Back in the 90s on thanksgiving afternoon we just drove a small woodlot and were heading for the truck when I spotted a doe coming out into a cut corn lot and shortly after a nice 12pt jumped the fence got his leg cough in it and went ass over tea kettle in a heap, you can tell where his mind was. watching them with the glasses I kept seeing another buck in the background . My son and his buddy were going to try and get around behind them and I stayed where I was. Shortly a doe ran past me and stopped about 25yds away,an other doe came out,no it was a spike buck, good size with 12in. spikes and mounted the doe, I had the scope on him but I didn't shoot, I turned back to the run they came from and I could hear the big guy coming grunting all the way but the spike had his way with her. Maybe it was just a warm up for her. We look at the spike to be the lesser deer but she saw things differently. . This season I think ThanksGiving was the main rut give or take a day or two. Last season the end of BP season I was lining the sights up on a nice doe running on three legs, thought I'd do her a favor before the dogs did when a nice 8pt. came running up the hill to check her out and went back down the hill and out of sight. The season before on the last day of BP I watched a good buck, 8or10pt. chase a doe into a corn lot and mount her right in front of God and everyone. I'd say the 30day second rut is right on.I also saw where a buck was putting in scrapes in two foot of snow at the end of gun season witch was most likely a year with a early rut.