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Everything posted by troubles

  1. New pictures just placed on
  2. still available
  3. He has the p66 transducer for 50/200 khz
  4. sold pending payment
  5. still available
  6. $40 includes shipping eight and 11 inch PayPal, friends and family only [email protected] Venmo is @Gregory-Dale-17 send pm
  7. The other post of four spin Dr still available
  8. sorry guy beat you
  9. $25 includes shipping PayPal, friends and family only [email protected] Venmo is @Gregory-Dale-17 send pm
  10. $30 includes shipping PayPal, friends and family only [email protected] Venmo is @Gregory-Dale-17 send pm
  11. $35 includes shipping PayPal, friends and family only [email protected] Venmo is @Gregory-Dale-17 send pm
  12. these available
  13. $5 total for shipping Price as marked can be shortened for smaller flashers PayPal, friends and family [email protected] Venmo is @Gregory-Dale-17 send pm
  14. $25 shipped for two PayPal, friends and family [email protected] Venmo is @Gregory-Dale-17 send pm
  15. $25 shipped for two PayPal, friends and family [email protected] Venmo is @Gregory-Dale-17 send pm
  16. more available
  17. Sold to Me! closed
  18. Available ttt
  19. $35 for both pick up Oswego Or Clay 10’ 6” send pm
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