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Everything posted by turp

  1. I saw you weigh that fish and figured you had first place wrapped up. 7lbs is a very good catch on keuka. To see two over 12 was very impressive. Well done! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  2. I usually fish the Branchport end but I assume the south end is not much different. For lots and lots of lakers I run short cores off the boards with various stick baits. If you are running wire set them somewhere deep, one with a green combo and one with a glow white combo. This time of year the most active (feeding, I should say hungry lol) lakers are between 20 and 50 ft down. There is the Avon Anglers tournament tomorrow that launches from the state park if you are interested.
  3. For the last few weeks i've been launching my 22.5 sabre there and haven't had any issues. Although the PY is probably a little heavier than my aluminum. Is the PY an inboard or IO? If its an inboard use extreme caution. It's quite shalllow there.
  4. Last time I was in Suttons they were selling the complete set up for $140 ish. Penn senator roller rod, penn 309, line and bead chains. [ Post made via Android ]
  5. Hit the south launch at first light this am. Started over by the white rock but way too may surface weeds for my liking. We did pick a laker from that side on a w/w spin doc with a siggs mirage down 75'. Hit 180 fow and went up the middle. A steady pick of rainbows anywhere from 50' down to 100' down. Mt dew spin with a packer took a dandy bow on the wire out 300' on a #3 setting. Black and gold sticks on the cores with 1 to 3 ounces of weight were very hot today. All and all a great day to be on the water. [ Post made via Android ]
  6. awesome day! congrats
  7. My pleasure Mike. Thats a great looking bow. We had one heck of a laker bite just south of the condos early between 60 and 75' down. Then the bows took took over after the sun came up. After we spoke I headed down to the white rock and picked up a couple more. Some guy trolling solo must have never heard of leadcore and cut right behind me and decided to take my two 10 colors for a ride! Good thing there's a 1000' of backer [ Post made via Android ]
  8. Sea tech offers an amazing course in rochester. Capt. Dennis and his staff are amazing!! [ Post made via Android ]
  9. With this northeast today I would hold off. Thats a long drive without knowing exactly whats going on. Give it till this weekend, eveything should set back up soon. [ Post made via Android ]
  10. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:violent release ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):7/22 Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits:a bunch Total Boated:a bunch Species Breakdown:browns, kings, steelhead Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: 120 to 200 Lure Depth: 40 to 80 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== We took my buddy and his two kids out for a quick trip this am. We set up between port and the pumphouse and headed north. At 130fow our screen lit up but we couldnt pull a fish out of there. At 170fow our 40' rigger with a DW firecracker starts going and on the other end was a porky brown!!! As soon as I got that rigger reset it pops again with another brown?!?!?!?! We noticed alomost the entire fleet was working an area in approx. 250fow. We went through there and did manage to pop a couple steelhead and a couple teenagers but my buddies kids wanted to hook into a few big guys. Back into that 130 to 150 range we went. Once we got on a sw troll through there riggers and coppers started going nuts!! We had a few doubles and one triple on matures. My buddies 12 year old daughter did manage to land the best steelhead I have ever had the pleasure of netting!! The battery in my digital scales was dead so I used the manual ones I have and this pig came in just under 20lbs!! The DW glow frog, siggs 72 monty combo and siggs 42 second were our best producers. Wires at 160 to 180, coppers at 250' to 300' and riggers from 40' to 70' were our best.
  11. I don't know much about sodus but the Oak has been insane from the 24.5 line to the 26.5 for the last few weeks.
  12. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:Violent Release ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction:w Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: Total Boated: Species Breakdown:lakers, kings, browns, steelhead and an atlantic Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth:60 to 130 Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== We did a little pre fathers day trip with my wifes uncle and cousin, a friend and his dad and my dad and I. Saturday was an excellent day to be fishing out of the Oak. We started the day off in front of the pumphouse in 60FOW with lots of bait and hooks. Before the second rigger was set my wifes cousin was hooked into his first Lake O fish. After a short fight a beautiful brown hit the deck and the young man was all smiles. We stayed in close between 60 and 80fow for a couple hours till the fish started to scatter. Our best set ups in there were a siggs crinkle mirage behind a white spin doc, dw deathwish and a 42 sec combo. As the sun came up and the traffic increased we slid out to 125fow and started hitting kings on the cores with dw ss coyotes. The siggs 72 monty took a few shots on the wire out 160' but to my dismay we were 0 for 5 on the wires today We finished the day with lakers, kings, browns, steelhead and an atlantic. Too bad the atlantic was undersized because he went belly up as soon as I released him. That fish really had no chance at survival. We kept a few fish for the smoker and grill and released the rest. Anyways...it was awesome to have three father son combos on the boat today. Happy belated fathers day to all the dads out there!!
  13. I'll second that part about capt. Bob being a class act. Although I had never personally met the man he came up to our dock friday morning and offered his boat to us for the pro/am. He had heard through the grapevine that we had an engine issue. It's great to see there are still people like this around. Thanks again for the offer capt. Bob. [ Post made via Android ]
  14. That's fantastic.....congrats!! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  15. Sat. morning we decided to hit hemlock for a relaxing day of fishing. Our spread consisted of 2- 5 color cores on walleye boards with sticks, a top line on a board with a stick, two riggers and a wire. We ended up with two smallmouth that hit the top line in close to shore. They hit a black/silver j-9. We also took 5 lakers that were the perfect size for the grill that evening Our best baits on them were a sutton "88" and a ss glow frog with a silver back. Both of those spoons were as tight to the bottom as possible out in the middle of the lake. I was kinda dissapointed that the 5 color cores didnt fire at all today!! Those are usually my best weapon in the spring on the finger lakes Sunday afternoon my buddy and I decided a quick trip to canadice was in order. We got the boat launched around 4 and quickly we were into fish. The screen was very active right in front of the launch in about 75fow. Most of the fish were deep and feeding! Sunday's spread was two riggers, a wire and a 5 color on a walleye board. The core had a gold/black stick and finally saw some of that top 25fow action The riggers had a sutton "88" and a sutton "71" fished very close to the bottom. All in all it was a very good afternoon to be on canadice. btw....both lakes had surface temps that ranged from 56 to 60 deg. Here's a pic of our biggest from sunday.
  16. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):5/8 Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location:wilson LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits:12 Total Boated:10 Species Breakdown:cohos and kings Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: 80 to 110 Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ====================We headed out of wilson this morning with one goal in mind.....to get skunked on lakers!!!!!!! With the king division wide open we decided to get after them as best we could. It didn't take long to have our top lines with j-9 black and silver and firetiger sticks to start taking cohos. At about 85fow and 70' of cable out our ss froggy started ripping drag....KING ON!!!! We landed that one and started working that area pretty hard. Mupped DW gators parked at 65' would take two other kings. Siggs 72 monty also took 2 fish on the wire with 160' out on a 2.5 setting. In my humble opinion the wilson area is on the verge of absolutely EXPLODING!! The water color was a beautiful pea green and our down temp was 42.5 down 45. Although we didn't take any kings big enough for the derby it was awesome to finally hear some drag ripping.
  17. Looks like you guys had a great time. Congrats!! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  18. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:buc-a-roo ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):4/8 Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location:oak orchard LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: Total Boated: Species Breakdown: Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS capt chas has been getting after the browns bigtime in the last couple weeks. Today he got a nice surprise as one of those browns turned into a beautiful 18lb KING!!!!!!
  19. I'm looking for a butt end to an Okuma rigger rod. Its a 8'6" with line wt of 12 to 25 lbs....thanks
  20. This year siggs is coming out with a game changer. It's called the "72 monty".
  21. I'm in the market to find a big jon captains pack rigger. I have 3 currently but on our new boat I would like to run 4. Thanks!
  22. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:violent release Took our last trip of the year sat. My bro in law, a buddy and my wife joined me for a great day of fishing and fun. We started at the wall with plenty of boats out there and didnt manage a bite We then slid outside the pack to the 30 to 40 foot range and took a smash from a big king. I grab the rod and start yelling for the mrs. to "get back here!!" She is hooked up on her first big king. It was awesome to see. She had the biggest smile but was struggling big time trying to get the fish in. After a great fight her first king hit the boat deck! She couldnt have been more excited. ( I may have been more pumped than her lol ) Soon that depth dried up and we slid out and started getting huge kings in 68FOW with 55' out on the riggers. The 42sec spin doc with a siggs 42 fly was doing great till it got snapped off by a big king. A death wish spin doc (i think that's what its called) with a siggs crinkle mirage also took 2 big guys. We had a DW mag get r done on the 40' rigger that went 450' before some &^#$@% decided he was going to cut behind us and take that fish with him All in all a great day with great people.
  23. new boat is here and I don't want to store two boats. no "reasonable" offer refused
  24. hey tcon... were you in a aluminum boat with a red stripe? my buddy and I were out there in a MFG and I saw a guy fishing solo coming up the west side. We had a decent day also, 4 lakers between 3 and 6 lbs and a smallmouth that we caught with 210' of wire out!!!! a siggs bluegreen hyp. behind a white on white spin doc was our best producer for the day
  25. Go back and look at the results of past derbies on the loc website. I think you will be quite surprised to see the wilson/olcott area is very productive both spring and fall.
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