Hit the Branchport end this am with my old man and a friend. We had a banner day with at least 20 lakers boated. They ranged from 4lbs to 8lbs. Same as last week, scorpion stingers and sticks in the top 30' of water. The 5 color core continues to be a hot setup for us. In the pic you will see a stick I put in the bigger ones mouth, that stick has been smoking hot for us.
Fished the Branchport end this am with my 7 year old daughter and my father. Started about 6:30 and off the lake by 10:00. We went 7 for 8, all lakers. The 5 color core was doing quite well with an orange bellie stick. Riggers were parked from 25fow to 75fow all with stinger scorpions, a firetiger, a mixed veggie and a watermelon. We kept our speed at 1.9, that seemed to do the trick.
Try going over to the state launch in Branchport. When launching my boat I have seen guys fishing off the launch and catching lakers. On the outside of the launch it drops off very quickly. Try a sawbelly on a slip sinker.
Name: Storm Bouck
Boat Name: Slim Shaddy
Name Origin: My fathers nickname has always been "slim". So when that slim shaddy song came out, the name just stuck.
Boat Make: 1994 Crestliner Saber
Home Port: anywhere from Rochester to the Bar
Years Fishing Lake "O"-5
Let me clairify my post before I start...I am in no way shape or form a bills fan. In fact my team treated them like high school kids in a couple consecutive superbowls...that being said, there really isn't anything like a bills fan!!! :shock: :shock:
Hit the water this morning about 5:45. We headed a little east of the pack and stayed in 40fow. We went 4 for 4 ranging from 18lbs to 25lbs. Wonderbread j-plug, silver streak, and flasher fly took our bites today. 25' down and 40' back worked best for us. We had a friend on board today who fishes michigan and he could not belive the size of lake O kings. He claims that an 18lber is a beast for them out there. Just goes to show that we do have a great fishery here......
I know I'm not supposed to post this in this section, but I am in a pinch. We just had our third back out on us for friday morning... :x
We need someone who is available for Friday the 22nd. Planning on leaving the dock around 5:45 and returning when the fish stop biting....that should be around 5:46!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
585-402-4598 Storm
Can't wait to hear some of the responses on this topic. Up until the last month we have done really well on the bigger kings but latley it has been a struggle. We went to the Oak sat. hoping to get into some kings but ended up getting steelies...(which i'm not complaining about). We left there and hit sandy on our way home. At 340FOW we started banging more steelies but at about 270down there were huge marks everywhere. Could we have found the mother load of mature kings??? If so I might have to get 600' of rigger wire!!!!!!! :shock: :shock:
I have come to the conclusion that you are all WRONG!!!!!! The upwelling will occur on the thursday after the third friday in the seventh month of the year. Of course only if there is a sw wind the day before a ne wind the wind has a swirling effect after it hits the bucaroo on the port side when he is trolling nnw at a ds of 2.65982555! This my friends will cause the mother of all upwellings....... :shock:
Timing is everything.. ...sorry I will be at the oak all weekend. We should hook up some weekend so you can show me how to catch the really big ones down there....
On the north end it is the "inn on the lake", never been there but I believe it is close to the river where the launch is.... On the south end it is "fields construction"....I think that is the same place as Jansen marina. FLX, are you going out there this weekend?
Fished the south end this morning between the white rock and vine valley. Went 4 for 7, 3 lakers 1 brownie. Wanted to let the brown go but his gills got messed up so he went on the grill.... Deepest fish came 30' down, most action was on the planers. We did mark some HUGE bait clouds in 100fow. Anyone use the vhf on this lake and if so what channel?
The one that I use is on the south end in Woodville. It is a state launch that is in decent condition. I have only used the north launch once. Somebody else will have to chime in on that one. I believe it is in a park and if I remember correctly it is a good launch.