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Everything posted by Missdemeanor

  1. Well....... Here's what you know zero about Charlie.... Offshore ( easpecially) in the latter part of the summer, early fall.. Kings and steelhead tend to occupy the same water column. With the water clarity in recent years ( there you go somthing you may know a lot about) lead cores, coppers and other "Junk " lines tend to be more productive for BOTH species. So why would I remove my first string players? I'm not and neither is anyone else. So let's look at weather patterns in general the last few summers. Very unpredictable. Thermocline had a tough time setting up because it blew in a different direction every other day it seemed like... I fished deeper in the last few years than I have in 40 years out on the lake... So let's just say you get a steelhead on a rigger set at 80ft ( looking through my journal 80ft down was a consistant rigger to go). Steelhead fight themselves to death. The combination of the build up of lactic acid and brining them up from depths....even on a rigger... Kills them. See you would know this if you were out there and had a little understanding of how it works.. And cheaters are really tough to use when the fleas are waded up out there. Now on the tributary side, I do not get out and fish it anymore. My personal opinion is, I don't feel ok fishing for fish in a confined space.... Not as bad as a high fenced hunt... But just not my cup of tea... To each his own as long as it's done legally. With that said, I'm in no position to get on a tributary thread and bust fly angler's ball$ about tbe techniques they use. ( as long as it's legal).. You know why I wouldn't? Because I stay in my Lane... Maybe people would take what you say more credible if you stayed in your lane.... Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. You're correct in June and early July, but get into August and September when thermoclines are 60-80' down in the Western Basin (much deeper on the eastern) and you'd be surprised how deep the Steelhead go. Last September we fished offshore all month and pulled Steelhead down 60-90' all month. 100%..... I fished really far offshore in Late August and all of Sept ( no stagers )... Steel were mixed in with 2yr old kings... 75-90ft down was the most productive Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. "LL Bean didn't sell fly fishing equipment back then. And you were much more likely to encounter a big martin automatic on an ugly stick or a fenwick than Orvis tackle," Yea lucky....when I was talking about that tackle....i was speaking about in recent years... The guy in my encounter ( it was about 6 years ago) was geared up to the max... A poser if you will... Similar to a guy who shows up to a gun range with all the latest and greatest guns, holsters , 511 gear... And the guy shoots like garbage.. We call them Tacticool... Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Yea Billy it was just down the road from our friends place. I'm sure he heard me MF-in the guy all the way to his truck... Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. It's not quite as blatant as those clowns but it does keep happening... I was fishing a hole one morning all by myself ...there was about a dozen BTs in it.. Including a big big one ( mid teens). I caught three is 5 drifts when some guy came down on the other side from me... He asked (in a thick southern accent) if I minded that he fished there.. No biggie ..have at it... He pulls out a fly rod with 4 split shot on it and immediately targets this big Brown.the The guy raked him across the back and hooked the fish in the dorsal... As he fought it, I yelled over for him to break the fish off and that I watched him purposely snag it... He told me that he bought an out of state license and he is going to get his money's worth of this big Brown.I told him If I had to obey the law so did he. After a few F words from our stream friend, I had enough. I watch him battle this brown and pulled a yellow stringer out of his pocket. I yell over that if that fish goes on that stringer, that I was going to come over and throw his A$$ into the water... Well guy tried to call my bluff...kind of... As he saw me marching across the creek in a spirited pace rolling up my sleeves, he broke off the big brownie and high tailed it to his POS truck with West Virginia plates... And that was the last time I stream fished... So it's not just the guys back in the 90s with the tuna sticks and spider wire... They have graduated to Orvis fly reels and LL Bean Waders... Like any crime.. If you see somthing, say somthing... Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. I tie My leaders with double Uni knots.. No barrel swivels... I tend to only use enough leader so the knot is near my rod tip ( not through it. Just outside it) and long enough to go to my reel seat... That is enough leader to land a fish without winding the knot through the eyelits... Saves my knots from getting nicked and weakened... Good luck... Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. It's not the law... But if you keep tossing back steelhead ..they tend not to make it... So for the sake of ethics, I try not to catch and release in the middle of the summer...its a little different in colder months... I don't feel right about sore lipping or potentially killing a fish... For what? Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. If I'm duck hunting and I shoot my two redheads, can I legally then shoot my buddy' s two? Nope...... So to go by the letter of the law, once you catch your limit that's it... And I don't stay out on schools of fish sore lipping them or tossing back fish that might not make it . Is it legal? Yes... But in my eyes it's unethical if the fish are not going to make it... Such as summer Steelhead.... A limit is a limit and we are done... That's the law....period! Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Keeping a Captain and Mate's limit is Illegal Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. My apologies to Rob Westcott , Chad Lappa, and Hank Searles.... This topic will only get ugly... So I'm going to gracefully bow out... I posted what needed to be posted And for the record , you never gave me your contact information at the Sandy meeting. I wouldn't have used it anyway... Adios Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. I can't answer for Sandy... Not involved with their pen rearing... However I've been involved in putting the pens ( and taking them out) EVERY year for the past 8 seasons... I don't remember there being anyone I didn't know ...so I don't believe you on that.... I know that when you guys approached with these regulations, the DEC told you guys to get more involved with pen rearing... That's when the spark was lit on these pen projects... You just didn't give the specifics... "Dave presenting to the Trout Unlimited New York State council on the DEC Lake Ontario Tributary Regulation changes in NY that need your support & comments. Comment period ends Dec 14th!" I'm sure you were objective.. Lol.. Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. Not national organizations.... Such as the NRA, Ducks Unlimited.. Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation... And yes Trout Unlimited. I personally have nothing against any of them... However I take exception to Lake Regulations being brought up and pushed by anglers who are predominantly tributary anglers.... Want to police yourselves and make all Tribs catch and release? Cool...I Trib fish maybe 2x a year... Hardly classifies me as a tributary guy. So in my mind, I wouldn't begin to but my nose in those guys business... However in light of recent events, that may change... Regarding the Charter Association and Lotsa... These are grass root organizations. organizations that have been doing ALL the pen rearing in the past( This only changed because the DEC told those guys to get involved... Not on their own accord). These are not National chapters.. So there has been some information circulating around alluding to TU being involved in this regulation proposal. Since Mr Agness is such an outspoken proponent of these regulations and there is proof that he has approached TU for assistance in helping get these regulations passed... I guess what I'm saying is worry about all the snaggers, poachers, litter bugs, and stream erosion from the plan 2014.. and leave us alone on the Lake side... Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. I'd say trout unlimited is heavily involved... Isn't that a picture of you giving a presentation to trout unlimited rochester pushing for the backing of these new regulations.... I can tell you we have not approached a special interest group in order to get regulations passed. .... Unethical in my eyes... But who am I? Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. I've had swanns make venison products for me... Very good... Recently I've been going to Doug Asbury at Deer Done Right in Albion. Doug does Fantastic work...his Eyetalian Sausage and Cheddar Dogs are awesome... Enjoy fellas Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. So King Davy.... Dave Agness... Your saying that Trout Unlimited had nothing to do with helping these regulations get passed? Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Yup Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. Not really a choice now.... Playing nice in the sandbox has not worked...plan B will have to do Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Semantics Dave.... Really... How about you worry about your own stomping ground Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. I'm not sure why this dead horse keeps taking a bat to the head. Congratulations.... You got your regulations... All this did was further the divide between stream and lake angler.. The thing is , NO WHERE in the history of the lake has a group of lake anglers pushed for regulations on the tributaries... So here it is... The regulations that you guys were promised.. I knew things were fishey when I heard trout unlimited was involved... If I could prove a special interest group was involved in getting regulations passed, you bet it would be all over the news.... I'm still digging on that one... So here is another side.... The DEC does not care one bit what the common lake guy thinks... Our observations don't matter.. They don't want to hear anything... The state of the lake meetings are garbage.. Pure lip service... I used to want to be involved with the meetings and focus groups... Now, not So much... It's a shame that it has come to this, but what's done is done ... You can't put the toothpaste back into the tube... Hoc confecto im Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. 1600 hrs to 0000 HR shifts suck Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. 43 grains of Hell coming down range!!!! Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. Lake guys have been getting restrictions tossed down our throats for years... Steelhead regs, regs on the number of silvers we can catch, stocking cuts, closure of hatcheries... So now we are supposed to sit back and allow a small group of loud people with deep pockets dictate how I run my business or enjoy my free time? Heck.. It was Lake guys's sweat and spare time that put those fish in the lake... Stream guys want to regulate the stream...cool... Have at it.... If the DEC continues to cut stocking numbers of kings, then somthing must be done to protect any natural and the brood stock of kings...again..whats right is right... Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. It's wouldn't change my mind at all... But it works in Canadian Tribs... Maybe Trout Unlimited needs to get off their wallets again and some more regulations can come down the pipeline. Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. Yessir..... The DEC did say that the lake was managed for salmon. Protect the school for natural reproduction and stocking efforts. What is right is right... Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  25. I have a Tarus .44mag. With a red dot on it... Perfect in my opinion.. Sent from my VS996 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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