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Gene Shenk

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Everything posted by Gene Shenk

  1. I have 13# torpedos and luv them!!
  2. Thanks for the report Scott! The boat stayed dry this weekend but we plan to change that next weekend.
  3. Nice! keep working at it and you will get good at it until something changes and then your learning process starts all over and that is why this sport is so challenging and fun, all of us are always learning!
  4. Well the best way to know for sure is put them down and start paddlin that yak into shallower water until they hit then you will know for sure. Another option that might work are these torpedo trollin weights http://www.torpedodivers.com/torpedo.asp they are not cheap but they look like a better system then dipsy's on the yak! Good luck and when you get it dialed in we want to see some pics!!!
  5. I dont think you are anywhere near the botton with 3oz of weight. Last week i was in the thousand islands and was trolling spoons for pike at 2.3 mph with 6oz weight and i was not hitting bottom in 25 fow with 160' of line out which was 30lb power pro. There are trolling guides avaliable that have charts for this but I do not have one with me at work. Also I have found if you run a leader that is closer to 6' your bite rate will go up. To get to the bottom in 70 to 80 fow you might need more like 10 to 16oz of lead. I would look into using dipsy's or the torpedo weight that you clip to the line might work well if you do not plan to buy down riggers.
  6. I am signed up, paid and have a slip booked at Sandy creek marina this should be a great time. Thanks to the guys who have put this together!!
  7. Thanks Motoman, the kids get so excitied it is awesome and i think it keeps me from forgetting what this Should be all about! FUN!!
  8. I use 50lb berkley trilene big game with no complaints. It is cheap and a roll lasts a long time if stored properly. I formaly used the braid for leader and had the same problems you are describing. Many of the better Anglers use 50lb floral carbon leader material with good luck but it is not cheap but then again what is in this sport LOL! I have also used the same leader 50lb BTBG to replace leaders on Flys when needed with good luck.
  9. I was wondering what is your favorite color combos when it is early in the morning,overcast and bright and sunny?
  10. Well when I am trolling I like a Magnum size green NBK with a trolling weight in front of it or sometime's a large mag size spoon that has black and white on it with a silver belly. When I am casting i like a heavy black bucktail jig with a black plastic worm on the hook which I usuallt retrive it in a raise and fall swimming motion.
  11. Yodamage I understand what you are saying, that is why I enjoy bowhunting more then gun hunting but with that being said this boat and all the stuff that goes with it is a huge cost to me and my family at our income level. So I have to say with only fishing the weekends when the wind lets me and I am always trying to take children and first timers out with me so they can experience the sport, oh and did I mention I am not that great of a fisherman LOL! I think it is nessary to get a little edge when I can!other wise when the fishing is tough and the fish are scattered I dont think I could justify this hobby to my family by telling them well were not catching anything so just enjoy the (expensive) boat ride. Just my 2 cents. Gene
  12. I doubled+ my catch rates since i started fishing in a boat with a down speed and temp probe, I got a depth raider and like it.
  13. I doubled+ my catch rates since i started fishing in a boat with a down speed and temp probe, I got a depth raider and like it.
  14. Great Job nice fish i dont think my wife would have went out in that wind LOL !!!
  15. Thanks it was alot of fun hopefully next time I can get them on a few more fish. At least now they know it is worth the wait!!
  16. I took a Milltary firend and his 2 kids out fishing with my son and another one of his friends. It took awhile to get it going but we went 4 for 8 out of sandy on 06/27. I am glad all the kids got to reel in a fish. I should hollered out to the Lou guys out there and got some tips because it sounded like they were moving more rods than I was.
  17. Great report and one hell of a day you had Brian!!! I was out Sunday with 4 kids on board we went 4 for 8 with a 17lb king I could not wipe the smile of that kids face. We were in 150 to 220 most of the morning white spinny fly combos and lemon ice spoons. I didnt get it dialed in till it was late in the morning and then we had to go. I was just glad all the kids caught a fish.
  18. Good job on a nice mixed bag Bruce !!!
  19. Nice Job !!!
  20. Doc Check the atom mik site for the belt and it works good for my 10 year old son. Also in a pinch I bought a very long handled net from dicks and i have ended up liking it and it was pretty cheap.
  21. Thanks for the report Foster and great job on the king.
  22. Very nice !! I have a riot shooting with 10 year old and taking him with me on some bowhunts.
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