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Everything posted by turp

  1. anyone able to sign up yet??
  2. I see you run a Parker boat. There was one docked at Olcott this week. I'm not sure if it was yours or not but I checked it out and they are a sweet fishing boat.
  3. Team Bouck did our annual trip to Olcott this year and had a banner spring derby. We finished 9th in the salmon division with a 26#7oz king. We spent one day at the bar and had some good luck but by far our biggest fish came in front of Olcott. Spin docs and siggs flys were killing good fish for us. All in all we put four salmon on the board although three of them got bumped Congrats to everyone who placed. There were some beautiful fish caught during the spring derby!! Hopefully this means this summer and fall are going to be insane!!
  4. I have 3-12lb rigger weights that I need to get rid of. They came from Gander Mountain and sell for $49.99 each. They are all in perfect condition and have never been in the water. $120.00 or bo
  5. Smittie, 5 and 10 color cores are leadcore line. It's a trolling line that is weighted and every 10 feet it has a different color. I run two 5 color setups and two 10 color setups off planer boards in the spring. As far as stickbaits are concerned we like to run bright colors in the early am and as the sun rises we change up to more natural colors. This past weekend we spent most of our time in the middle of the lake. Usually fishing over 150 or so fow. Hope this helps
  6. Just my two cents here but sat the 10th we fished the avon anglers derby on keuka and did quite well. We stayed withing sight of the state park launch. We caught our limit on lakers and took first place. The majority of our fish were caught from 20' down to 50'down. This time of year our 5 and 10 color cores do very well with stickbaits. On kueka I dont think you can go wrong no matter where you fish or how deep. There are so many lakers in there and they are all very very hungry. Anyways, good luck and keep us informed on your days catch.
  7. I'm selling my 16' open bow aluminum starcraft. Boat and trailer only. It comes with a dual planer board mast, eagle fishmark 320, two big jon manual riggers and safety equipment. $1500.00
  8. I will second Capt. Joe Mara 585-509-0565
  9. I just read my latest edition of the "new york outdoor news". It seems as though our wonderful friends in Albany have passed an amendment the to PFD laws without telling anyone till after Gov. Paterson signed it. "No owner or operator of a pleasure vessel less than 21 feet, including rowboats, canoes and kayaks, shall permit its operation, between Nov. 1 and May 1, unless each person on board such vessel is wearing a securely fastened United States Coast Guard approved wearable personal flotation device of an oppropriate size when such vessel is underway". Maybe it's just me but is this a load of crap or what? You have to love New York where you are free as long as you are doing what the government tells you to do!!!!
  10. My brother in law landed his biggest steelie to date.....just shy of 14#
  11. I'm looking to get my hands on a 3' or a 12' extention cable for my sub troll. They sell the 12' for $13 on the moor site but if anyone has one I would love to take it off their hands.
  12. Congrats, nice fish!!! Is the motel still the only place to launch on the south end?
  13. (storm) : Fishing Report ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): (7/2) Time on Water: (6:00-2:00) Temp/Weather: ( overcast, rain) Wind Speed/Direction: (NW at 8 MPH) Waves: (1-2 Footers, ) Surface Temp: (65) Location: (sandy creek) LAT/LONG: (GPS Cords) =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: (11) Total Boated: (7) Species Breakdown: (5 kings 2 steelhead) Hot Lure: (stingray NBK ) Trolling Speed: (2.1 mph) Boat Depth: (150 ft) Lure Depth: (50 ft) ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== I decided I was too sick to go to work today.... I took a friend and his nephew out for his first trip to lake O. We motored a little west and set up in 100fow, I noticed that my sub troll rigger cable had a little kink in it so the sub troll never hit the water (didn't really want to lose it). So we had to use the dipsys as speedometers. It wasn't long before we were hooked up on the kids first king. He landed a nice king and his smile was HUGE!!!!!!!!!!! We proceeded to go 7 for 11 with 5 kings and 2 steelhead. Stingray NBK 45' down was our best producer but there wasn't anything really hot. I belive the nbk took 3 fish. Wires were out 150' to 240' and all took hits. We stayed between 120fow and 180fow all day. We heard some talk on the vhf about guys that went deep but it didn't sound like they were setting the world on fire out there.
  14. You must have had the lake to yourself on a tuesday. That's a heck of a lot better than working!!!!
  15. Today I broke about a foot off the end of one of my wire rods. If anyone has one laying around the garage please let me know. Thanks.
  16. We got out on Hemlock this afternoon for a quick trip. Fished mostly the west side down by the "bluffs" in 75 to 85 fow. We managed to go 2 for 4 with both fish being lakers. We lost a small brown at the back of the boat and had another nice fish get off after a short fight. A sutton 88 parked at 53' caught one laker and a 10 color with a firetiger stick took the other and the rest of the hits. All in all a beautiful day to be out there. At the launch we were greated by a city of rochester employee and he said the guys were doing quite well on the smallmouth today.
  17. I think sunday a.m. was slow for everyone. Good looking smallie.
  18. We started sat morning on the west side just south of the condos. All together we put 10 fish in the boat with the biggest being a 9.46 lb laker (on derby certified scales)!! That's when I found out my "digital" scales are if fact incorrect, that same fished weighed 9.58 on on our scales! We boated 4 lakers 4 bows (biggest being a 5.78 lber) a freaking perch and a pickerel. As you can see in the picture "cheers" showed me how to properly hold a fish so it looks bigger. If you hold it out and by the belly it does add size but when you try not to handle the fish and just snap a pic so you can release it unharmed it will in fact look smaller to the untrained eye. Sunday was more of the same. Started south of the condos and stayed on the west side. We boated 7 fish and lost a couple at the back of the boat. Good mix of lakers and bows. The bows seem to be in very good health as every one we caught had big bellies. Congrats to all the guys who placed fish
  19. Easy there Gregg (cheers). All you have to do is ask and we will take you fishing again.
  20. final flight..you have a pm Vine Valley is just south of the condos on the east side of the lake. I have caught a few browns on the south end at the drop off, never had much luck with the bows. I have no clue if the north or south is better for them. We will be there all weekend fishing the southern half of the lake. Channel 68 red and white 225 sabre. Give us a shout.....aka "slim shaddy" Good luck to all
  21. Since the derby is next weekend we figured we better do a little pre fish to see what was going on. For the most part it was a slow day but about 10:30 in front of vine valley the middle rigger down 65' starts ripping. A couple minutes later my brother in law lands a 14lb 2oz laker. Most years this fish would win the derby, so it's no surprise we catch him the week before!!!!!
  22. I believe you can get details at canandaiguachamber.com or stop by "suttons" or the "bait barn" if you are close. They both have sign up info.
  23. Yes, thanks for answering that troutman. I have no clue what the name of that stick is. Orange belly and kinda gold on top. Sorry I didn't answer sooner, just got back from a week in wilson.
  24. We use those great big boards so we can send the cores way the heck out there. We usually put a 5 color on each side and depending on what is going on we will run a 10 color down the middle. The 10 color really hasn't done much at all this spring, I thing it is going under the more active fish that are up in the water column.
  25. Thanks, the water temps stayed pretty consistant at 44.6 or so down to 25'. We did not pick up any random smallies. We stay in front of the launch for the most part. The farthest south we go is down to that boat house that has the crab on it.
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