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Gene Shenk

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Everything posted by Gene Shenk

  1. Very nice it looks great!!
  2. Thanks for all the positive comments guys and by the way we will be in a tree stand again before we know it!! Final food plots are going in this weekend!
  3. I picked up my 2012 archery buck from the taxidermist and I luv it I got the aggressive head tilted and ears back form just like the way he was when I shot him, I would like to thank my friend Tom for helping me harvest this buck and Greg at American Wildlife Taxidermy for doing a great job!
  4. Spike There are a couple of pictures of real nice fatty lakers on the Loc derby site, so I would check there. You could just send him a link to.
  5. Nick lets hope if he was hauling he at least had Radar and he knew were you where at! Still anything over 10 mph seemed pretty crazy to me. I don't think I got over 7mph all morning.
  6. Nick it was tough out there this morning for sure. Visibility and floating logs really had me on my toes out there!
  7. Very foggy which made it slow going for me with no Radar. We did 3 of 4 1 small laker 120 over 135 white spin fly combo, a small king up high in the same water, a decent head on a green nbk down 45 over 115 and we dropped another. The fog and flys sucked and the fishing was weak. I would have loved to gone out deep but with the fog just hanging on the lake I knew it would be a long slow ride back so 150 was as far as I got. The fog was still thick at 11 am when we came back in. I did see some bait in the 35 foot area and we tried to troll some spoons threw it but had no luck.
  8. We had a late start but we got on the water around 8 am, my son Cam and I took some friends new to big lake fishing out for a few hours. We took half a dozen lakers and one small king but 2 of the lakers were 15 and 16 lbs. My son and his friend reeled in all the fish and had a great time. The lakers were taken in 135 down100 on a variety of SD and flies.
  9. Thank you for the report I think better fishing is coming for all of us.
  10. We finally launched the boat at the marina on sandy creek and headed out around 11:30 am for a little fishing and to make sure everything worked. The boat ran great and we beat up a bunch of lakers with some cowbells and spin n glows in the 90 to 100 foot area east of the creek. No monsters but a lot of action and a fun start to the season for us. probably went 15 for 20 in about 3 hours of fishing. Now I am ready to start chasing some salmon and heads the next time out.
  11. Thanks for the report and great job on a real nice fish!!
  12. Thanks Rob!
  13. Thanks ! please send his contact info!
  14. Thanks Sk8man I passed it along and he called and they said they dont work on those motors. I am not sure if he found somebody or not yet seems to be an odd motor to get worked on.
  15. Thanks Lineman. I think I got the info I need seems that he may reopen a shop in the future but not sure when. I will check out traditions in Henrettia it is close to work.
  16. I was wondering if anybody has contact info for Phil at Indian Mountain Archery in Hilton? He has sold the shop, he's web site is down and his shop phone is diconnected with no forwarding number. I heard he might be moving and opening a new shop but i dont have anyway to contact him. Does anybody know how to get a hold of him or if he even still intends on running an archery shop?
  17. I need a mechanic recomendation for a friend he is looking at a none running mid 1990 ish sea ray jet boat with a Merc. motor that needs looked at before he makes an offer on it. So if you guys have a favorite merc guy out there in the wny area please let me know. Thanks Gene
  18. Good Job Congrats!!!
  19. How about Top Shelf ( you know where mama hides the cookies)!
  20. Welcome aboard Bruce! You have picked a great site. Start reading so you can understand the trout and salmon lingo and always search your question first it probably has been answered several times by great fisherman. If you then need more info ask away. I learned more in my first two years being on this site then I would have through 30 years of trial and error. Great group of very knowledgeable anglers here they never stop impressing me! Hell they have taught me so much I can even answer a few questions myself from time to time.
  21. Great pics !! Kids with fish are the best shots!!
  22. Nie Buck!! Congrats!!
  23. Great story congrats on that very nice buck!!
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