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Everything posted by Missdemeanor

  1. I just watched that video yesterday..... Chrome..... Anybody know what kind of dogs those are? I'm thinking greyhounds.... Very cool
  2. Please save me A set.... I will be at Lost a on Sunday.... Matt
  3. That's exactly why I went with the Savage over the Remington.
  4. Wow... Talk about nostalgic... Very cool...
  5. Or layout boat hunt.... Most Yahoo's don't have the stones to do that kind of hunting.... But you need reliable guys who can handle a boat
  6. It was basically a grind..... I've talked to a lot of guys that had good days in fields with sky carp and Mallards. For me , shooting a big bull Can is like you bow hunters who wait for that big buck... I spent a lot of money on fuel scouting, a lot of time watching the sky.... and a lot of swearing at flocks of Merganzers that looked like flocks of Cans from a distance..lol... A lot of guys think it's as easy as putting out a dozen mallards and using their $5.00 Duck Commander call they bought at wallmart the day before...lol.... figuring out loafing areas, feeding areas, the wind...how to properly set decoys to guide the birds into the "Kill Zone". Some groups of guys stand up and gang shoot into flocks and divide up the birds. I witnessed this a lot this year on a Finger Lake... I always ask, how do you know which bird you killed? If a big flock comes in, we have one guy shoot....and we try to only take one bird from a flock.... This way there is no question who shot what, and nobody is shooting over their limit.... sorry for the rant guys.... I take diver hunting as serious as I do Lake fishing..... looks like a Maine trip is getting planned for next year....
  7. Russell... are you bringing any bulk hooks to lotsa?
  8. Besides opening day in October. I didn't get out for popcorn ducks. I was too busy with repairs on the Big boat. The split was relatively uneventful for us. We had a game plan to strictly target Canvasbacks, but the warmer weather slowed the migration. Well I thought the season was a bust, and we timed it right. Had the most incredible shoot on some true trophy Bulls with Bluebills and redheads thrown in. As fast as the birds arrived, they beat fear and were on to parts unknown. For a change of pace we went on a sea duck shoot which was exactly how I remember.... Easy.... It was a nice change of pace, but I miss the Can spot. Today we fought wicked winds, rain, and a blizzard. The Cans did fly, but they had their O2 masks ondue to the altitude. Overall, I was pleased with the results.... Next December feels like a long time away....
  9. 30 fow was the best..... riggers at 15 and 12.... small spoons...
  10. Thanks Eli..... It was fun.... I'm thinking a nice Aluminum rig will grace my driveway by next fall.... I know I won't have to convince these guys to brave the cold for another chance at a day like that.....
  11. Took the day off from Duck hunting and hit the Lake. Met with a slight chop out of the east.... Ran 4 rods off the boards and 2 riggers. Bay rat plugs in firetiger and frogs were outstanding. Goby pattern and Shiner pattern spoons off the riggers... The Browns were extremely healthy looking, however a few had fresh lamprey hits. We fished from 0730 to 1130 and wound up 27 for 31.... One laker in the mid teens.... I can't wait till the Big boat splashes in April.
  12. Nice heads.....
  13. Lava.... don't take this the wrong way, but leaving your rig out all season is just plain laziness. Part of duck hunting is making a pattern for your rig and actually having the birds land exactly where you want them... if you leave them out, you will have to make adjustments anyway to account for the changing wind. On the lam is exactly right.... those blocks will be wicked iced up. We bring our blocks inside everynight, thaw email out, and they look fine the next day. The easiest way to deploy and have the blocks look somewhat natural, I use a long line.... then I use single sets as a blocker. I've seen the net rigs before.... blocks that are real close in a tight group don't look natural...imo.... if you see a flock of birds on the water, they group up real tight before they spook and fly away..... just my opinion.... I'm sure that there are a thousand other ways to set dekes. Just what has worked for me.
  14. Maybe...... I tested quite a few chokes out of my 870 Super..... pattermaster, and kicks to name a few.... after spending a lot of money on chokes, I found a plain factory mod choke with 3 1/2 inch Kent 3s patterned crazy good. Heavy metal 2s were the worst... the Remington 3 1/2 inch Hypersonic patterned OK... just hammers the hell out of your shoulder....
  15. Finally got a couple good ducks today....plus a couple sky carp
  16. Well.... I think I'll lay my 350s on solid wood encapsulated..... No voids for any moisture to get in.
  17. Are you trying to say that glued plywood is better than solid wood for stringers?
  18. My original plan was white oak, but the opportunity for locust came about so why not..... I'm looking forward to getting this done, having my motors put back in...
  19. It's not just your boat..... I was crazy about keeping my bilge dry and clean... Well that doesn't matter when the stringers are made out of crappy pine 2x4s nailed together.... All new stringers being installed now using solid black locust.... Rot resistant and the stringers will out last me.
  20. A lot of guys go through Utah....
  21. Tunnel drive
  22. Sulley.....I've been shooting an 870 super for 15 years.... Never shot low brass out of it. The only thing I've done to it, is replace the recoil pad....2x. Lol....that's how many rounds I have through it.....
  23. Back when Pat Distaffen first made NK's out of his house, my father and Capt. Caz Pizzo would go over and help put split rings and hooks on the spoons. Ive Had Pat Sr. on the boat before , trying new spoon designs. He was a great guy and really cared about the fishery... especially Rochester. I'm not sure what happened to the company after his passing, but the NK spoon continues to be part of my first string for Kings. Hopefully someone can get ahold of the dies and resurrect a really good blank.
  24. John.... When it comes to Diver hunting, the J pattern is a basic start... We are constantly adjusting the spread until we have the birds bury into the pocket. You will handcuff yourself with a net rig. I run a major long line from downwind and I have a few blocks as stoppers at the tip of the hook... The key is, are the birds gonna flare at the stoppers, or are they gonna try to land with em. Everyday is different. Being able to improvise and adapt put more birds on our straps...Good luck. If we don't get some colder weather, then we are going to have a long late season...
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