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Paul Czarnecki

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Everything posted by Paul Czarnecki

  1. You won't see any numbers of salmon until the water hits at least 42. You "might" see a small king or some cohos before then but, generally speaking, 42 or 43 is the magic number. Since the water in lake Ontario warms from west to east the west end of the lake gets the first action. In fact, I think there were two kings taken off Jordan Harbor (Canada) over the weekend.
  2. The fish in the last pic is an Atlantic, not a brown. Nice job!
  3. I have 3 2010 Big Jon Pro Tournament electric riggers for sale. These are brand new, upgraded motors (140 ft./min) and they have the heavy power cords. They come with swivel bases, ball caddies and 2 adjustable rod holders. Practically new cable used less than one season. Asking $325 each. Paul 716-390-0085
  4. FWIW...I have experimented, on and off, for the past two years with the "high end premium" filters. They are usually 2 to 3 times the cost of a regular filter but I seem to be changing much "cleaner" oil. Haven't decided if the extra cost is worth it but I know I feel better about it.
  5. Great post Rod! I've stayed out of these discussions simply because I got tired of preaching and hearing the same old excuses. Some people will not fish a tournament if you held it off of their dock! All talk!
  6. Anyone and everyone is welcome and Captains are encouraged to attend as well. Thanks Howie.
  7. I've been finishing some kings for the LOTSA show this weekend. In case you can't make it to the show here's what I will have there...(among others). Capt. Bob Stevens (Sunrise II) 42 pounder from last Labor Day. And here's a reproduction of a gnarly Niagara River fish that tipped the scales at around 39 pounds in late October. See ya at the show!
  8. I use 47H's for my 5 color cores.
  9. If there is a good enough response to this we will consider holding a class before (or after) each tournament's Captain's meeting. This will give any new observers a chance to get up to speed as well as address any issues at the particular event. See ya Sunday.
  10. MC Rockets himself----Michael Caine. PM me for his number or try him on here as Rocketman (I think).
  11. I ran the Baitrix for a season and experimented with it a lot. That said, I caught more kings IN ONE DAY with Rockets last year than I did all season with Baitrix the year before.
  12. Mustang Float Suit! The warmest, best windbreaking, waterproof suit you'll ever own.......all disguised as a lifejacket!
  13. Happens all the time. Cut it and use back to back haywire twists. You're not using copper if you don't have five or six "splices" in it.
  14. Several years ago I had a cardiac surgeon on board and we discussed this issue. His response....."The health benefits of eating salmon FAR outweigh any hazards! You simply could not eat enough salmon in a lifetime to have any ill effects!" That was good enough for me.
  15. I'm assuming you're talking about the Spring LOC? If so Lake Breeze will have docks open. 585-682-3995
  16. I've run cameras for 8 years Vince. I've found that does, fawns and yearling bucks have no problem with a flash going off in their eyes---especially over bait. However, I'm convinced that mature bucks DO NOT like the flash---rarely do I get multiple pics of the same mature deer. My buddy in Ohio, who is COVERED with mature deer has had similar results and has since switched over to all IR cameras.
  17. Matt, I think I can confidently speak for all dedicated waterfowlers and taxidermists in this country when I say......... YOU SUCK! Seriously though, congrats on some awesome trophies and thanks for sharing. Of course, if you really wanted to "share" I would be happy to accept a gift of that last drake king you're holding.
  18. Here's a late fall run Atlantic I just finished up for a client. Jeremy Botting might recognize this fish.
  19. You killed someone's pet boa constrictor or python! (Good job )
  20. About 3 or 4 years ago I shot a BIG 10 pt. and hit him "high" by that I'm saying thru the void that exists below the spine and above the vitals. It's about 3" to 4" at most and thats right where I put it, the rage hit the opposite lung but that is not enough to kill a deer. Good blood for about 250 or 300 yards then NOTHING found blood over a half mile from where I shot it but he went into a big swamp and that was it There is no "void" between the lungs and the spine. The lungs go all the way to the bottom of the spine. The myth that a "dead zone" exists between the lungs and spine is just that---a myth that has been handed down for years. Its been proven false over and over again.
  21. Maybe Matt (Misdemeanor) will post his techniques but we hunt the mouth of the Niagara and, often out to the red can and beyond. We have found that mud lines are critical bird flyways. That said, we will be hunting wherever the mudline is---20 fow or 250 fow. We typically run 18 oldsquaw and scoter decoys on a long line behind the boat with about 30 feet to the first decoy and 90 feet to the last. They are towed behind the boat and not anchored. Drifting along the Niagara mudline produces some of the most exciting sea duck shooting you'll ever see.
  22. OR.........we could avoid the shoulder at all costs! AND.....if we do MISS and happen to hit the shoulder bone, leg bone or neck muscle we chock it up as a MISS and not blame everything and everyone for not killing the deer with a non fatal shot. Good luck to everyone on Saturday and remember---leave the shoulder shots to the guys shooting the 7mm Mags and 30-06's!
  23. Ray, you completely misunderstood my post. I wasn't "spanking" you for hitting the shoulder---I did the same thing this year. I know you've killed enough deer to know that a shoulder shot is NOT a good shot. I was "spanking" you for blaming your broadhead for you not getting that deer. You missed your aiming point and hit the shoulder and didn't kill the deer. That is an unfortunate part of bowhunting---sometimes we don't hit exactly where we want to. BUT....it is NOT the fault of the broadhead. Sorry if you took my statements as condescending "tips".
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