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Everything posted by Ray

  1. Browns outweighed the lakers....
  2. Mower, yup, just wondering what was the final weigh in score for the 1st day.
  3. Anyone have the day one final results? Thanks.
  4. I like this... http://graphical.weather.gov/sectors/bufMarineWeek.php
  5. Any Pics? Bunk or Roller?
  6. Ray

    Hot engine

    Just wondering if you thought of... 1. Old piece of impeller stuck somewhere. 2. water hoses bad....collapsing. Happened on my friends boat years ago. 3. New impeller is now bad...pull lower unit and check. Hope you find an answer soon.
  7. Nice Brown!
  8. For me... Browns in the AM and Salmon in the PM.
  9. Matthew. Please post a picture of how you attach your cable to a Klincher. Thanks.
  10. buckboardjr, you are absolutely correct. I learned that from my cousin...I spent too many times unreeling line by hand.
  11. I used a plastic soda bottle...same concept.
  12. you have a pm
  13. If it's a mercruiser, sounds like a lower shift cable that is worn out.
  14. Thanks guys! Tight Lines! Ray
  15. What are some good alternatives to the No. 247 Dual Rod Holders? Will these work? The Scotty 478 rod holder? http://www.amazon.com/Scotty-478-Rocket ... 66&sr=8-40
  16. Depends upon...depth of water fishing, pounds of downrigger weights. I fish mainly from 120 ft up to the surface and upgraded to electrics. It gets tiring using manuals to retrieve the weights and with auto stop on electric riggers you can multi-task. Food for thought.
  17. Is the last 1116 adjustable boom still for sale?
  18. Thanks for the info. Playin Hookey.
  19. Sounds like a nice morning. How was the level of water at the launch?
  20. If quailman doesn't take all 3, please pm me.
  21. What brand, size and color?
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