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Everything posted by troubles

  1. I have fished as an AM and now fish as part of a Pro team.Next year I may switch back to AM and fish with my sons.I think they should lose the Lake Trout as an extra. 1 as part of your 9 would be ok. 9 fish limit would be better just like the Pros 12.Box out and go back to the dock.The way the rules are set up now a lot of fish will be killed by warm water trying to cull fish in Oswego and Sodus.Now the big item open Communication it really doesn't matter.I have fished both and I'd rather see all talk than a few text message.The AM teams are posting and working to change for next year-way to go guys-The pro's seem happy with their rules except for the east end.I am from the east end and we all need work together on these changes.I have heard from some Pro's-They changed the rules and were not going to fish.Take example for the Am's and work to make the tournament better and keep them growing.And please fish and have a good time. See you all in Oswego and Sodus Greg D Team Dreamchaser
  2. All, Not a one is using a cell Phone.They need to adjust their training. Hey leave the 24 ft Thompsons alone.They win tournaments sometimes.
  3. I agree with Captains only communication. And then there won't be any issues. Observers are there only for rule enforcement. With the text messaging that goes on today it's impossible to enforce no communications. It's impossible to keep people from hiding phones in a boat cabin. The observer should turn off and show the captain the phone when he boards the boat. We all did this and they should. The captains should work this out.
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