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Everything posted by RUNNIN REBEL

  1. The Salmon river will increase it's flows nearly 8 X higher than normal ,because of HEAVY rains & Reservoir FULL. This could be the best salmon run in years. I will try to update next week. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  2. Tom, That is awesome timing on that article.. Today Oct.21st,2016 ? Please Tell Rick Boeve "Hello" from me, He should remember the Tons of white 5 gallon buckets he delivered and picked up in my Garage and Refrigerator....."I don't want any dark or black eggs son, only orange/light color accepted": HaHaHa Tom, we are both old, if you are members of the USA/Russian "SALMON EGG CARTEL" Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  3. Scott Your answer is . Lookup "BUFFALO BILLION" and see what happened to that money ?????? Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  4. That Big Canadian money spent on these projects decades ago has been paid back 100 of times over....and over... and over. If they lost money they would stop building them.... New port developments coming again this year. This is why you have a city on the lake shore of a million people and growing..........That was the same size as Rochester back in the day. The NY State taxes I pay yearly and flood Insurance paid most years since the 1930 to have my families Lake front property, HAVE ONLY BENEFITED me by keeping the NYS Parkway open and plowed, Oh yea..... horrible to drive on and closes parts in the winters now. Parkway will finally be improved 2017 I believe. Scott, You are correct, TONS of completed projects to look at already done & functional. I did not even mention Colborne (directly across the lake from my house) & Cobourg (where you drive your car out on the pier and it looks like Park Ave festival all the time) among several other marinas/destinations. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL.
  5. Mike, Traveling Circus First sorry I did not get back to you. Males have always staged 1st and first to run DEPENDANT on the specific water conditions were you are at . Water TEMPERATURE-Flow rate-Depths-Lake mouth Temps & mouth flows. ETC ..With that said, this weeks rain should trigger the best runs yet to date. Every "Bridge tailgate" I checked so far this year has been majority Males. YOU know WAY more about this than me. Question I have for you is, WHERE were these Kings All late summer in the Lake? Genesee has Great numbers of Kings now and I don't want to mention Salmon river. And your "fair number" Kings caught is my best case yet on the numbers of Kings running now. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  6. Scobar I am embarrassed to know this, BUT I collected eggs from (Sodus Charter Capts --Predator/Wilkinson goes back that far---.fishing the Genessee River EVERY FALL) early 1980's to 1990's. I bought Eggs like Hollow grinder & Braddock Bait shop ETC. Did. It was convenient and I paid more than these places. I left clean 5 gallon pails & cash envelopes on every Charter boat on the PM ride home that had eggs. I could tell you how big the salmon runs there were yearly and exact dates of the yearly runs, based on my records kept of salmon egg pounds collected and when. A company called Tempo-Tech from Michigan (Rick Bovee owner ?) would pick up Hundreds of #'s of eggs every few days from my home garage refrigerator. The ACCURATE original Chatilion scale I used to buy and sell the eggs is still my TOURNAMENT SCALE I use to this day on my boat. Sorry for the Salmon Egg "old school" memories, The answer is #3 to #4 pounds averaged out total (2 roes) . Then #30+ pound females ripe went up to #6--- # 7 pounds total again averaged out. What Tempo Tech did with these purchased Eggs and what they told they did with them is a Whole nether story.\ Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  7. Brian, 2 year old male Chinooks, I see it that exact same way. This new Hatchery "Technique" was from a Professor I believe from Winsor college, Canada...That is the same Windsor Canadian college I tout often about how much Independent (Non-Government) Information I get at the Great Lakes fishery Commission meetings. So I am torn here like you until I get a chance get more info on this. Technically they are using Younger/Smaller male Chinooks NOT "Precocious Jacks" as they were called for the last 35 years. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  8. THANKS BRIAN. Thanks for CURRENT info. Yes they Broke the #3 million egg take mark on Tue Oct 18th. The DEC has made GREAT moves/Implantations at the Hatchery this year, as I stated earlier " I believe the Hatchery is moving in right direction" Sam Zucco had pictures & Video (bowl Technique included) They also prefer The 2-1 and 3-1 male /Female mix to include the sperm from young Males (more Potent) The current run there is only starting with Giants being "Snippered" out recently. Thanks again for your Efforts. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  9. ifishy Hatchery tried Coho Egg collection Wed 19th. and were not satisfied with Eggs taken. They were 50/50 .....Half Ripe-Ready and other half "Green" They will postpone till later. So They will be collecting/working Chinook Eggs Tommorrow. Fri 21st till 12 Noon. at hatchery. Probably Last day until Coho work ressumes ***** Please take pictures & Post. If you & Family go. Also THANK YOU Capt. Sam Zucco for your Pictures and ALL the Questions you asked while at your Hatchery visit. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  10. Please Google Earth Following: Port Dalhousie Pier Marina ----Example of how to build marina in the lake with River Pier protection against predominant winds(protection from North & East winds also) USA Equivalent ====GENESSEE RIVER St Catherines Marina----Marina built in lake with Pier protection against predominate winds(protection from East winds also) USA Equivalent===GENESSEE RIVER Port Whitby Marina----Example of how to build a protected marina that has a wide open bay opening to the Lake. CLOSE off entire Bay from lake and build protected channel from predominant wind USA Equivalent====BRADDOCKS BAY MUST SEE: Port Credit Marina-----A river too small for a big marina. So they built a Big marina in the open lake and PROTECTED IT'S ENTRANCE WITH A HALF SUNKIN SHIP *********Check this out on Google map********* USA Equivalent====Sandy Creek, Hamlin N.Y. Hmmmmmmm ??????? HaHaHa Environmentalist would shudder when they see this one ***Check out**** Lakefront Promenade marina just east of Port Credit Marina...Built on lake shoreline next to a tiny feeder creek. Bluffers Park Marina-----Built on the open lake shoreline, totally protected, WITHOUT any feeder rivers,creeks or streams feeding it. USA Equivalent==== ANYWHERE on the south shore of lake Ontario. More Examples of Lake Ontario's Man made Marinas on the current Lakeshore landscape available on request...................... This is NOT Canadian Rocket Science !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  11. Pap, No problem. Atlantic Salmon eggs are taken from Brood stock (in swimming pools behind Capt. Rick---Yankee Trollers house) Just Kidding, I Know how he feels about Atlantics......... Atlantic Salmon Eggs are taken from Brood Stock at our Adirondack Hatchery outside Saranac Lake. I will post the Coho numbers also, as that starts today. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  12. UPDATE: Tue Oct 18th Collected 800,000 Eggs. Broke the 3 Million Mark Egg take total . Starting Coho Egg collection Wed 19 th Jerry RUNNIN REBEL Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. You can't prove......... 2 whites (Chinese) make it WONG"S Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  14. Rick, You know......... I AM WORKING ON THAT ALSO..........O.K. Here is the "Baby steps" Strategy 1st Get N.Y. State D.E.C & OMNR to communicate and work more closely together . Canadian's in all levels From Recreational fisherman & Unanimous Charter Capt. support and Sportsman and government support, Are not happy with the USA side willing to risk their 1/2 of Lake Ontario's Incredible Salmon fishery they have. 2nd Get Canadian Eggs (Naturals only if possible) across borders, VERY HARD TO DO IN PAST with past Political landscapes. Steve & Andy are very accessible and Altmar hatchery staff & Conditions are going in right direction I believe. 3rd Get fish tagging trailer involved again with Chinook studies consistently , instead of in mothballs or on Coho Experiments. I have spent time collecting data on fish marking trailer. IT IS EXPENSIVE, and leave it at that for now. 4th Better inform anyone willing to take time and interest in the WHOLE Lake Ontario dynamics. You see how many people attend meetings or can ask Questions to Capts like you and Capt. Matt French. Then we can try other avenues over a nice Italian dinner at Riccis in Greece NY with a captive audience and armed Lieutenant sitting between me & you..... THANKS MATT for the appreciation, and information you provide me year round. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  15. UPDATE: Mon Oct. 17th Lots of Chinooks in the Ladder at Hatchery. 649,000 Eggs collected RUNNING TOTAL 2.2 Million eggs collected. Canada Collected 1,160,068 Chinook Eggs from the Credit River . That is more than needed in case NY State DEC falls short. Ganaraska Natural Egg collections running behind, They worked over Their Thanksgiving weekend to help reach numbers. They should still make their Egg Target soon. I am hoping to get a Canadian Ganaraska River NATURAL Eggs Production in our Hatchery for comparison/diversity next Year . THIS IS A TOP PRIORITY for me. And has been for years. People who fish Canadian salmon fishing tournaments will understand. Hope to get you some current Altmar Hatchery video if possible. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  16. Tom, I have been working on Canadian Eggs in Our system for years now and ( Utilizing Canadian system as well, with Direct stock Canadian Hatchery fish in Niagara River --Canadian side.) . I am hoping this will be the year that more happens . I would like to start with Canadian -ALL natural reproduction eggs in our hatchery and a way to test them against our broad stock as a FANTASTIC EXPERIMENT if possible. If I have to pull my "Devil's Advocate " Full Time charter Capt. Buddy out of a current self proclaimed "Pen Rearing less involvement role" I will be Happy to do it. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  17. I posted an Update on a New Thread "Salmon River Egg Collection" Jerry RUNNIN REBEL http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/topic/61562-salmon-river-egg-collection/
  18. Tuesday Oct.11th: Sorting Coho out of the ladder, Checking Chinooks to see if they are ripe, If so they will start collecting. Chinooks Were Ready for Egg Collecting 3000,000 Eggs Taken from 79 Females This is an "OK" Egg take for the 1st day, Better in the past. UPDATED (Tue 11th Afternoon) 349,000 Total Eggs taken today. Wednesday Oct. 12th: Day #2 Egg Collection A Little Slower with 290,500 Collected TOTAL Collected in 2 Days is around 640,000 Thurs. Oct 13th Day #3 Egg Collection 500,000 Eggs Collected Fri. Oct 14th Day#4 Egg Collection 450,000 Eggs Collected 4 Days of Collection TOTAL so far is around 1,600,000 Eggs ********Going to Increase Salmon River Water flows this Weekend to Draw more fish in. Target of AROUND 3,000,000 Eggs should be met by end of next week. I can give you Canada update as well if you are interested. Canada started last weekend out slow at Ganaraska. I am Trying to get up there and see "Natural Reproduction" myself. SIDENOTE : While People are showing on Facebook, winter snow sleds filled with some of our best (biggest) Breeding stock ,Salmon Duct Taped in, and other #26 ++++ salmon on "Ropes" Dragging off The Salmon River, Not to mention Russian Snagging Videos Now ! In Canada QUOTE: " We Close most our Rivers Sept 30th to let fish Spawn" Most do not open back up till Spring time 2017. I Guess we can fish the Salmon River and take Millions of eggs also.....Increasing The water Flow on a Weekend Hopefully gives Opportunity to All. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  19. This is sounding more like " Common Core " Paleontologists around hear. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  20. This is what I expected.....At least no one said "the rest of Jenna Jamison"....... Yet.... THANKS for the laffs.....even though some of you are serious.. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  21. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. here is a 235 page report on "Guide to eating Ontario fish " that is very interesting. can be found online at this website (sent in FRENCH also, I don't know why I did ) Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  23. 9 deer this AM ....doe with young all together on way up and 2 small buck together later....Nice morning to be out before Pm rain Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  24. Interesting PM's I am getting. A few are requesting NO king cuts AND keep Laker cuts. That is not the proposal. PROPOSAL : %20 King AND Laker cuts for 2017 or nothing done. Skipper Mark, The cuts if enacted would then let the Pen projects increase their capacity up to %75 total of site allotment (increase from current %50) with a 2 for 1 swap (decrease of direct stocking) of direct stock fish at that site. The current %50 at sites is grandfathered in at 1 to 1 ratio. Tom B, I am getting alewife trawl data answers for you shortly. NOTE*******With reduced flows on Salmon River,They are closing the lower fly fishing area of the Salmon river also to protect Returning Salmon to hatchery******************** Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  25. Thank you for experiences/comments and Info. EVERYONE benefits from everyone else's input. ********Could you please put in your responses if you are in favor or against the proposed King & Lake trout cut for 2017 ****** THANKS AGAIN for everyone's effort here. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
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