomes so far off that no solution will be even possible.
Oiling the eggs! Oh yea, that sure had a big impact didn't it? Makes about as much sense as installing screen doors in a submarine. Can't even imagine how they thought this was going to accomplish anything. This situation has gone way past the touchy feely stage. I'm almost glad they tried this though so it became apparent what a ridiculous idea it was.
They're also starting to show up in retention ponds on local golf courses. If they ask us to organize shoots or put a season on them, I'm all in. For those of you who don't frequent the St Lawrence, you would not believe the destruction these damn things have caused.
When we were kids up on The River, the undisputed God of Musky fishing was Len Hartman. He caught all the big fish, he won all the tournaments and he was a celebrity, especially around Ogdensburg. Every week, we were able to see his fish in a big cooler at Cubby's Marina on the Oswegatchi River downtown. He held the record for a 67 lb, 15 oz Musky he caught out on the sandbar. Except.......it was all a lie. Hartman took mediocre fish and stuffed wet sand down their throats , then once that was down in the fish, he would "mold" the sand so you couldn't tell even by touching it. Truth is, they stripped him of all his records and the last I heard, he was living alone in a room at the YMCA in downtown Chicago, a broken man. So this is hardly a new thing. 25 years ago, I entered a perch derby on Seneca Lake. After I caught the biggest perch of my life, I pulled the boat and went to the weigh in, confident that I had swept the board. I was stunned to see what was in there on the tables. There were perch that were so obviously frozen, caught God only knows when, entered in the contest, several of them larger than mine. I turned and walked out, visions of my childhood coming back to me. Cheaters are going to cheat. I can only imaging there are not too many mirrors in their houses. Here's an article about Hartman. What's old is new again I guess. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1995-07-02-9507020340-story.html Even with all this, Hartman wrote a book that I think is still one of the very best ever on Musky fishing. It's out of print but I was able to buy a copy for my cousin a couple months ago on the internet from some bookstore. It's called "Before I Forget." I'm sure by now, he doesn't get any royalty payments or anything.
The purpose of a "puffball" is to disseminate spores. What we enjoy eating is the fungus in an immature state before it has begun the process of spore formation, which occurs from the center outward. Are they toxic? Possibly, probably not, and nothing like a Deathcap or a Destroying Angel. Probably more likely to give one a nasty GI upset but as you recall correctly, when they do begin to change, they do start to smell pretty unappetizing to say the least and you're not likely to eat it anyway. Fortunately, where there's one, there are bound to be more so if you're looking for them, you just have to sort them out. I usually just cut a wedge into the ball in the field with my knife. You can usually tell the good ones from the ones starting to go. Also, give them a good thump. Good ones sound different and the balls feel "solid" rather than yielding to pressure. I found five today all tolled, only two made it home and none were good enough. Tomorrow is another day!
Ha! I just came home from a mushroom foraging trip this morning. We found two Calvatia Gigantea or Giant Puffballs this morning along with a good variety of others including Heracium Americana or Bear's Tooth, Wood Blewits and a real nice specimen of Maitake or Hen of the Woods. Unfortunately, both puffballs today had a bit of yellow in their centers. They were inedible, but where there's one, there are sure to be more. And they do make an interesting alternative to pizza dough. Suggest that after you cut them into steaks, take a rolling pin and roll the steaks out. They cook better, especially with that preparation. Great time of year to be out mushroom hunting.
And by all means, get a micro SD card and download the very latest software upgrade for your SIMRAD. I have an NSS12 EVO2 on my Grady. Recently I purchased the C-Map Great Lakes chart card and found it did not run correctly until after installing the most recent software upgrade. That made a huge difference overall in the performance of the unit. And that C-Map card is a real winner. Definitely give that a look.
Saw a bunch of them headed out of town this morning along Rt 37. Saw some out fishing near Blind Bay and Chippewa yesterday. Heading out tonight to fish. I'll let you know if they're gone. They're worse than mosquitos. At least with mosquitos I can put on some bug spray.
Go to Roy's. Decent launch, they have gas, bait and tackle as well and yes, they might just tip their hand if you ask nice about where to go and what to do. Kept a boat there for years. Glass Factory Bay right around the corner. Belhurst hole almost within sight, you're in prime water there.
Picked up fish each day Thursday, Friday and Saturday bottom bouncing in some fast current. At about 7:15 AM, on Friday, the glitterboys came flying by at 60+ MPH going from Waddington to probably fish all the way down in the lake. Apparently it's necessary to burn through tankfuls of fuel to catch real fish like real fishermen. Don't even get me started........ Friday afternoon, we could see the trucks with boats on trailers of the ones who didn't make the cut heading out of town. On Saturday morning, here they came again flying past our boat within just yards at 60+. Wonder if these guys even know we routinely throw back smallmouths they would probably win with, fishing within a few miles of where they launch? Anyway, had one interesting thing happen. Brought in a nice 23" fish yesterday morning that had clearly been attacked by something with big teeth. Looked like something came up from underneath and locked onto this guy, leaving fresh rake marks on both of his body toward the tail end of the fish. Makes you wonder what's down there sometimes looking a your presentations. Only one thing in that river I know of that would do this. You can probably guess where I'll be Muskie fishing during the week. BTW: had a nice visit from the CSL Assiniboine early Friday morning. At 730' long and 78' breadth, she's a touch bigger even than The Edmund Fitzgerald! Nice way to start the day. Probably if not the biggest, that one of the biggest ships to sail The River. The size is a function of the lock system. A 730' long boat is the biggest thing that will pass through the locks.
Walleye 8/11
Grady95 replied to ejt_30's topic in St. Lawrence River Fishing Reports - 1000 Islands Fishing
First time this season? I would suggest you pay CAREFUL attention to where you are. They have been sucking all the water out of the river for the past couple weeks. They usually don't really start doing that until September, but they're really drawing it down. Last two weeks we watched levels go down by at least 4-6" and it's continuing. Be really careful around shoals. This is the best time of year to own a prop reconditioning company! The fish are there. Just watch your step! -
Lovely........ I'm going to be up around Galop and Cardinal all weekend. Can't wait for those nice shiny glitterboats to come flying by all damn day.