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Everything posted by W.W.IV.

  1. Stan,over here ice fishing is a social event you meet and talk with the best bunch of fishermen there is.I don't think I ever met one that wasn't willing to share info with you if you weren't doing well. If you get a chance to do hard water try it you'll like it. Mike.
  2. Try having an aluminum plate welded on. No holes.
  3. F K, there mostly after perch. I have hooked big fish that broke off but the ones I got a look at were pike.I haven't been there yet this year so I don't know how the ice is out deep. Be safe not sorry. Mike.
  4. I've got an old Mac Jac hand held down temp gauge with 150ft. of cable. I use it on my 16Fter. I don't know if they still make it I've had mine for close to 40yrs. I use a GPS for speed. It works for me. One of the other members mite have one they'll sell. Mike.
  5. That sure looks good Mike. You must be getting ready to sell.
  6. Nice work ,Oh those weren't pike swimming by that was the wind blowing the ice around.
  7. Hey guys, this happens every year so I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'd like to get out this weekend myself. Seeya on the ice. Mike.
  8. Good job Ray, Was that a local bear Like in the trailer park?
  9. Yes sir, there's nothing like having your own boat to work on. Its looking good.
  10. Hey guys, back in I think it was the 80s the DEC. brought the subject up at the monthly meeting of Eastern Lake Ontario Salmon and Trout Assn. They wanted to know how we felt about more than two rods per person on the lake. They wanted a vote on it that night, we didn't have time to think it through so we shot it down. Da. After thinking it through I think most of us regretted that vote. Sorry about that. Have a Happy Thanksgiving anyway. By the way how many of you really go by the book anyway?
  11. Hey Mike,I'd give up deer hunting if it could catch bass like that.
  12. Nice videos Legacy. The middle one was kind of scary, hope you didn't get hurt when you fell out of the tree.
  13. Throw a blown up bread bag in the water they'll come in.
  14. Nice catch Stan, great looking Lake love that shore line.
  15. No brow tines,to bad.
  16. Way would you pay $100 to fish for a trophy?
  17. W.W.IV.

    IBay Perch

    Ya, I bet it was a little choppy on all the finger lakes. How was the fishing?
  18. W.W.IV.

    IBay Perch

    Fished the bay this morning. There are tons of white perch in the bay,I think its making it harder to find the yellow's. Gave up the search and went up to the channel markers, ended up with about 35 good perch. Seamed like the only place the wind was blowing was at the bay. Over all it was a good day.
  19. Thanks for the reply Bruce,I think the big one's are in the lake eating gobys .Going Wednesday, will post.
  20. Fished the bay last Thursday,never got a perch over 7" did you. Going to try again in the next day or two. Hope you enjoy your dinner.
  21. Hey muskyBob,you speak pretty good Pollski,I understood every word.
  22. Great site, checked it out this afternoon,saw a squirrel sitting in my stand.LOL. If we could get real time we could sit in our stands with a laptop and watch the deer moving from all directions,or sit in camp and do the same and sneak out and head them off. Sure feel bad for the deer if it comes to that. Have a safe season...W.W.IV.
  23. I drive a 97chevy PU,to turn the lights off I pull the hand brake on one click.
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