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Everything posted by troubles

  1. Happy birthday from the Blue Dock. Catch a big one!!!!!!
  2. My time out woulda been standing because my ass woulda been too sore to sit down.
  3. God put women on this earth to breed and when it comes time, which it will, our boy will be just like the rest of us. Before I was married, my wife pushed me out the door to go fishing and in a couple years, she returned to the woman God had put on this earth to be. If anyone else has seen this in their life, raise your hand, fellow men of the waterway! [ Post made via Android ] Wow Scott. Hope your wife doesn't monitor this site.
  4. Na!!!! Rick doesn't understand. Mel is the one who does understand. Wish I could have found one like her. Just saying Rick. Spoiled!!!!!!
  5. Jim is cleaning fish at Wrights this year.
  6. Browns 1.8 to 2.5 Kings the one they want.Gotta find it everyday. 2.0 to 3.0 Steelhead Fast 3.0 to 4.0
  7. Yep happy Birthday Frank.
  8. I've had an interesting year participating in all 4 Pro-ams this year. Observing in 3 and as a team member in Oswego.I think the Am teams can be persuaded to return if the rule structure for next year is improved.If the Open works I agree with Rod, make improvements and turn it into the Am portion of the Tournament.We all missed having these guys at the Tournaments this year.I probably would have fished Sodus if the Am was still around. I also have heard remarks from several of the "Top"pro teams that if the prize structure isn't increased that they won't be fishing them in 2013.Ok reality time- East end tournaments need to be closed communications in order to grow and get back many of the players.If this doesn't happen entries may fall off even further. Changes were tried this year but obviously were all still talking about a way to grow the pro-ams.I realize a lot of people work hard to make them happen and it's highly appreciated.If majority of teams can do Non-Comm calcutta's then it seems that east end closed Comm tournaments should be possible.
  9. I agree with the football thing. Crying towels will issued one way or the other this year!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Depends on his use. Lake O only 585 Agree. Inland lakes also 587 may be the way to go.
  11. Take a look new from Furuno http://furuno.com/special/en/fcv627/index.html
  12. Tom, Slip 26 Blue Dock.Lotta places to hide stuff on that Wellcraft.
  13. Yep break it up Scott.If you want to sell it all you'll make a great deal less.
  14. Must be he doesn't have a Tackle Shop Owner as his adopted Father
  15. We ( On The Lam )were the third team Bob and your very welcome.
  16. I agree good job Guys.
  17. PM Sent.I'll take them.PM your phone number. I can pick up this weekend.
  18. Happy Birthday.Enjoy.
  19. I was told they were all called on their cell phones.
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