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Everything posted by blacksquirrel2

  1. I have been loading for the 243 for years with good results. Both my boys started with a 243. I used the Sierra 85 BTHP for deer and liked it. Recently while rigging up a deer gun for my grandson, I switched to some of the newer bullets and couldn't be more satisfied. The 95 nosler ballistic tip, 90 swift scirocco and the 85 hornady interbond all are great bullets for deer. IMR 4350, IMR 4831, IMR 4064, H Varget and H380 all are good powders. I use mag primers for all my hunting loads just in case of extreme cold conditions, not a necessity but it gives me piece of mind. We have taken numerous deer with these components with no problems.
  2. In an earlier post I was advised to seek assistance from the manufacturer when I had trouble with my new unit. Just wanted to post and give a big thumbs up to Trevor at Grayden Outdoors. He sent me a new monitor to try so I could eliminate a bunch of possible causes for my problen. As it turns out the new unit did the same as the original so my problem is in the install wiring. Can't thank them enough for their help and just wanted to let everyone know what a class act they are. Thanks Tom
  3. Just installed a x4 on my boat and I am some trouble. When I turn it on it will ramp up and display OK with or without the probe. It will then sometimes shut down or go into a calibration mode. If you turn it back on it may stay on a minute or maybe 5 then do it again. Never stays on for more than 5 without either shutting off or going into the cal type mode. Any ideas? Thanks Tom
  4. Thanks for all of the replies. My FF does a good job and my GPS will get me home and back over fish so it looks like the probe is the answer. I have looked over old threads and decided on the X4. Any thoughts on the best place to pick one up? Thanks again
  5. If you had to choose ? I have a usable GPS and an older Optima sonar unit. I am trying to decide whether I should upgrade one or the other of these units or get a probe. If you choose the probe,sonar or GPS, why and what brand would you purchase ?
  6. Guys, Don't stop at outboards. I have, IN THE PAST, owned Yamaha snowmobiles, motorcycles, generators and outboards. Never again. Customer like this deserves a big no thanks in the future. See ya YAMAHA. Even if you are a quality product you have prover you are not a quality organization. Tom
  7. Went North out of Clute Park about 7 am. Tried the west side 75 to around 200 lures at between 5 and 100. Fished to the salt plant with no luck. went to the east side and took two LLs off of boards 5 colors of core with a orange and silver spoon. That was it. nice day on the water and the boat ran fine. First trip of the year. Would have liked to have done better on the fish though. Did mark alot of bait from 150 to the bottom in about 200 foot of water. Tried some spoons off of riggers way down there with no luck. Maybe next time. Thanks to all who share info on the site. BS2
  8. Thinking of coming up to Watkins area Sunday. Never fished Senaca but want to give it a try. Could anyone give me some info on launches in that area and some ideas on type of fish to target ie lakers, rainbows or landlocked and where? I would really like to get into some LL salmon ( never caught one ) I am set up with riggers, planer boards, dipseys and lead core as I mostly troll. Thanks in advance.
  9. Two Cabelas triple rod holders with the quick draw upgrade and two Scotty rod holders. All on Berts track bases. Excellent shape. Over 360 invested. Will take 200
  10. What system do you feel is more versitile?Will one do all the other will do and more?I am pressed for space and need to get the most out of my combos.Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  11. Do you have any preferred vendors for your rod and reel purchases?
  12. I have a couple dipsy rods with regular eyelets and a twilli tip I use with wire.I don't really like the feel of all the friction and the loss of a consistant drag when fighting a fish. I am thinking of purchasing rods with the rollers. Are they worth the expence? will they solve my problems? What brands are felt to be a good value in your opinion? Thanks in advance Tom
  13. BTTT Still available. Booms are about 1 foot long.Here are some pics. If interested give me a call. 814-228-3674 Thanks Tom
  14. I am looking for 2 of the transition pieces for Cannon rear mount duel rod holders.This is a short thimble that inserts into the rear rod holder hole and allows for the conversion to the rear mount double holder. Thanks Tom
  15. Sorry about the confusion. 150.00 for the pair
  16. For sale - 2 Cannon 10As with the touch screen controls.One of the screens quit working so I mounted a toggle switch to the case to operate the rigger. The other works fine. One power cord has been replaced and the other needs it.Will come with the rear mount rod holder and cable. 150.00 Thanks Tom
  17. Pop a couple of primers before you load up and your problems are solved.
  18. Thanks alot Chris. This sounds just like what he is experiancing.I will recommend he get the thermostat changed.I have never used Seagar. Always have gone to Barrett Marine.Great people.Excellent service. Tom
  19. Thanks for the replys.The oil was changed as soon as the problem was found. The oil again appeared as though it was contaminated with water.This is when it was taken to a shop for yhe compression test that came out OK.Even if there are no leaks I worry about damage to the internal engine parts as well as corrosion.Do these engines have an internal thermostat to control temp? Thanks again
  20. 2 Cabelas triple rod holders with the quick draws. Bases to fit Berts tracks. 150 like new.
  21. A friend of mine has a Honda 125 four stroke.The oil in the crankcase appears milky, like it is getting water.It also seems to smell of fuel,but not sure.He has had a compression check ,thinking it could be a head gasket.Everything was normal.We thought it might be condensation from long hours of trolling.Don't want to damage anything and this can't be good.Any ideas would be appreciated.Thanks in advance Tom
  22. I am in need of the controller for one of these riggers.They have a digital touch screen. Anybody got one they want to part with? Thanks Tom
  23. How many are left? I may be interested. Thanks Tom
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