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Everything posted by RUNNIN REBEL

  1. Congrats Bill on finding that buck. DAMM Coyotes' !!!!!!!!!! Big Congrats on that 1ST bow buck. and other young hunter "pick-up truck" w/bow buck pic... Love the Young hunter pics And Ray................Your driveway has seen more dead deer on it than most month's worth on the Lake Ontario Parkway I drive EVERY DAY. I have know you long enuff to expect bucks like that from you. Now it is time for you to head south soon and molest lobsters .
  2. Choo, I am a PICTURE lover and those are some great pics. Enjoyed the story book narration with awesome pics. If he makes it another year great, but passing those genes on to your property Doe is what enhances your "property pool"
  3. Congrats Dan & Joe, GREAT JOB on those bucks. I can feel your smiles from here.
  4. Mark, It is actually very hard to track the "swamp bucks" in places like that. The duck weed swallows up the tracks and and when you find a "track hole" there is no telling the direction it is going or the size or make of that deer or even how fresh......
  5. Some bucks Losing velvet in early Sept.
  6. Congratulations Rob---Mikey --Hunter and crew. This was a new year for you in EVERY WAY possible,."Learning curve" does NOT describe 2015 season (gas gauges/tanks-3 county new boat runs in a day-costs of WINNING a tourney- etc) You ALWAYS try "to better the situation" in every event I have ever fished with you. There is a good chance Oak Orchard, Orleans county may never get that trophy back !!!!!!!! Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  7. Mark, Freezer is actually at my house/property. Accessible 24 hours ---7 days.. with enuff room to turn a boat trailer around.... NO EXCUSES to not drop off clipped/tagged salmon or lake trout snouts also. Vince, I do not believe people understand how important it is to utilize the efforts of the pen rearing projects on this lake. Without many returned PEN REARED salmon tags..... there is less factual argument on future pen rearing programs and over all stock numbers.. Government is looking for ways to change criteria ; SEE BOW HUNTING SEASON 2015 fall first 2 weeks of bow season regulations.......SEE % amount of "natural" salmon in Lake Ontario (less tag numbers of pen reared salmon captured mean higher % number the naturals in the lake totals =====less stocking numbers...SIMPLE MATH .......I talk to the government "head hunters" -----meet with them---work with them......hang out with them-----buy/pick up freezer for them. Reelpower... this pick up effort will continue in the fall when more salmon will be more accessible ....Most private PM's I am getting are from the stream fisherman willing to give salmon snouts and info needed on size/length/dates ETC.. Capt.. Jerry REBEL FISHING CHARTERS
  8. The pen rearing/fin clipped salmon study is coming to a end.. {2016 study will be on coho} Any salmon having an adipose fin clip has coded wire tag in it's snout. PLEASE save snout/head only. Lake Ontario United( LOU=everyone on this site)... purchased a freezer for US Fish and Wild life to help with this study. The freezer is located off lake Ontario state parkway near Sandy Creek, Hamlin NY. I AM WILLING to pick up fish heads from Irondequoite Bay west to Oak Orchard if needed. With all the time and effort put into the pen rearing projects LAKEWIDE, the retuning data is MINIMAL at best. Lack of data (returned wire tags) does not help with future salmon stocking numbers, especially in our fish pens. With less data to compare to pen survival rates verses direct stocked or percent of pen reared to wild salmon numbers returning in lake. ETC. This collection will go on right threw fall stream season. Please make an effort if you can to not let years of fin clipped/tagged salmon and pen rearing project efforts lakewide go unrewarded and info not to be FULLY utilized. PM me any questions as you can drop fish heads off yourself any day/anytime also at freezer location. Thanks Capt. Jerry REBEL FISHING CHARTERS
  9. Call East Fork marina...Tom . People always buying bigger boats and give up their indoor storage spots
  10. CONGRATS FREDDIE, That is a truly awesome fish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You still are the same Fred that has walked the docks early mornings to help out Team "Thrillseeker" for countless tournaments and Thousand's of fish fought for DECADES flanked by a Doug---J Jackson or a Vince, ALWAYS with a great big smile and a lunch bag for the day. You have accomplished a life long dream of every great lakes angler. Could not happen to a nicer guy. (who EVERY TIME I still see asks about the health & well being of myself/family and my best friends). Congratulations again to you... STEELHEAD'R Jerry Runnin Rebel
  11. Blame me if you want....... BUT I only filled in the "comment" part of the hunter survey............ My only input was " Could the D.E.C. stock Lake Ontario with Canadian hatched Salmon ONLY...Not MORE of the inferior NY State/hatchery product"
  12. In would like to thank the "Sandy creek shoot out" rules board/public relations bureau division.............. For accommodating EVERYONE in a tournament this year....FINALY...... Thank you for the following rule changes. Change #1 team Trout-N-About can no longer fish this tournament because they have won it MORE than once......They will be promoted up to a NEW division that will be named at a later time....Much later....... Change #2 Team 5 more minutes -Tony Chat was given his entry money and 2015 team application back....Due to the FACT he is having WAY TO MUCH of an Awesome year in 2015.... He will be welcomed back in 2016 to that soon to be named NEW DIVISION (Same new division trout-n-about is now in) Change #3 Capt. Vince-team Thrillseeker has been & ALWAYS will be given an Official "Sandy Creek shoot out" applications that give the dates of this tournament to be held some time In AUGUST of every year............ OR Capt. Vince can enter the NEW DIVISION (coming soon) mentioned in the above changes. And YES the NEW division will be named after Capt. Vince........ Change #4 EVERYONE IS A WINNER...... You ALL get trophies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job everyone (even if you caught nothing in the past 9 tournaments you entered) Thanks for coming in today .................. Thank you again from TEAM REBEL REDSKINS
  13. Who do you think the sauce that Paul drinks was named after ??????????? YES.......................".old school".......;......"Looks good on paper" SAILOR JERRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Thanks for putting this up John. BIG thanks to the volunteers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Great to see DEC at these events, as I had concerns/questions about the kings this year . Mike Connerton (DEC) answered them and handed me DEC stocking history sheets to explain better to me. Bootleggers, was a nice surprise venue also. Dan and Shelly were there constantly to do everything they could to accommodate. GREAT EXPERIENCE and the prize money was not to shabby either $$$ Thanks again to the nameless volunteers who helped make this happen Jerry Team RUNNIN REBEL
  15. Congrats on Another nice Atlantic salmon . There have been a few good size Atlantics caught this year lakewide. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  16. Site works great on my end. Looks like the 2 Niagara Pro-Ams (back to back weekends) will be held out of Olcott -1 st event... AND..... Wilson Harbor- BootLeggers Cove Marina - 2 nd event this year. Wilson Harbor will become "the destination port" on Lake Ontario with 2 GREAT Marina/Restaurant/dock Etc. now, And with OVER $105,000 thousand CASH +++ $10,000 in merchandise for just fishing 2 back to back weekends is totally unheard of in ANY Great Lakes tournaments this year. SHhhhhhhhh Don't tell the Michigan or Canadian tournament teams this.......... Jerry REBEL CHARTERS
  17. Bruce, GREAT update thanks. Glad the fishing season has started too... Getting tired of watching your dock mate drive the "Purple ford Ranger" all over Irondequiote getting better looks at the lake !!!!!!!!!! Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  18. I see you found a "Dirty Goose" in the river also. Jerry RUNNIN REBEL
  19. Headed to flea market now. Jerry (and his wallet)
  20. Again, I can't say enough about Canadian efforts with limited resources. These tags gives fish locations/depths-- time of day/night and other info constantly updating. Releasing reward TEST capsules to see if & where they come ashore. Interesting information at the Lockport state of the lake meeting last night. The lake is definitely treated differently among it's different locations. Just an obvious walk in sign up sheet with your representation/interest is treated differently end of lake to other end of lake. That is why I recommend going to more than 1 state of lake meeting. Jerry
  21. John at Northern King. Last number I had was 585-865-3373 Jerry
  22. Brian that is a very good turn out for this meeting, what percentage you figure was stream fishing interests ? "Debbie Downer".....HA , Try witnessing an Intelligent conversation with an environmentalist at one of these meetings Rick .......And you will see the future of this state. Two observations that held true from those early DEC-Bruce Schupp years meetings was: 1...DEC always said to never go start a business dependant on their stocking/management of this fishery... QUOTE " It is a put and take Fishery" 2... FOLLOW THE MONEY or lack of it with anything budgeted by the government (especially N.Y.State) If the state can show a 100 K savings or cut back in a reported budget,THEY WILL (even though in reality it cost the state over 1 million +++ in tourist/spending INCOME dollars). Then turn around and announce that 100 K savings will be put towards an entitlement project.............. Jerry
  23. NO NEED for logs at launches. DEC has diary books today 2015 that could be adapted by every fisherman that requests one. It would be a start and extension of a CURRENT/BUDGETED DEC program. NO $$$$ excuses on this idea. Jerry
  24. Fins, That would be a great question to bring up in Pulaski meeting (DEC knows that area has largest river fishing and lake fishing presence combined). YOU HAVE A VOICE CLOSE TO ALTMAR and ALBANY. The fact is Gill-t's idea would be an extension of CURRENT 2015 log program currently going on. The stream fisherman in NY currently have a "Angler Diary program" . Why stream guy's don't mention this i do not know.....You only need to provide DEC with your name and contact information. THEY WILL SEND YOU A DIARY. (already printed up and ready to go for 2015. The current angler diary program covers Allegany and wyoming counties (Wiscoy creek). This program/diary runs from March 1st to Oct 31st 2015 and its purpose is to QUOTE " Angler diarist needed to help EVALUATE THE QUALITY OF THE FISHERY " You have to admit this study time frame sure would work on the lake this year COMBINED with an existing ready to go DEC official diary they will send you now. Please post response of meeting and details. And THANKS for taking the time and effort. Jerry Play to your strengths and win small battles before you ask for the world..........
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