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  1. Try this site https://flashertape.com
  2. Is this still available?
  3. If you need to get deeper and do not want to have multiple set ups, take a look at Torpedo weights. There are multiple sizes which should allow you to fish anywhere in the water column. We have a 200 ft weighted steel rod and use the shark and snapper weights to get down in that 60-100 ft range. I use the Seagate reel and enjoy being able to clear that line out of the way faster when another rods fires Vic
  4. Go with trolling bags. Check out the beefy bags at the Amish Outfitter. Try to avoid drift socks as the trolling will tear them up. Vic
  5. That time of year , you should have staging salmon around the ports and an off shore fishery for juveniles Vic
  6. We fished Sunday from 75-85 depths and marked lots of bait and fish. East wind was blowing pretty good so we stayed in close but heard 250 range and 400 ft was good as well. I would say by early July that 80-150 ft area will be good as well as your off shore steelhead bite. You should be prepared for the arrival of the fleas. As for lures I have caught fish each trip on the UV Stingray gator spoon and green glow flasher with ultra green glow Atomik fly good luck vic
  7. I will take lot 5. I will also pm u for PayPal address vic
  8. Fished last weekend at the Oak. Fleas are bad. Check wire divers every 30 minutes to avoid build up. On rigger lines I put about 125 ft of 50 lb test with 10 ft of 20 lb fluorocarbon leader to avoid fleas. We fished between 120 -160 ft of water. 150 seemed best, although by next weekend everything can change. Always check 70-90 ft range. Good luck vic
  9. Yes west side
  10. I have launch at the state launch last couple of weekends. Has something changed recently? They built up the ramp very nicely vic
  11. Thanks
  12. Any updates on the Oak Orchard launch on west side? Still closed? Thanks Vic
  13. Agree. Big Fin, Hammer, and Stud. I would also add Green Crinkle and T-41 ultra green glo
  14. We fished yesterday and it was slow for us. We fish 80-120 ft. I will blame the slow fishing on the east wind, Moss, and the fleas. The fleas were terrible. When u do travel up make sure u are prepared for them.
  15. We are going to stay in #3 yurt. Should be arriving Thursday night. Stop by and say high Vic Rowcliffe
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