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Paul Czarnecki

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Everything posted by Paul Czarnecki

  1. You answered your own question and proved my point all in one post
  2. I want their eyes to cross when they hit it!
  3. No one said that---ever. If you must make it so black and white try this--Stable water........ good Unstable water.....not as good. Btw we had tremendous fishing out of the oak yesterday.
  4. Cold water is heavier than warm water. When the wind blows hard enough and long enough from the east or north east it "slides" the warm water inside and to the west. When all the warm water is gone the wind pushes the denser cold water in the same direction. Because it is so much heavier than the warm water the cold water bull dozes the warm water to the west and around the western end of the lake. Quite literally, the warm water you were fishing in off Rochester last week will probably have done a full circle around the lake by tomorrow. Believe it or not, upwellings are good for the lake. They redistribute oxygen and nutrients and bait fish. Kind of like rebooting your computer. However, for those of us that are fishing everyday and have been spoiled with half mile runs all summer.....it sucks! I went to the 30 line out of the Oak this afternoon. First time in two years!!!
  5. Most of us run divers on a 2 setting. Lmao. Love some of the replies to questions lately.
  6. EXACTLY!! Have you considered taking a charter to see what they are doing? I routinely have clients that have become good friends by bringing their own boats up and taking a charter with me to see current programs. I have no problem sharing. You can then duplicate the same program on your own boat and do it yourself. 10 fruitless trips would buy several charters. Jmo.
  7. The PAFBC stocked cohos and kings in Erie for years!
  8. It's a Dreamweaver pattern
  9. Yes! Not necessarily a "foot" from the rod tip but close enough that you can lift the board clear of the water with one sweep of the rod. Fighting a board and fish with the rod tip high causes almost ALL of the inline problems we hear about. Lower the rod tip until you can cleanly lift the board completely from the water and you'll have no problems.
  10. You're asking for trouble. The salmon fishing is very good this year. NO ONE should need four coppers!
  11. Consider taking a charter first. Most captains would be happy to show you. The $650 or so you would pay for a trip will take years off your learning curve. Btw....don't cheap out. Not all captains are created equal.
  12. That is true and I should have clarified myself. A beaver foot has five toes but the nails are totally different than the pic.
  13. Some of these responses crack me up. It's NOT a mink. Mink don't weigh 40 pounds. It's NOT a fisher. It's NOT a beaver. Nails are wrong and a beavers front foot only has four toes. That said--it "might" be a raccoon. Notice I said MIGHT! The most fascinating thing about all of this is WHY would a laker eat a foot---of anything???
  14. Your balls are too big!
  15. All I can say is we have some lousy chefs on this site. Lake trout are just as good as any other salmonid when properly prepared.
  16. There's more "big" kings around this year than I've seen in years. Expect lots of 30+ fish once we get into the July feeding frenzy.
  17. I've run the TX 44's for several years and they work fine. Learn to Fight the fish and not the board and you'll like them.
  18. Best I've ever used!!
  19. Color. If you've ever handled fresh raw Atlantic herring you know they don't need any help in the "scent" dept.
  20. The lake is in transition right now. Steelhead can be found almost anywhere there is a surface break. Usually in the top 25 feet.
  21. You don't "need" to brine commercial herring strips. I catch more fish on plain strips than I do colored stuff---although colors do have their place.
  22. We snagged something in that location while prefishing for the WHI. Luckily we only lost a rig. I'm pretty sure it's a sunken buoy with a line that's suspended. You could actually see the line on the graph.
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