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Everything posted by turp

  1. Just my 2 cents here....We have been going straight out of the genny and dumping in about 70FOW and we troll to 140FOW or so. The last couple of weeks there has been a TON of bait in the 70' range. Mag spoons seem to be outproducing the 28's, flasher fly and stankbait are taking there fair share as well. We have done very well in that depth range on browns, kings, steelhead and lakers. Nothing really huge yet but quality fish. 2.4 to 2.8 seems to be a good speed....with a north south troll Best of luck!!!!
  2. bump.........$200.00
  3. We are going to try seneca this weekend. Need a little help on where to launch and what depth to try. BTW, we are trolling for lakers. Thanks in advance for the help.
  4. we are hitting the genny fri. am. Going to try in tight early then probably head out after the sun is high. Give us a shout.
  5. Thanks guys!!
  6. I have two manual Proos. Both have bases and are in great shape. I would say there is very close to 200' of cable on both. Rod holders can be positioned in front of or behind reel. They also have 3 digit counters. $250.00[/img][/img]
  7. Does anyone have a used VHF that they are willing to get rid of cheap?
  8. Thanks for all the help guys!! Yeah, he is one of my "friends" that got me going.
  9. I've been fishing the finger lakes for about 25 years and now a couple "friends" of mine have turned me into a full blown Lake Ontario salmon freak!!!! Anyways, after a few thousand $ in tackle and boats I think it's time to invest in a downspeed and temp. Does anyone have any experience with the moor sub-troll or any other unit? All good and bad reviews or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.....
  10. bump!!!!
  11. If I were you I would go to the south end of Hemlock. It is quite a walk to get to the drop off, but once you are there, there is the possibility of catching just about anything that swims in that lake. Just a bit of cheap advice..run a line of tipups from 8' to about 35' with shiners that are about 5 to 7' off the bottom. The brown trout fishing is fantastic. Late ice try to get yourself infront of the creek as there are a ton of rainbows that run up it.
  12. We fished the south end of Canadice last weekend and got to about 25' of water. As far as Hemlock goes...I would not try it quite yet. Next weekend it should be fishable after this cold snap comes through.
  13. never thought sheephead got this big
  14. For all the PETA people out there this possum had been dead for a long time....it was caught 20' down in 30' of water
  15. For Sale: 1986 bayliner trophy hardtop, 21.6', 305 chevy, volvo outdrive. She also comes with GPS, FF, VHF, two electric downriggers. This boat is in "turn-key" condition. Just put her in the water this spring and start catching fish!!! So now you are asking yourself....if this boat is in such good condition, why is this guy trying to sell it? That's easy, I need to sell her before we get our new boat. With the trailer the NADA lists her between $6850.00 and $7470.00. We are willing to let her go at $6500.00. Feel free to send any questions or comments to storm207@frontiernet.net. Thanks for looking!!!! [/img]
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