Fishing Report
Your Name / Boat Name: White Whale
Time on Water: 7:AM -1:PM
Wind Speed/Direction: 5-8 mph
Waves: 1ft
Surface Temp:
LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): north of IBay.
Total Hits: 6
Total Boated:3
Species Breakdown:king-lakers -brown
Hot Lure:
Trolling Speed 2.2-2.6SOG
Lure Depth:
SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Ran out of the bay to 75fow and took temp 45deg. at 60fow. Set out a 6 rod spread, two riggers one down 45ft. the other down 60, two stacked dipsies 10 and 15 ft. over the balls, two wire dipsies out150ft.and 240. Greenspot spinDoc and wonderbread fly out 150 and white glow spinnie and bit-h out 240. spindoc froggie and green hammer fly down 45ft on ball and green dolphin on stacked dipsie. NKmag. black purple glow on rigger 60ft down at ball and chicken wing on stacked dipsie 12ft. over ball. Trolled to about 1030 with out a hit, changed to above spread started north troll at 2.4 2.6 and hit 120fow and 60ft, NK goes. about a 10 lb brown in the boat, reset and purple black NK goes again, lost fish, 240 dipsie fires 6lb laker. turned south and trolled back to100fow and started back north,240 wire fires again, small laker, setup wire and 60ft, rigger goes, lost fish. Stacked dipsie at 50 fires hooked up to about a 6-8 lb. king, lost him too.Horsed him away from the wire dipsie and pulled the hook out. Checked the feeding time on the GPS and it was from 10:30 am to 1;30 pm. pulled the lines at 1:00pm and headed in. Nice day on the pond, no big ones but better than a sharp stick in the eye.