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Everything posted by troubles

  1. Reduced price
  2. Rob is going paint some for me Brian thanks. He has them to match the paint!
  3. I know where your docked. I’ll get Chopper to 5 finger them!
  4. Ok
  5. Ok thanks. Will take used if someone has some
  6. Looking to buy 4. Where can I get these white on back or green yellow both sides
  7. $17 Shipped For the 2 all new materials never used 40 lb fluro 66” leader bead chain large head 3 adjustable position Fly Twinkies leader can be shortened Rhys Davis glow large heads send pm paypal is [email protected]
  8. $16 includes shipping All new materials 50 lb fluro 42” with rattle glow and Chartreuse and green uv Beads send pm paypal is: [email protected]
  9. Diff sizes the same
  10. Still available
  11. More available
  12. Long 300 yds
  13. Still available
  14. This has 50 pp backing. Pretty sure if you use 40 it would hold 600.
  15. Also $139 Okuma CW553 LS great gear ratio. This is a 500 .
  16. Sold pending payment
  17. Sold pending payment
  18. Or these 2
  19. $18 Shipped For the 2 all new materials never used 40 lb fluro 66” leader bead chain large head 3 adjustable position Twinkies leader can be shortened John king large heads send pm paypal is [email protected]
  20. $18 Shipped For the 2 all new materials never used 40 lb fluro 66” leader bead chain large head 3 adjustable position Twinkies leader can be shortened John king large heads send pm paypal is [email protected]
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